View Full Version : God's green earth

08-03-2005, 08:46 PM
Discussion :)
Hello folks, Im shore the buds have been around longer than man on this green earth . Why do 3/4 of the people sign apon us normal folk who use what he has gave us (plants)and grows in the wild . I offer my free time to help in any efforts to make it "legal" here. It deeply sadens me to see that our puny politicians and people who drink alchohol so look down on bud smoking folk. When bud smoking is as harmful or less harmful than drinking to much alchohol or being medicaded with oxycotin.Is petitions what we all need to submit to our congressmen? If so I would think if we got 1/2 of PA's population to sign I bet we would get some real attention, so I have been attaching a link to these forums on my signature to the other online communities Im involved with . Now if we got say 1-2 persons per county to go door to door this would be great if this would help. I do not know how to perceed so any help would be great . We need to pass on these forums by word of mouth which I do whenever I pick up or whenever In my bar.