View Full Version : Leds and Mainahs

05-10-2010, 06:26 PM
Before anyone starts buying leds for growing their medicine......give me a shout.
This grow is being done with 74 watts.....for a patient (veg) and will progress to 90 watts for flower.
no one has done more med growing with leds than me...lol.
There is only a few decent companies for leds...so buyer beware.
As soon as I can figure out how to download my fone pics....ill have great led grown med pics for everyone.
No heat.....discreet.

05-10-2010, 08:24 PM
You may be a little bit behind the power curve around here bro. Great to have you aboard, but do a little reading before you tell us we don't know where to get LED's. We have our resident experts here that we know and trust.:thumbsup:

05-10-2010, 09:19 PM
yeah, like Iry said....we are not strangers to LED's on this board....just do a little reading....we are out there!

We always welcome helpful advice though....so come join us and show what LED's can do! :jointsmile:

05-12-2010, 01:09 PM
I never said you didnt know where to find them....just suggested people ask me what i can offer for advice.
The point I was trying to make is that there are shitty leds out there. Ive tested 5 different companies lights and there are better ones.
Ive been growing with leds for 2 years and wont grow with anything else....:)
(ok....outdoors of course...but for indoor use.)
Anyone have their outdoor running yet. Ive had the girls out the last 3 cold nights and they are doing unreal. Couldnt harden them any better here in maine than the last 3 nights. (ill admit...little worried) lol
Have a great week,