View Full Version : seeds

03-27-2010, 07:38 PM
I am trying to grow some seeds for the second time. the first time I let them soak in water for 18 hours then I put them in a root riot cube and placed them in my humid-dome. they sprouted well but after a while they died up.

This time i was thinking about transplanting them into a small bucket with an air-stone as soon as I see the tap-root.

I am looking for tips to see if this is a good move.

03-27-2010, 10:14 PM
give some more info about the first grow because you got it to sprout so we know you can atleast get that far. Explain after a while they died up please. You got to help me to help you :thumbsup:

03-28-2010, 01:48 AM
with the old one I left the seedlings in the humid-dome even after I saw the taproot I thought that I needed to wait until the seedling grew its first pair of adult leafs. soon enough they started to get skinner in the stems and stopped altogether.

03-28-2010, 12:45 PM
well normally for us once the seed sprouts we take the dome off. Can hand water as needed with just plain PH'd water, baby cant take nutes atm. can add a small fan to create a LIGHT breeze to start making stem stronger to support plant as grows, light meaning just want a lil wiggle from the plant. You keep saying you see the tap root, is it coming out of the medium your using? Keep seedlings under light 24/7. I use a couple 23w daylight cfl's and have them about 2" above seedlings. Once there are about 2-3 sets of true leaves start in with the nutes, I would suggest half str to start. When you have multiple root tips protruding from cube is when you get your bucket and airstone. for DWC we use 5 gal buckets from Lowes, and a 6" bucket basket filled with hydrotron. Start water level right at bottom of basket and the roots will find the water. 1st week in bucket we do half str nutes and 2nd week it's time to crank it up and go full str and get the process rolling :jointsmile:

Mississippi Steve
03-28-2010, 01:24 PM
Keep it simple... its a weed. Potting soil(I use MG) in small pots... maybe 4 inch pots. plant the seeds about 5/16 - 3/8 inch deep and water. When they get to about 3 weeks old, transplant into 5 gallon buckets. Lighting at 18/6 from the time you plant the seeds, until they are ready to put into flower, then change the lighting to 12/12. Water as needed.

Its not hard... it only takes a little patience.

03-28-2010, 02:26 PM
24 hours of light wioth sprouting seeds is not good...the plant thinks it is summer and will try to grow fast and can result in more males and herms...using Jorge Cervantes guide of sprouting seeds with a max light of 14 hours tells the plant it is spring time and will grow slower and will have a better chance of being a girl...its all in my top link...i copied the page from the MMJ Bible and it detail exactly how to sprout for more females!:thumbsup:

03-28-2010, 04:04 PM
As with everything else in the world not everyone does things the same way, I posted what we have been doing and it works just fine for us. 1 question though why would I suggest planting in soil when we are in the Hydro section?? :wtf: and as far as the female/male thingy we buy feminized seeds and as long as it is dark when it is suppose to be without light leaks and you dont get stupid and overstress the poor thing :jointsmile: but lastly the best kept secret is ........ cmon over here .......... grow it how ever you want but before you flower pull a clone of each one and mark them so you know what plant gave what clone, root the clones and get them growing. When the flowering plants so their sex keep clones from females and toss the rest (if you want) you now have mother plants!!

Have a Nice Day :)

03-28-2010, 04:30 PM
i was merely pointing out how "an expert" uses a natural lighting schedule to increase your chances of getting females...did not mention a word about soil! just because Jorge's book mentioned soil you can't apply his lighting method? how many growing books have you published with millions of copies sold? i am not an expert and will never claim to be but his method is common sense...no where on earth does 24 hour light exist except in the polar regions so by using a more natural light schedule increases your percentages of females to males...when i used this method i regularly got 80% girls and rarely got any herms! keep doing things the way you like but i know many who have switched to this method with a high rate of success! :jointsmile:

03-28-2010, 07:42 PM
would it be a mistake to transplant the seedlings (in the root cube) into a bucket that is 4in tall x 12in wide with an airstone?
I have other clones in the humid-dome.

03-28-2010, 10:40 PM
would it be a mistake to transplant the seedlings (in the root cube) into a bucket that is 4in tall x 12in wide with an airstone?
I have other clones in the humid-dome.

i don't se any reason that you could not start that way......to speed things up in veg for me i would use a small little storage container that i converted to something similar with 3" net pots...then when i got them big enough i would transplant in to bigger container...it was just a pain in the ass untangling roots sometimes:thumbsup:

03-28-2010, 11:22 PM
Hey stra8 you and I have had good discussions in the past and no need for it to go south now, I merely trying to reply in a "general" type way and not post it as Steve mentioned soil in Hydro area and Stra8 is talking bout male/female by lighting. No way am I saying that the way I do things is correct for everyone but it is correct for our 3 setups here. anyways I apologize if I said something incorrect but go back and read and you will see what I mean. enough is enough :joint1: your up /cough cough

03-29-2010, 12:32 AM

03-29-2010, 01:13 AM
Hey stra8 you and I have had good discussions in the past and no need for it to go south now, I merely trying to reply in a "general" type way and not post it as Steve mentioned soil in Hydro area and Stra8 is talking bout male/female by lighting. No way am I saying that the way I do things is correct for everyone but it is correct for our 3 setups here. anyways I apologize if I said something incorrect but go back and read and you will see what I mean. enough is enough :joint1: your up /cough cough

sometimes text is taken wrong...i was not tryng to come off harsh in anyway...just a mere suggestion to share from my experiences and i like to use Jorge's book so it does not sound as if i am just spouting my opinion! all is good and i think we all can learn from each other!:hippy:

thanks for your reply TT :smokin: