View Full Version : A Marianna Song

05-03-2005, 05:40 AM
I would like to show you a very cool song made up of hip hop music, and the Bibe Scriptures explaining many aspects of how it is holy, right, and prescribed by God for us.

Some of our students have taken this song to their AA, DA, CDC, ETC.
and have had very good results in showing that we must celebrate the passover by eating unleavened bread and bitter herbs (canna).

The song is called Marianna. Jack Nicholson also speaks some words in it.


05-03-2005, 09:01 AM
it's quality !! fuckin good i like it's got a good message like they way they put it.

06-03-2005, 08:16 AM
Chillin!! We are glad you like it. It is all scripture that is being read in the song and no personal interpretation.
When we found out the truth about mari, we looked at doctors and lawyers in a whole new light, or should I say darkness.

However, this is why we then made a song called hip hop hypocrites which will add to the mari song to explain why they lied to us about mj using the scriptures to explain all about Doctors and Lawyers and the "fruit" of their doings.

It is on the same link I added in the previous post.


06-03-2005, 12:39 PM
a cool marijuana song...

phish - marijuana

06-03-2005, 05:45 PM
Good reply guy, lets fly,
and lets celebrate being free seeing we won't ever die,
since we didn't buy the lie, the truth is so good it brings a tear to my eye. Ahh I sigh!!