View Full Version : Marijuana: A REAL perspective

05-08-2005, 08:54 PM
Hi. My name is Nicholas and I'm a regular smoker. I've always browsed through message boards, cheering the persons who share my view and quizzically attempting to understand the reasonings of those that didn't. I was always content to sit back and contemplate how wacky our world is with all the murders, rapes and plain old-fashioned ass-holery we seem to put in the backseat so we can crack down on those damn dizzy stick users. However, all that changed a couple days ago when I was sitting in my room listening to the new 50 Cent album (i'm black by the way...it's not really that important but i intend to make a pertinent point off of it). My mum came home and didn't have the key so i had to open the door for her. She walked in, took one whiff off of my body and yelled at me like crazy talking about how could i be doing that and so forth. After she left, I went back inside my room and took the last few pulls off of my MJ thinking about what had happened. I didn't feel bad at all because when i thought about it...her being mad made NO GODDAMN SENSE. none at all! jesus of jupiter! it made NO SENSE...at all!

I can practically see all the anti-cannabis supporters shaking their heads and tsk tsking away saying...look at that asshole...doesn't even know he's hopelessly addicted. Well maybe I would be if you could find me one credible scientist with no politically beneficial affiliations or a degree with an actual P.H. on it. The whole point of me even starting a new thread was because I think we need to have (another) serious discussion about it.

Let me point out that YES i AM a canadian...YES i do find american policy to suck...big time...but NO i do not endorse outright "america bashing" against her citizens. It is true that alot of americans are loud and obnoxious and do tend to assert an air of superiority in their ignorance. It's true but c'mon guys alot of americans love pot as much as I do and it would be highly hypocritical to put them down when we all love the same substance that's supposed to advocate tolerance and respect for each other. And besides, even Canadians knock over another's maple syrup every now and again :o. Also, I spend alot of time in the Bahamas. The economic system here is VERY reliant on american tourism to survive, so american politics and current events are regarded alot more highly than Bahamian media. I say this so that when I make a comment about how things are going in America i KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT, especially with CNN and MSNBC as the forerunners of journalism.

Why is marijuana illegal? It's control people. Plain and simple. Control over the working man and control on where the money is going. Everyone who's ever given a shit and a half about why marijuana was made illegal in the first place knows that there WASN'T any in-depth scientific data recorded to infallibaly PROVE that marijuana was harmful, thus justifying nation-wide criminalisation...just a bunch of assholes like Anslinger (racist) and Rockefeller (don't know if he was a racist but he sure was a money-crazy fuck) who got insanely rich intentionally lying to the American public and taking advantage of lack of any PROOF to substantiate that THEY were wrong.

So what are the repercussions of this? Well for one, you got those crazy Mexicans out of the country (or so they had hoped) and you supress sympathy or empathy for those crazy jazz-playin' foot-tappin' *ig*ers! Why should anyone care anyway? Hell, as long as you were white, you had nothing to fear and all that great green paper rolls right out of their pockets and into upper middle-class america...and beyond! Hey, let's not forget those hard-working no-benefit (or thanks) receiving Chinese bastards! Wow, you have three minorities toiling away for months earning practically nothing and to show thanks and appreciation, you take away what they've earned both monetarily and recreationally? And that was just in the beginning! The truth is there was never any valid reasoning for marijuana's criminalisation and the fact that such a ridiculous law hasn't been thrown out on the grounds of sheer "man-that-was-fucking-stupid" shows that there was never really a care that there wasn't (all due respects to the AMA though).

"Hey wait a minute you self-righteous chicken *lover*! Marijuana is illegal in a whole PILE of other countries including Canada! Not just the United States!"
Yep, this is true, but let's stop and think for a bit. America is a goddamn juggernaut. Especially when it comes to smaller countries, you piss off america and you're fucked. Living in the Bahamas, you'd know that. The second a government as small and dependant on america decides to take its own "liberties" and uses its "freedom" to run the country how it sees fit, in this case actually giving a floating fuck about throwing good people in jail, america cuts down on aid and support. It's really sad. I can practically see the fart knockers in Washington, "Hey wait a minute, if we let those caribbean bastards make any real money off of pot then maybe they'd be less reliant on US....imagine...a whole country full of blacks that don't need to kiss our asses to live comfortably and well off...FUCK THAT!" (i should also point out that currently the Bahamian dollar is worth exactly the same as a US dollar meaning that we walk around and buy things with either our own currency or american, whichever we grab off of our desk drawer first).

I've got a whole LOT more to say but reading my post i'm annoyed that it's so long. If the feedback is good then i'd definitely be down for debating this further with ANYONE.

05-08-2005, 10:51 PM
well said dude most of my younger years were spent being very proud of being an american but all that changed with the reagen bush regime i love this country and have found that a good 90% of the people ive met across the land when they are alone are good friendly and helpful and in most cases even caring but for some reason when they get in large groups it seems to bring out the worst in them i miss being able to feel proud that im from america and truly fear that neither my kids or my self will ever have that feeling again and we have no one to blame but ourselves instaed of fighting over abortion religion left or right we should have been keeping our eye on what the govt is really doing in our name we are doomed

05-09-2005, 01:24 PM
Wow, you have three minorities toiling away for months earning practically nothing and to show thanks and appreciation, you take away what they've earned both monetarily and recreationally?

Quick note....I meant to say "Years" and not "months".

05-09-2005, 09:24 PM
man u should keep on goin that shit is interesting

cotch and bun
05-10-2005, 05:52 PM
ive always been confused at how a democratic country could ever try and criminalize the smoking of a herb that make people laugh a lot, eat a lot, talk with friends etcetc yet still condone the use of alcohol, a poisonous substance that can KILL you, causes a huge amount of violence and worst of all, makes ugly people look a lot nicer.
Time has shown that making drugs illegal is no real deterent against people doing them and just fills prison up with otherwise law abiding citizens who wouldnt dream of comitting a real crime. The amount of people that shmoke weed in Dam is no higher than in the rest of Europe or America either. God i wish i lived in a country where the government wasn't so stupid. But i guess i have it pretty good here in Britain where its been declassified into the same grade as steroids. If the police catch you they just confiscate your weed. (and probably smoke it when they get home)

05-10-2005, 07:16 PM
Great point cotch and bun. Truth is that the government knows exactly what it's doing and that marijuana criminalisation is a fruitless endeavour. Most likely, they may be able to make millions in revenue from legalisation but that's nothing compared to the potential BILLIONS from keeping it illegal. Drug dealers don't necessarily keep millions of dollars rotting in some leaky cellar all the time, so who do you think presents alot of banks to keep it in (after a thorough washing of course;)). Thankfully though, with the introduction of the Euro dollar, I predict that drug dealers will soon start to move money from the States to Europe. You guys have better privacy laws and your currency is worth more than America's which means alot more dirty money that can be carried around with less baggage. Hopefully this will wake people up and consider that maybe having a legalised cash crop wouldn't be so bad.

Lastly, also consider the standpoint that if you had a bunch of people smoking pot at their leasure we'd all be more receptive to thinking things through. Do you think for a minute any government...america canada fiji or goddamn care bear land would encourage people to actually stop and think for themselves for a change? We can't let the government push us around like automotons any more because that's where the real power lies.

mellow mood
05-11-2005, 10:48 PM
i read the first 3 paragraphes..(lol sorry) and i agree with you. governments makes propaganda anyway against cannabis. but governement must have a lot of pression form criminilazed groups like mafia coz those gangs are controlling the drug market, and they would loose a lot of money if cannabis would be legalized.

so government is makin propaganda, and ppl have real bad prejudice on it, even if they dont know a single thing about that. yes thats pissin off, but talk to your mother, and explain her your point of view, etc. it may help, or not. still, my mom was like that a bit on my first times of smokin, but now shes ok. it may just take a while.

anyway, good luck, and remember we have to continue fighting for legalizing the sacred herb!

doctor G
06-03-2005, 03:39 AM
I know it's long. Pleas read my post "A Brief History of the Politics of Cannabis" One of the interesting current facts is the number of European countries that no longer persecute cannabis crimes. The American lead on cannabis law is not being followed by the majority of industralized countries because it is not profitable to incrcerate a significent portion of the poplulation. The secret here is not to get angry, but to organize and vote. It's the money that causes the problems, read my posts for more information. Me? 35 year smoker with 4 children from 22-32. Lover of freedom and life. We can change the world see what the English, the Dutch, the French and the Spanish have done with cannabis laws recently.
Doctor G :cool:

06-03-2005, 10:52 PM
HEy i did read that post. i think i posted a reply but i do remember that it was reall interesting. we need more people like you guys to lead the masses.

06-04-2005, 04:22 AM
Yeah, I read your entire post, and I have to say...damn. Once I got done with the first paragraph I stopped paying attention to everything else and read it all within a couple minutes.

Me and my friends talk about this all the time. Why the HELL would the government make it illegal? In 2002, cannabis sales made over 11 BILLION dollars in the US, predicted. That figure can only have gone up since then, think about it. If they taxed it, they would make immense profit.
It's like an amusement park in itself. Someone goes out to a bar or designated area and buys some pot, with tax. They then get stoned, get hungry, happy, giddy etc. They call up some friends, they all smoke more taxed pot, go out...get food, go to the mall, buy things. One purchase leads to another. How does that NOT help the economy?

I also think it is literally.fucking.ridiculous that they're putting good people in PRISON just because they smoke a plant that God gave us, and glorifies in the Bible. Alcohol CAN kill you, but its also proven to be healthy having only a glass of wine a day. It cleans out the body. Smoking a joint a day cleans the mind and soul. Pot has made me a much better person. I've learned acceptance, patience, loyalty, and many other things.

Also, there have been studies done by GOVERNMENT FUNDED research centers proving that marijuana isn't as bad as the government said. The head researcher said that the effects are laughter, joy, an overall happiness, with some lethargy, hunger, and a possible side effect of dry mouth. The government read the study, and had it discredited and burned, making sure the least amount of people even HEARD about it as possible.

Land of the free, eh? Riiiight. It's like Dazed and Contributing said, freedom is real, just not in America.

doctor G
06-05-2005, 02:00 AM
Well let me throw one more crazy FACT at you. It's only illegal to posess, smoke ,transport, or use cannabis if you don't have a tax stamp. And yes, there are about a dozen stamps issued every year. Funny huh? Current stamps are only issued for , wait for it , anti drug research!! Sounds fair to me. REGISTER ,PARTICIPATE,VOTE!! It's YOUR freedom at stake!!!!
Doctor G

06-05-2005, 05:27 AM
think about this if drugs are leagilized then most drug dealers will be screwed that means violence would probaly(no offence to people that sell) think about it all you hear about is drug related violece deals that when bad etc. etc. plus they talk about how drug money is used to fund terrorists well wouldend it really fuck'em over if we legalized it

06-05-2005, 01:06 PM
I am also in doc g's age group. We need the younger generation to turn out and vote. I know you think it does'nt make a difference, I felt the same way. It makes all the difference in the world. It's not all about the president either. If that was the case then california and other states would not be able to have medical pot laws. This type of effort begins at the local level. This is our first step in getting our voices heard. Voting for judges, city council members, mayors, county commissioners and other local officials is just as important as voting for the next idiot running for president. You have to find out which politicians are on your side. They can't throw you in jail for asking a canidate how he/she feels about marijuana laws. We have a politician in our state house that has been trying to pass a law where possession of less than two ounces is nothing more than a traffic ticket. I have written my locally elected officials in the state house to voice my support for his new bill. If I am the only one than his and my effort will go unnoticed. So far we are a democracy, but this can all change when people just sit around getting high and do nothing.

06-05-2005, 10:08 PM
The perception that the U.S. economy would slow if it were legal. Internal research at the white house says the jobs lost fighting marijuana school funding with up to 40% drop in alcohol sales cancer research high paying jobs would be lost and alot more to long to list would devastate state budgets across the country. most people would grow it themself. This is why Bush wont let it go legal he sees it as the most pressing threat to the U.S. If we can prove it wont slow the economy it would be legal.