View Full Version : Sensi Seeds Super Skunk Grow

02-16-2010, 09:33 PM
I am going to record one of my Super Skunk grows from start to finish for your amusement and pleasure. Enjoy!

These are some nice easy growing/cloning plants that taste fan freakin tastic and definately pack a punch and have short flower period as well in the 45 day range.

My room consists of a 1000 watt hps with hortilux eye bulb in a vented reflector on a hydrofarm 6' mover. fresh air intake good ventilation, temps max at about 78. They will start in a homemade aero cloner and stay there until flower. flower is a nft set up based on the sb set up, 396 pump with 14 event timer, 18 gal res with air stones. I will be using the Botanicare line of nutes (pure blend, sweet, cal-mag+, liquid kharma, silica blast) mainly because I already have them.

2/16/10: 20 clones taken from mother

02-16-2010, 09:35 PM
preview of things to come, current ladies at day 26.

02-17-2010, 05:22 PM
Day 2: Lights on 24 until flower, lights are 2 48" floro's with 2 40w cool white & 2 40w shop light bulbs.

02-17-2010, 06:05 PM
so are you rooting the clones in just bubbly water or you have rooting hormone in the water

02-17-2010, 06:39 PM
no, it's just tap water with base ppm of 105 ph'd to 6.0, I don't use hormones, sprays, domes or what not. Also there is no airstone or bubblers of any kind either although I may add an airstone once in veg phase. just 396 pump to pvc h with ez clone sprayers on 24/7. Usually have roots around day 7.

02-18-2010, 11:13 PM
Day 3:

02-20-2010, 03:06 PM
Day 4:
Day 5:

02-22-2010, 01:36 PM
Day 6:
Day 7:

02-22-2010, 02:30 PM
Cool set up and will give it a try.

I live in BC and i have looked every where for the round plugs you are using for the lid.

What I ended up doing is cutting the holes at 1 1/2 inches and then used a thin pieces of hard foam and cut it into a circle and the put a split 3/4 way down to hold clone stem.

Well when I attempted this last time I could not get them clones to grow past 3 weeks and they would die. I thought it was because of the slit, but now i see yours up close, It can not be.

I am going to make mine same as yours and give it another go, I have lots of clones to test with.

I will keep my eye on your post and good growing.

Pay It Forward


02-23-2010, 02:10 AM
Those are ez clone 2" foam plugs, you can get 50 on Ebay for $15 if there's no grow store around you. Or you could try and find Ricky & Julian, I'm sure they have a few extras. :thumbsup:

02-23-2010, 03:41 AM
Those are ez clone 2" foam plugs, you can get 50 on Ebay for $15 if there's no grow store around you. Or you could try and find Ricky & Julian, I'm sure they have a few extras. :thumbsup:

Also those are in 2" net cups.

02-23-2010, 03:45 PM
Day 8: Roots are just starting to sprout.

02-23-2010, 04:05 PM
The clones look real good. Do you have to use a humidity doom over that cloner?

02-23-2010, 07:24 PM
no, no domes or sprays, just out in the world. I may test spray a few or dome a few to see what happens.

02-24-2010, 02:39 AM
Your girls are looking great...I am impressed with your aero setup. I like the simplicity. Sometimes we tend to over-complicate things here.

Good job so far...I will be watching to see the results!:D

02-25-2010, 10:57 PM
Day 9:
Day 10: Had a power strip fail in the middle of the night, clones were without water or light for a good 3 hours. After they were back on all stood back up and are looking good, we'll see. I have another mother set aside if they don't recover. the ones with roots will be fine, I'm just not sure about the others although they all did stand back up. There's always an unknown variable to look out for. Anyhoo, here's a couple more pics and 1 of the roots so far.

03-01-2010, 06:28 PM
Day 14: I'm still trying to recover from the power strip failure last week. only 1 is on the normal schedule and 4 others are starting to catch up, but the majority have no roots at all yet but are still standing tall so I'm just gonna try and wait them out for another week. If nothing happens by next week I will move the rooted babies and take a fresh cloner full and go from there.

03-01-2010, 07:48 PM
So the water in the cloner is just always spraying at the bottom of the stems? I made a cloner with airstones and I stopped cloning because it was just a test run with male plants. But do I want water always dripping off of the stems? I have some sleestack skuncks that are just about ready to clone but I don't know whether the cloner or soil would be betteR? Have you ever tried cloning in soil? What results did you like better if you have?:thumbsup:

03-01-2010, 07:55 PM
So the water in the cloner is just always spraying at the bottom of the stems? I made a cloner with airstones and I stopped cloning because it was just a test run with male plants. But do I want water always dripping off of the stems? I have some sleestack skuncks that are just about ready to clone but I don't know whether the cloner or soil would be betteR? Have you ever tried cloning in soil? What results did you like better if you have?:thumbsup:

Yes the cloner has the ez clone misters in it and just sprays upward at the cuttings. I used to clone with the jiffy pellets, hormone gel, and heating pad in a humidity dome, and that worked ok too. Usually the dirt clones took longer to root and the added expense wasn't wortrh it. With this set up there is no growing medium at all just 2" net cups and 2" foam plugs. This is simple and hassle free (most of the time lol) and requires no sprays domes hormones or the like plain tap water ph'ed to 6.0 with a usual success rate of 100%.

