View Full Version : thinking of something

04-29-2004, 01:26 AM
i am growing a plant that is almost a foot tall and has very fat and short leaves and i want to harvest it earlier than october or so. so i was thinking in a few weeks i could put it under my house into complete darkness to make it flower earlier and it is kind of damp down there and i was just wondering if this would be ok. thanks for the help

04-29-2004, 02:07 AM

If you can afford a dehumidifier it would be ok, but this plant can support 60% of humidity very well, but dont water the plant, the humidity in the air can give the plant what it needs but don't completly stop watering, maybe 1 time at each 3 days will be good. But don't let the plant more than 1 week in toal darkness because it will start to get yellow and then you will say:" My leaves are yellow what do i do?" then ppl reply " ferts ferts ferts" and the plant eventually dies....anyway its was a dramatic interpretation of what can happen.....anyway

see ya hope this will help ;)

05-03-2004, 11:27 PM
Why would he leave it under there a week instead of 12 hours?

05-04-2004, 05:09 PM
Because, apparently he plans to grow outdoors, and if you only had an initial 12 hr dark period the plant would be confused the very next day outside. Not enough time to fully tansition to flowering. But a week, you're right, much too long.

So, xtcistheshit, outside right? How long of a flower period are you thinking of? It seems to me that the whole point of harvesting sept - oct is because of the length of day that time of year. It is natural for them to become due then. I am not even sure you can get a good healthy flower cycle in this way. But, I am just a grind it out inside kinda guy. :cool: