View Full Version : advice needed for drug test 45 days clean

07-11-2013, 01:11 AM
Hello all im new to the site and this is my first post..Ive been an avid pot smoker since my teens im now 35 and have been off and on throughout the years..I had quit smoking last November and started smoking again in march and stopped smoking again may 27th..I was smoking about a gram a day or a bowl more or so of topshelf bud..

Since this april Ive been working out "treadmill" burning 250-350 calories per walk + push-ups and 1hr walks before or after treadmill..im 6'0 240 lbs Ive lost about 35 lbs in 3 months..anyhow when I stopped smoking end of may I really hit the treadmill even harder everyday sweating,cardio and shadowboxing with 3lb hand weights and still doing the walks inbetween and mtn bike rides....I was on a lean diet and really reduced my portions and junkfood intake..Ive been drinking more water and juice and really watching my calories and fat calories..

I now have about 43 days clean or so and I have a pre-employment drug test coming up on Friday or Monday..that would be 45-48 days clean by then..oh Ive also been drinking cranberry juice and vitamin water with vitamin B..im kind of stressed out about this test I really need this job and the pay is great and it is just what I need right now..Im not working out this week and taking it easy and eating fatty foods..I plan on drinking at least 1 liter of cranberry juice and a couple bottles of water in the hrs before the test and try to urine a few times before the test and when I do fill the test cup it will be at midstream..what do you guys think out there?just trying to get some feedback from you pros out there ;) any advice would be greatly appreciated..I will follow up with results

Burnt Toast
07-11-2013, 01:47 AM
Pick up a home THC test kit and test yourself so you know where you actually stand. When testing yourself, be sure to use the first void of the day.

07-11-2013, 04:02 AM
Pick up a home THC test kit and test yourself so you know where you actually stand. When testing yourself, be sure to use the first void of the day.

thanks for the reply burnt toast..I actually bought 3 dollartree test about an hour ago..I tested 2 of them and double lines indicate negative and single line is positive..first test showed 1 solid line and one faint line..the other test showed 1 dark line and one even fainter line that was kind of hard to see but was very very lightly there..anyhow I gave the last test to a person who does not smoke and both lines were solid dark no problem indicating negative of course..im pretty nervous because this is a dot test and will show up on my dot report as a dirty drug test and will hurt me for other jobs as well..I don't know what to do :(

Burnt Toast
07-11-2013, 11:40 AM
There is no meaning attributed to the intensity of a line. Even synthetic urine controls (which contain no drug metabolites at all) can produce a faint line on an assay. A faint line is still a line, which is a negative.

If youre still not convinced, you can always substitute for the actual U/A, using the clean urine of the person whom youve given your last home test to. Subbing is easy on a DOT test in that DOT tests are unobserved unless you had been suspected of tampering.

07-11-2013, 04:03 PM
There is no meaning attributed to the intensity of a line. Even synthetic urine controls (which contain no drug metabolites at all) can produce a faint line on an assay. A faint line is still a line, which is a negative.

If youre still not convinced, you can always substitute for the actual U/A, using the clean urine of the person whom youve given your last home test to. Subbing is easy on a DOT test in that DOT tests are unobserved unless you had been suspected of tampering.

again thank you for the reply..your advice is greatly appreciated..I now understand why you said to take the test with first void of day..I did drink a lot of fluids yesterday and my urine was very diluted when I took the home test..anyhow last night I went and bought some b2 and creatine supplements and im now taking them..test will be either tomorrow or Monday..I have a good feeling that i'll be ok..im not sure how this lab will test so I don't know if im safe to bring a warm bottle of clean urine with me..from my experience every lab has a different method of testing..some are supervised,some have you empty your pockets and some have you strip down and put on a gown..if I was familiar with the lab then I would be comfortable bringing a bottle wrapped in a hand warmer..but im going in here unaware as a first timer and not familiar with their procedures..thanks a lot for the help this really helps

Burnt Toast
07-11-2013, 04:30 PM
anyhow last night I went and bought some b2 and creatine supplements and im now taking them..test will be either tomorrow or Monday If youre going the Dilution route, you need to begin creatine-loading at least 3 days before the scheduled U/A. It takes 2-3 days for the body to convert the creatine into creatinine (the end waste product that is found in urine and tested for at the labs to determine an overdiluted sample). Creatinine levels must be over 20 mg/dL to be ruled "satisfactory".

im not sure how this lab will test so I don't know if im safe to bring a warm bottle of clean urine with me..from my experience every lab has a different method of testing..some are supervised,some have you empty your pockets and some have you strip down and put on a gown. With DOT testing, there are regulations and protocols that all practicing labs must adhere to. Labs are in no position to go rogue. Failure to follow those regulations can result in some serious sanctions imposed by the Agency, including the loss of their lab certifications to conduct DOT testing. And since DOT testing is primarily a labs bread and butter, this would spell the end for them as a business.

Under DOT Rule Part 40, Section 40.61, the collector can have the donor remove jackets, hats, coveralls or other outer clothing. The collector can instruct the donor to empty the pockets. The collector cannot instruct the donor to remove other clothing (e.g., shirts, pants, dresses, underwear), to remove all clothing, or to change into a hospital or examination gown (unless the urine collection is being accomplished simultaneously with a DOT agency-authorized medical examination).
Source: DOT Rule 49 CFR Part 40 Section 40.61 | Department of Transportation (http://www.dot.gov/odapc/part40/40_61)

As far as observed collections, they can only be conducted for the following conditions outlined under Section 40.67 of the DOT regs:
DOT Rule 49 CFR Part 40 Section 40.67 | Department of Transportation (http://www.dot.gov/odapc/part40/40_67)

And the rest of the regulations can be found here: Procedures for Transportation Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs | Department of Transportation (http://www.dot.gov/odapc/part40?proc=)

A "must-read" for anyone facing a DOT test. They exist for your protection as well as anyone else participating.