03-03-2010, 12:33 PM
no domes or spray, do you have any idea what the humidity is in the room your cloner is in??

LOC NAR on probation
03-03-2010, 01:50 PM
Your room max's at 78f.

what is your water temps ? swings high and low ?

03-03-2010, 10:02 PM
Day 16: Well, a few more have sprouted, as you can see some have roots already in the water while some of the others are still recovering from their little episode. I usually start feeding them veg nutes today, but I will have to move the rooted ones if I want to do that so I'm just gonna wait another few days then sort through them.

The Humidity in the closet with the cloner hovers right around 43% but some days over 50 and some uder 40 depending on the RH of the house.

The water temp in the cloner stays a little high because the pump stays on 24 7 in the first few weeks and stays right about 79F.

03-03-2010, 10:17 PM
Is there any paticular reason why you're flowering in the NFT?

03-03-2010, 10:57 PM
The set up was simple and it's easy to use and trouble free. This next flower cycle will have the tubes retrofitted with the ez clone sprayers inside instead of just being water in one end and drained out the other they will have the misters inside spraying on a cycle of 1min on 4min off.

03-03-2010, 10:59 PM
one of the current girls finishing up, almost done mostly cloudy trichomes and some ambers. Probably get the axe in a week. this is day 41, nice and fast finisher.

03-04-2010, 12:35 AM
I got a bud that says that pic got Loc drooling over Trichs hehe :thumbsup:

03-04-2010, 01:14 PM
For as quick as it finishes, it's one of the heaviest resin producers. I have had 9 & 10 week strains that couldn't hold a candle to these frosy goodies.

LOC NAR on probation
03-04-2010, 03:37 PM
Oh wait a minute I had to wipe up the floor. Damn I got to have some of that. Finishing in 50 days with those thric's.

Off to look at beans. Been looking at blue moonshire or blue mystic or hindu kusk or afgan kush. Now another to consider.

04-12-2010, 01:46 AM
Been a while since I posted an update, been super busy in the garden. Ok, been a while but here we are. After the power strip failure I took the rooted clones and the healthiest looking non rooted clones and moved them to another bucket cloner so I could feed the rooted ones and take a fresh set in the main cloner. Ended up that all the clones I saved lived, of course the already rooted ones, but also the non rooted clones did end up rooting even with 700ppm of pure blend grow and cal mag in the water. so the first 6 that were on schedule went into flower first after recovering from the strip failure and looked healthy, they are now on day 20 of flower and the second 6 are at day 13. in the pics below the original clones from post #1 are in the back 2 tubes starting with the oldest in the far right and the younger on the left. Also some new clones in day 2 of flower in the tubes closest to the camera. Since my last harvest I have more people wanting me to be there medical provider that have fell in love with this strain, but I can only have 2 more patients and which 2 folks to choose and any more work in the garden and this will be a full time effort let alone work and sleep. But I must give it up to Sensi Seeds on this one, It's fast and really good medical quality smoke that most are wanting over the White Russian and Sensi Star I also have.

Day 54 from mother 20 Days into flower:

04-19-2010, 12:16 AM
Flower Day 27: Everybody is going along just fine, changed the res out yesterday all is good so far. Also in those pics you can see a Critical Sensi Star that was put in with these to see what she'll do. Notice the difference in bud formation, the Super Skunks from there left are all the same age as her. Although the stalk on that little bush is about an inch around already with massive root structure, anyway that's for a future journal. And finally there's a shot of the trusty cloner and super mom doin their respective thangs.

04-26-2010, 08:49 PM
Everybody is chugging along nicely.

Flower Day 35

05-03-2010, 12:41 AM
Gettin close to harvest for the older girls, probably 3 or 4 days. Trichomes are almost all milky and a few are starting to amber, under the 50x they look delicious! in the group shot you can see that Critical Sensi Star starting to finally stop growing upward and fill out nice about 3 weeks to go.

Flower Day 41:

05-03-2010, 02:01 AM
Lookin great! Keep up the good work...

05-03-2010, 09:09 PM
Thanks! got some White Russians and more Critical Sensi Stars That I will put up in another journal soon also. If we could get more people to journal their grows, we could all see what kind of strains look like ones that we'd want to grow. Now we just have to get that Smell-O-Vision working! :computerlove1:

06-01-2010, 11:31 PM
hey nice work on the aero cloner i have the same set up to the t. how did you get yours not to leak? i even went out and bought weather stripping.any advice would be great.:jointsmile:

06-17-2010, 12:12 AM
They usually leak around the net cups for a few days then stop, why I don't know. Also they really need to be level also or the lids will leak and also need to be rubbermaid roughneck totes the cheaper ones don't seal and will leak around the rim (from experience). I thought about takin one of the cheapies and making a super thin silicone bead around the top and see if that works but haven't tried it yet.

07-03-2010, 06:17 PM
Looks good :)