View Full Version : Please help!! Just got busted

08-29-2005, 11:25 PM
Heres the story, me and a friend of mine drove to a friends, about 15 miles from where I live. We got caught hotboxing my friends car, and the officers pulled us over, and put us all in a car, they didnt handcuff us, but they did write our information on what looked like a white rectangular card, or paper. They took the weed, pipes, bubler, and scale, the officers then told us our rights, and then told us they werent going to arrest us, or take us in, but they did say they were giong to write a report and then I would get a court notice in the mail. After that, they let us go, which two of us are minors but they didnt call our parents. The funny thing about it is, is they didnt give us any tickets or anything, even though they said we were going to be charged.
My question is, do you need to have a ticket to go to court? If so why didnt they write us one? Were they just trying to scare us?? When one of the officers took my friends bubbler, he showed it to the other female officer and her response to it was "Niiice" so, do u think these cops cud have just been fucking with us??

08-30-2005, 03:52 AM
Im pretty sure they will usually tell you straight up when ticketing you...I think your safe..except for all the stuff they took.

08-30-2005, 07:24 AM
Oh yah, you got a good brush with the law and your a minor, of course they fucking with you when its maryjane in your pocket, EVERYONE smokes the good herbal.

Doobie Snax
08-31-2005, 09:33 PM
They were probably trying to scare you and took your shit for themselves, seems viable

09-07-2005, 01:23 AM

Were you guys all in your home town by any chance.

If so, tell ya a story about one of our buds parents back in school days who knew one of the town cops and paid the cop a hundred bucks to do something just like that to him when he first got his license.

Always friggin wondered if my own parents didn't pitch in on the deal.

My pahhtyin' style (location anyway) got a little less daring after that one I can tell ya. But ya know what. I got high anyway... ? :p ?

10-13-2005, 05:45 AM
you got jacked

10-13-2005, 06:22 AM
they are taking their info to the da's office and if s/he chooses to press charges you'll be notified by mail...usually registered mail. the only thing that may cause you probs are the scales. why the hell are you driving around with scales anyway??? they're always used as main evidence in a sales trial. THINK!!!

10-14-2005, 10:32 PM
i think ur ass got jackt taht suycks

10-15-2005, 08:09 PM
Learned any valuable lessons?

(Hint: Don't smoke in public :p )

10-16-2005, 12:38 AM
you were speeding and you had all that shit in your car? anyway your a juvenile so no big deal I mean they dident even take you in.

10-16-2005, 01:32 AM
Heres the story, me and a friend of mine drove to a friends, about 15 miles from where I live. We got caught hotboxing my friends car, and the officers pulled us over, and put us all in a car, they didnt handcuff us, but they did write our information on what looked like a white rectangular card, or paper. They took the weed, pipes, bubler, and scale, the officers then told us our rights, and then told us they werent going to arrest us, or take us in, but they did say they were giong to write a report and then I would get a court notice in the mail. After that, they let us go, which two of us are minors but they didnt call our parents. The funny thing about it is, is they didnt give us any tickets or anything, even though they said we were going to be charged.
My question is, do you need to have a ticket to go to court? If so why didnt they write us one? Were they just trying to scare us?? When one of the officers took my friends bubbler, he showed it to the other female officer and her response to it was "Niiice" so, do u think these cops cud have just been fucking with us??

true story last time i got caught i was just walking down my road smoking a joint and the neibours called cops saying a young thug was action suspect so anywho they came and called me over(i saw them coming and tried walking other way) asked what im doin i said smoking wed they took it off me said thanks your for co-operation and gave me a RECIEPT apparently the coppa said if they confiscat anything from you they have to give a form of receipt