View Full Version : "probable cause"

08-19-2005, 03:14 PM
Does it count as "probable cause" if the officer says that he smells pot? Please fill me in.

08-20-2005, 03:37 AM
it'd be probibal cause if they are suspicious of marijuana use or posession, so yep, they could search ur car

09-01-2005, 01:40 AM
Probable cause is getting easier and easier for cops to take advantage of. I won't bore you, but the Supreme and Circuit courts are really starting to go overboard with what cops can do. So, that probably does amount to probable cause. Just to let you know, it looks like any traffic stop (even for a busted tail-light) is beginning to resemble probable cause. The smartest thing is to never keep grass in your car or drive high (but we all know that is never going to happen). Fucking pigs.

09-01-2005, 06:41 AM
They really do not need even that anymore. Under the Patriot Act they only need to have a suspicion and that can be your refusal to search. Under that act, the mere disagreement with any law in the United States is treason. They wont hang you, but all your rights are gone. Not that you had any left anyway we are such suckers.

Probable cause is a shit on your head anyway. Probable cause only works once you are already fucked. You see brother, the idea is to get you into the system, take your stash and make you pay, pay, pay. Probable cause cases cost more than when you capitulate and cop to a lesser fee, I mean plea.


Never sign a single paper they put in front of you. Refuse to acknowledge your name in ALL CAPS and do not sign anywhere they changed your name to DEFENDANT. NEVER rise when they ask 'will the defendant rise." Once you do that you are fucked. They need you to VOLUNTEER to take that position, donā??t do it, they are fucked, you will be free in 48 hours. Can you take 48 hours no food, and mind fucking? Than you can beat those dicks. They would not ask you to rise and say you are the DEFENDANT unless it was important for you to claim to be something other than your proper person (your name in upper and lower case is your mark). You can beat these storm troopers with knowledge, knowledge is power. 48 hours in jail, can you take it?

09-02-2005, 01:00 AM
same thing as Alchohol on your breath, the smell of the sticky icky is probable cause.

09-11-2005, 06:25 PM
is a pack of rolling papers considered paraphanalia? thats how the cop got his probable cause and i was then asked to step of the veheicle and he said "due the mj paraphanalia i have probable cause to search your vehcile". then i was busted? is that considered a legal arrest and search?

09-13-2005, 06:51 PM
yup,fair and square.be smart and dont drive with drugs!!

09-13-2005, 08:00 PM
is a pack of rolling papers considered paraphanalia? thats how the cop got his probable cause and i was then asked to step of the veheicle and he said "due the mj paraphanalia i have probable cause to search your vehcile". then i was busted? is that considered a legal arrest and search?
rolling papers are legal

10-04-2005, 08:46 PM
i got searched because the officer saw a pack of rolling papers in my glove box when i opened it to give him my registration. later, after being frisked and having the car searched, they told me to keep my papers w/ my tobacco. see, i roll my own cigarettes. had the papers been in my tobacco pouch, they said they wouldn't have searched. even if you don't smoke tobacco, think about buying some loose tobacco... it may be good cover for carrying rolling papers.

10-05-2005, 03:11 AM
one night, had about a half an eigth of chronic in my glove department, got pulled over for not coming to a complete stop at a stop sign. asked for my registration, realized my weed was in there, so i got nervous. gave him my liscense, and when i opened up my glove department, i pulled up on the registration thing i have, to block the weed, and he put the flashlight on the glove department. i was able to slide out the registration while blocking the weed, barely.

was never more scared in my life, thought i was fucked.