View Full Version : Big difference?

05-04-2004, 08:07 PM
How much of a difference would there be in my final product if i used compact flourescents instead of a real grow light for flowering. Keep in muing i would use alot of these compact flourescent lights.

05-06-2004, 12:52 AM

This sitation is trubling me...i depends on the wattage and the kind of light range...but you will use flowering light so its red...hummm....i think that if you use a 400w hps with a 1000mh when you flower and if you use (in a diffrent grow) 1600 wats of compact fluo...i guess that the fluos will have the best rate...why? a 20w compact fluo USES 20w of light but PRODUCES over 60 watts (aproximation....but usually its more than the duble..usually...it depends on the luigth etc etc). But if you use less han 1600w of fluo...now the HID's will win the contest ;)

hope this will help

P.S: im pretty shure that what i sayed its correct...but correct me if im wrong...im comparing with my 4 year experience...anyway)