View Full Version : A bit paranoid of the cops right now... listen to my story...

05-14-2005, 07:57 PM
The cops are after me in this small, Pleasantville-like town. I don't know if there exists a more Conservative town in the world. Me! They're after me!

Let me introduce myself.
I'm a junior at the local state university, studying mechanical engineering. I deliver pizzas to pay for school. Two weeks ago I volunteered to go help sandbag a flooding area of town. I even regularaly volunteer to go singing hymns at a retirememnt home.

I am a firm believer of the Golden Rule. I always treat others how I'd like to be treated.

I also fell in love with Mary Jane about a year ago.

And the cops are after ME!

I keep Mary Jane to myself, I hardly ever smoke with other people, frankly because I know very few people who smoke around here. I've never dealt, or anyhting like that. I just like Mary Jane!

A couple of weeks ago the cops were over at my neighbor's house. I had just bought a sack from him the day before! I was freaked out! I finally got a hold of him a few days later and he told me that the cops were there for something else. His room mates were stealing computers from the university. But he said weed wasn't an issue in his case, so I quit worying that they pressured him into giving my name, as being a user of mj.

My manager at work, also a good friend of mine, has a sister who is a police dispatcher for the city. I asked my friend if she would ask her sister to look up my record, to see if the cops had me on some list because my neighbor or someone else had squealed on me.

I just found out yesterday that my friend called her sister from work and appearantly the call was flagged at the station because just minutes later after she called, an officer called her back asking for me! I had just left work and she did a good job of not giving any information when the cop asked about my car, which way I left, etc. When my friend asked what this was all about he said that it was because I am "associated with narcotics" and someone had just called from my store about me!

This is crazy! Associated with Narcotics! I am so pissed off at the closed minded politics around here. They consider a personal marijuana user as a narcotics dealer just because that's what they've been told marijuana is like. "Holy crap! This kid smokes marijuana! We gotta lock him up for years!"

I'm pissed that now I have to be paranoid of them spying on me now. For goodness sakes! They were trying to find me at work the other day!

Does anyone have any suggestions of exactly how paranoid I should be. What do they do with names they get from people they arrest?

This town is really annoying me!

Have a good day, yall.


05-14-2005, 09:54 PM
man chill out they arn't going to be spying on you. what they have at most is some bull shit the guy down the street said.

05-15-2005, 03:12 AM
Well, make sure you don't have any evidence in your house... and try not carry more weed than you can eat for a while... If they came lookign for you, that sounds kinda bad. Good luck on avoiding the man!

05-15-2005, 03:33 AM
No weed in the house? That'd be so sad. I figure in my room is the safest place, considering my car could be searched for whatever reason.

I've been researching the search and seizure laws in my state. I figure I'm safe from them busting down my door, but I'll sure be careful not to have anything in the car!

05-15-2005, 04:18 AM
paranoia runs deep... :p

05-16-2005, 10:37 PM
dont talk to cops, u should never had someone call the cops. dont worry about it ur not selling it. they probably wanted to know who u get your stuff from.dont tell them nothin and they aint got nothin

05-16-2005, 11:31 PM
dude the cops most likely want to talk to you about him and his involvment with his friends who are stealing comuters...chill out ... just get ride of you're stuff (have a friend hold on to it our something, i had to once) and wait for them to come get u ... don't do anything werid to make you're self look suspoiours... but ya man they most likely just want to talk to u about you're friends friends stealing computers....

05-17-2005, 02:33 PM
In my town, the cops don't care about crap like this. They'd probably just take the joint out of your mouth, ask where you bought from, and tell you to go away. I couldn't imagine someone getting called at work because some dude said that you smoke weed. That's fucking retarded. Your cops need to find real work.

05-17-2005, 02:53 PM
They probably have bigger fish to fry. And BTW you are doing some Illegal, so you know you should expect some expectations.

05-23-2005, 05:46 AM
paranoia will destroy ya

05-23-2005, 02:34 PM
This guy is full of shit. If anyone bothered to read another post by "QueenB" the writing style is practically the same and they both use "Associated with narcotics" as a quote the police used. No police officer is going after somebody who they suspect might have bought a gram of weed SOME TIME ago. Stop disrespecting this thread or the intelligence of the people who read it.

05-23-2005, 02:36 PM
Also another quick note to further question this asshole's bullshit. In the post i mentioned that comes right before this one by "QueenB" (B for bullshit) notice the times where they were both posted...a six minute difference. I hope the administrator takes note (after a quick toke of course:)

05-24-2005, 12:11 AM
I'm paranoid everyday. Thats why The Health Department won't let me drink anymore.
So unfortunatly I'm not a practicing alcoholic right now. And without a Good man like George Bush as president I'd still be drinking.

