View Full Version : STOP WORRYING

05-26-2004, 02:16 AM
Hi There,

I'm from the south east of england and 2 years ago I moved to denmark and I had the biggest shock when I got here. People here are growing weed outside with GREAT results and Ive always thought that I had to spend loadsa money on shit for plants.
So this year I got some seeds from my father in law and he told me to start them in pots indoors and put them on the window sill and where ever the sun shines through the window move the plant to there. So I started off 28 seeds(hoping that if 5-10 came up I was laughing.)
In the morning they were in the kitchen and in the afternoon the were in the living room. Then when they broke the soil MAN did they break.Out of 28 i put in 25 came up (I SHIT YOU NOT!!!!!) and I bought some big plastic pots for like 50p or something they were cheap as hell and repotted them. They are growing like hell. I didnt quite know how big to grow them to before they had to go outside, so what I done was put 1 out to see how it did. It almost stopped growing and the stem turned red and then it got munched by bugs. So I havent put anymore out till they are bigger. I find ALOT of people who are posting questions in here are worrying way too much I mean come on its a plant it will grow but NOT if you keep tampering with it. LEAVE THEM ALONE TO DO THERE OWN THING!!!!! This is a NATURAL not a MAN MADE plant of course it will grow outside..............'GOD' didnt make weed so it could ONLY be grown with human interference, it will fair well enuff on its own. One thing I have learnt from the Danes it some times less is more. Water it and then let nature take its cause.....................When picking a spot choose it wisley and think about whether any other plant would survive there ie..a plant aint gonna grow a shaded area. give it alot of sun and MAKE SURE YOUR PLANTS ARE BIG ENOUGH TO COMPETE WITH THE OTHER PLANTS AROUND IT.....REMEMBER NATURE IS ALL ABOUT SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST.

Peace :cool:

05-26-2004, 02:32 AM
any advise is welcome
i have no clue what it will do in the UK outdoor

but in the USA where i am,
oudoor is better than any indoor as far as flavor and buzz goes and i think its becuase they dont flush the weed and rush the grow,
faster aint better.

05-26-2004, 10:00 AM
I agree with Ivan weed dont need to be messed with its just like a weed plant ur parents pull up in there garden it grows anywhere!


duppy man
05-26-2004, 09:01 PM
I'll take your word for that but in the ever changing climate in the UK....sunshine, hail and rain all in the same day may play havoc with young plants,,, it must be great being 99% certain what the weather will be doing next week..

05-27-2004, 11:38 AM
Im growing outside in denmark not england.Denmark is colder than in uk too but as long as you give em a good start indoors on the window sill or under lights if ya want by the begining june Im gonna put mine outside. there aint too much rain in the summer and the temp aint gonna go too low either. I really think you can have sucess.In uk no probs. Right now the temp here is 20/21 the temp aint gonna go much below that and its the summer time so better weather to come. I fully understand that the weather back home in uk is ever changing but you wont know till ya try will ya!

05-27-2004, 11:48 AM
Also bare in mind that ok it may not be the same quality as the dam shit but its gonna save you alot of money by growing ya own.Try this year if it doint work think how you can make it better the next year. Trial and error

virgil cane1865
05-31-2004, 12:32 AM
i agree 100% with ivan let it grow and leave it alone

06-21-2004, 12:00 AM
Ivan from England my ass, your Russian dont deny your herritage.