View Full Version : kinda random

04-03-2004, 07:19 PM
just a random question
what was the one defining moment in your life when you just feel at peace with yourself and everything around you? or just a defining moment in general?
interested to hear the answers.
one that really sticks out in my mind was on the fourth of july when i was 15. me and my friends went to watch fireworks in this huge park and one of my friends asked the ice cream guy if we could sit on the roof of the truck to watch the fire works. he let us and just lying there being closer to the sky than anyone there, being with friends that you love, not having any worries or cares, i dunno i just felt complete at that one moment and i knew i was going to remember that moment for the rest of my life.

mellow mood
04-04-2004, 01:32 AM
hmm, hard to say. one thing i think tought, is that drugs wont make u really hapier. i think just being yourself, takin life as a gift, and not be a slave of society's ideas, or whatever, like being superficial, or money, is a part of happiness.many ppl think having lot of money, or to have material, like cars, and everything will make them happier, and i think it just gives u a false idea of what to be real happy, deep in your heart means. i think too, to research your own meaning of life, and to accoplish your true dreams, can make u happy. and last thing, think that society is crazy, that ppl are mostly sad and they dont even know who they are. the world is now slave of material, and our lives are now so easier than before that u just have to exist, instead of living. before, ppl was surviving, now, we are existing, thats all. maybe thats why there are many suicide and ppl are unhappy.i dont say i found happiness, im only 15 and i have much things to learn, but i think im on the road to be it. oh and, ppl think that life is resumed to that: going to school, going to university, having a job that pays, then go to their home, watching tv, and tomorrow to go again working, an repeating this many years, before they understood they werent happy, and that, just before they die. so thats it, its a small part of what i think, but this is my opinion...


04-04-2004, 04:02 PM
i agree with you, i think people have gotten really sad just over the years. they are looking for anything, anywhere to make them happy, but they dont realize they just have to look inside themselves. i also think that once you find that in yourself that money can just help you feel more whole and less stressed since you dont have to worry about how your going to pay your bills next week or whatnot, because personally, i would definitely be more happy if i was financially secure and could buy a big house and a nice car(vs living from paycheck to paycheck), and i would appreciate it and know that i am fortunate. instead of just buying everything i can to try to look for something that i am missing, i would be able to provide for my family with the money that i work hard for. i dunno if that even made sense but whatever