05-24-2005, 06:39 AM
Well, make sure you don't have any evidence in your house... and try not carry more weed than you can eat for a while... If they came lookign for you, that sounds kinda bad. Good luck on avoiding the man!

Actually I'd keep it in the house, because they'd need a warrant to search the house. Just hide it in a really good spot. Don't keep it in your car or anything.

05-24-2005, 09:05 AM
If anyone bothered to read another post by "QueenB" the writing style is practically the same and they both use "Associated with narcotics" as a quote the police used.
Also another quick note to further question this asshole's bullshit. In the post i mentioned that comes right before this one by "QueenB" (B for bullshit) notice the times where they were both posted...a six minute difference. I hope the administrator takes note (after a quick toke of course:)

Ha! Ha! Ha! I guess you caught me. I really have multi-personalities and one of them posted another story under a different name six minutes before. I guess I better report myself to the administrator.

As a follow-up to the story, it turns out that my friend's sister did look up my record and found on the city police's notes that someone had called in suspecting me of smoking weed. The complaintant was listed as Dominos. Apparently, when my friend called her sister from Dominos it raised some suspicion and they sent an officer to look for me.

It really is lame. Here in my town the cops actually do go after even users of marijuana. They have nothing else to do!

Looking at it from their prespective, I suppose it does work, though. Make everyone too paranoid to smoke, and no one in the city will dare to do so.

I guess I need to learn to be careful, but relax when I'm smoking in the privacy of my own room. Never can be too careful, I suppose.

05-24-2005, 12:52 PM
crazy asshole

Kid Dynamite
05-24-2005, 05:50 PM
dude...head down to Ammunation, buy yourself a pair of shotguns. Then take them home and them off half a dozen inches from the ned, and then hide them under a big coat, head down to the police station, kick open the door, whip them out and start blasting.

Laugh maniacally while your doing it.

Should do the trick.

05-24-2005, 08:01 PM
man the cops dont give a fuck if they' heard u smoke weed' really man they only give a shit about dealers, or if theyve caught u before..chill out

05-24-2005, 08:35 PM
Are you guys fucking higher than usual!? why are you still giving him advice on what to do when he already confessed to making the whole thing up!? I stopped in this thread because i thought people would have giving him a stern reprimand and i find people living out his fantasy some more. Idiots and assholes.

05-26-2005, 12:21 AM
im the goose

mellow mood
05-26-2005, 12:41 AM
go in the bahamas

Breukelen advocaat
05-27-2005, 04:46 AM
Are you guys fucking higher than usual!? why are you still giving him advice on what to do when he already confessed to making the whole thing up!? I stopped in this thread because i thought people would have giving him a stern reprimand and i find people living out his fantasy some more. Idiots and assholes.

The guy's "confession" was not serious - and his story sounds reasonably credible to me (I'm not high).
I am a VERY skeptical person, and have posted similar messages regarding unlikely scenarios; this one does not seem made-up.

As far as having a similar "writing style" as someone else - that's no proof at all that he (or she) is posting under different identities.

Anyway, I don't think he has much to worry about. If he's still concerned, I'd recommend talking to a lawyer. That should quell his fears.

05-27-2005, 02:26 PM
Are you guys fucking higher than usual!? why are you still giving him advice on what to do when he already confessed to making the whole thing up!? I stopped in this thread because i thought people would have giving him a stern reprimand and i find people living out his fantasy some more. Idiots and assholes.
So ignore it if it makes you that crazy!

05-27-2005, 05:40 PM
yeh...that sounds like a good plan. So while there are real issues going on and piles of other threads to focus on, I'm just going to sit and do nothing while someone intentionally puts out false claims to distract us from getting down to business and talking about REAL situations that ACTUALLY happened.

06-06-2005, 06:10 PM
Are you guys fucking higher than usual!? why are you still giving him advice on what to do when he already confessed to making the whole thing up!? I stopped in this thread because i thought people would have giving him a stern reprimand and i find people living out his fantasy some more. Idiots and assholes.

he asked for advice, so he's getting it. as far as im aware, he's just a bit worried about being caught by the man, a common fear amongst stoners. as for you, all you've been trying to do is blast someone and everybody. i believe YOU are the idiot and asshole, my friend.

08-18-2005, 05:02 AM
guys you dont fucking small town cops
Small town cops will fuck with you follow you for no reason pull you over for doing 62 in a 60 and spread shit about you and tell people to watch you and inform on you. Which can be a real pain in the ass.