View Full Version : Took pee pee test Today.....Should i worry??

05-10-2005, 02:14 AM
i live in Cali and i do have a prescription for cannabis so my question is, Should i be worried about not getting the job? Or is it discrimination for them to not give me the job even though i am fully qualified for the position?

05-10-2005, 12:30 PM
do you have a prescription or RECOMENDATION as far i know there are only 7 people in the police states of america that have prescriptions if you are one of those fortunate 7 you should have no prob. if you have a recomendation you might look at this link for more info http://www.letfreedomgrow.com/ or try norml you would think any state or private co. jobs would accept the recomendation but you never know a job for the feds [ cival service ] may not recognize med. cannibis as a legal treatment for your condition good luck BTW there are many good jobs out there that dont require you giving up your 4th amendment rights my self id stand on the corner with a will work for food sign for the rest of my life before id piss in a cup for a job but thats just me if you are really good at what you do most employers wont give a damn about your personal life and thats the kind of employer we all should be looking for i f a company insists on a urine screen dont work for them and dont buy there products

05-11-2005, 03:34 AM
Yeah its a recommendation. Its not a job for civil service or any gov type. They called me back and said that i popped pos for THC. I told her, yeah i know i have a recommendation letter from my doctor. She said that she needs to talk to her insurance company to see if they can cover me medically. Did i mention that i am a disabled american veteran. Nothing stops me from functioning normal throughout the day, its just at night that i can't sleep. I hope they hook it up cause i could use 12 bucks an hour. Thanks for the link and stay hard ezjim...... :)

05-12-2005, 03:14 AM
Pee pee, what are five years old???

05-12-2005, 03:59 AM
Pee pee, what are five years old???

hey rysk8er, who taught you how to spoken???
dumbass :D

05-12-2005, 07:04 AM
ok im the idiot cuz i was stoned and forgot to type a word, fuck u at least i dont talk like a little bitch.

05-12-2005, 07:05 AM
By the way i hope u fail your stupid test u piece of shit