View Full Version : a thought

08-30-2005, 07:40 AM
I was just thinking about all the media warnings informing people that tobacco is addictinve.. well if people are constantly reminded that they are addicted to tobacco they will subconciously believe it more and more each time and even someone with enough will power to stop will sucome to thier subconcious believe that they are addicted caused by the warnings

08-30-2005, 06:02 PM
Good point.
I commonly hear people saying:(paraphrased)

" I wish I could quit but Im addicted after so many years of smoking cigs"

me: "how many times have you tried?"

"Ive never actually tried to quit because I know I cant so why bother setting myself up for failure."

A fine example of psycologically conditioning weak willed people.

08-31-2005, 06:56 PM
fuck that u can stop anything ur little heart desires..if ui dont want it , it wont happen..but ive tried to stop smokng cigg...cutr down and everytime some shit happens i just go right back..its definatly a psycholoigical thing