Know your rights and the regulations.

07-11-2013, 05:00 PM
wow! very educational! thanks so much for taking the time to help me out on this!I really appreciate that..if I test Monday creatinine levels should be ok as far as bringing a bottle I believe I got action on that! I may go that route just to be safe..small 8oz bottle of clean urine and a pocket warmer should do the trick :thumbsup:

07-11-2013, 07:23 PM
I think im going to go with the substitution method..I really don't have a choice I cannot miss out on this opportunity by all means..its not fair that heavier drug users can pass a test in 3 days and us friendly pot smokers are screwed for 3 months!

whats the safest way to do this? anyone?
heres what im thinking..I'll use an 8oz container of clean urine from my clean friend and wrap it with an activated pocket warmer..that will keep the urine at 98 degrees..any recommendations?

Burnt Toast
07-11-2013, 09:26 PM
I think im going to go with the substitution method..I really don't have a choice I cannot miss out on this opportunity by all means..its not fair that heavier drug users can pass a test in 3 days and us friendly pot smokers are screwed for 3 months!

whats the safest way to do this? anyone?
heres what im thinking..I'll use an 8oz container of clean urine from my clean friend and wrap it with an activated pocket warmer..that will keep the urine at 98 degrees..any recommendations?Read up on N2's Substitution thread found here:

Also, N2 has quite a few posts elsewhere that deal with subbing on a DOT U/A. They can all be found by utilizing the Advanced Search feature, using his username.

You should do some practice drills, using warmed water in place of urine. For checking temp, baby forehead "stick on"-type temp strips can be used. They can be found at your local chain pharmacy store.

8 oz is overkill and not necessary. 2 oz (60 ml) is all you need, which is more than enough - DOT requires only 45 ml of sample. The sample is then split 30/15, in which the split must be performed in your view, as outlined in the DOT regulations.

07-11-2013, 09:48 PM
im on it bt! thank you bud!
Im probably going to get one of those 4oz travel size shampoo bottles and rinse of course..I will practice tonight..if hand warmer gets it too hot I will need a thicker bottle or maybe wrap in a couple of paper towels..again I will practice tonight..thanks for the help on this

Burnt Toast
07-11-2013, 10:05 PM
Practice not only with the heating and stashing, but also practice pouring from the sub container to a cup. Make note of the temperature drop because a temp drop is expected when transferring liquids from a warmed container into a container of cooler temp. Depending on how "cold" the empty sample cup is, the temp drop can be as much as 5 degrees F . You dont want the temp drop to be drastic to the point where the temp falls out of the acceptable temp range (90-100 F).

Perhaps to overcome this condition, I always "prewarm" the empty sample cup at the facility by tucking it under my armpit as I open the bathroom door, unzipping, etc. After pouring the sample into the cup, further temp drops are avoided when I grab several sheets of toilet paper and fabricate a makeshift "coaster" to set the filled sample cup on while I zip back up, etc.

The key to a successful sub is practice.

07-11-2013, 11:55 PM
thank you BT..with these great tips im confident i'll pass..I'll practice heating,stashing and pouring this evening and follow up..I would like to keep it as silent and discreet as possible..I plan on stashing it in my undergarments with the hand warmer on the entire time and I don't plan on removing it before I enter the facility..I will make sure that bottle reads 98-100..im going to get a fish tank thermometer the kind you stick on the side of the tank..should be about 2 bucks or so..thanks a lot for all the info and taking the time to reply..your knowledge is much appreciated..im really nervous about all of this and im sure I may even pass without all this trouble but I cant risk failing..im about 45 days clean today and again I excersised a lot throughout the detox time

07-12-2013, 04:19 PM
ok so I did little rehearsing last night..1st with 1 hand warmer and 1 toe warmer wrapped around a 3oz bottle..I put a reptile tank temp strip on bottle which goes up to 105 degrees..with the 2 warmers I was at 105 possibly a little higher..I drained water added fresh warm water at 90 degrees and used only the smaller toe warmer pad on the bottle..this brought me to 95 degrees and stood there for an hour or more..maybe I need it a tad warmer..so I plan on doing more practice over the weekend..im thinking I will use the 2 pads for about 30 minutes and get it to 105 and then remove 1 pad and leave the other on for a couple of hours..I did get a call yesterday saying that I am starting after the weekend and im not sure if I will be drug testing that day or not..it may be a surprise test which will catch me off guard..I still plan on packing the bottle on me all day and change pads on breaks or so..this is such bs! by then I should be 50 days clean from thc!I bought a dollar store test last night and gave a sample not diluted like the previous day..this time I was clearly positive..no faint line like the day before :confused:
Ive been taking b2 and creatine for the past 2 days and will continue throughout the weekend..whats my chances passing with my own specimen..maybe drink a few glasses of cranberry juice,coffee and water and of course b2 and creatine just in case its all bad to use the bottle??HELP!!

08-08-2013, 08:05 PM
just a follow up on this..I ended up successfully subbing for this test and I used a pocket warmer to keep urine warm..worked like a charm however I didn't get the job because of some other bs but that's another story..im going through the hiring process of another job now and I have a ua coming up next week sometime..so add 7 days to the clean time..I right now have about 70 days clean or so..I tried the home test last night for the 1st time in a few weeks and passed it with flying colors then this morning I tried another with first void of the day and failed 2! arghhhhh! frustrating! here we go again..any suggestions? I really don't want to have to go through the sub urine again..very risky