View Full Version : Anybody practice meditation?

04-07-2005, 06:40 AM
I've been trying to get into meditation, and adopt a much more healthy, relaxed life in general. *sigh* but I seldome seem to be able to settle down or stay in it for long, and there's always so much noise in my house. I'll keep trying though, and I've started excercising so that'll help I'm sure.

anyway, I just thought everybody could share their experiences, advice, and help each other out in general with their knowledge :) .

To start off, I've found the biggest success from a technique I learned in yoga. we lie in the corpse pose (on your back, hands at your side), and one specific area at a time, I take in a deep breath and as I let it out, I let that part feel very heavy and relaxed. I do it twice for each part, even for the smallest area's like the wrist, SOOOoooo relaxing. once I'm done all the areas, I just keep the focus on my body staying in it's state. also, you need to do your best to not think. don't worry about thinking or not, just focus on your body, and stay aware of your whole self. if you start thinking about stuff, just put the thoughts aside, dont' worry about the success of it, just do what needs to be done. oh, and it doesn't work if you put a pillow under your head, or do it in a bed, then your body just wants to go to sleep, and meditation is not sleep (generally) .

*phew* I'll stop going on, share if you'd like :)

04-07-2005, 06:54 AM
Meditation is a great thing to do.I really find it hard as my mind races.For me to be able to do it i need peace and quiet and darkness and need to be in a calmish mood for me to even try.Theres another technique i use and its with a hand mirror.The mood does not matter as stillness will come.Its a good technique it is used to also reach out with the spirit world.I can give you detailed instructions of the exact way i do it if you like but might take me a little while to type.

04-07-2005, 07:04 AM
Meditation is a great thing to do.I really find it hard as my mind races.For me to be able to do it i need peace and quiet and darkness and need to be in a calmish mood for me to even try.Theres another technique i use and its with a hand mirror.The mood does not matter as stillness will come.Its a good technique it is used to also reach out with the spirit world.I can give you detailed instructions of the exact way i do it if you like but might take me a little while to type.

if you have the time, I'd love to hear it :) .

and yes, it is hard to get the mind to stop racing, but you can take classes such as yoga to learn how to train the mind to be calm. sensory deprivation is definately helpfull (in general, there are forms of meditation where you try to be more aware of the environment around you).

04-08-2005, 12:27 AM
This is the best preperation for meditation
Starting off a few minutes a day is fine.Try to prepare your mind for this and if you can calm any feelings of anger or stress etc.A good way to prepare is go for a walk in a nice peaceful park or wherever feels comfortable and realxing for you and around trees or water are good feeling closeness to nature and take it all in and let yourself be moved by its beauty.Touch things that you pass trees,flower petals and feel there textures as though they have a spark of divine life within them.Sense the energy that radiates from the trees around you and even try leaning on on the trunk of a sturdy old tree and letting its energy flow through you.Breathe in the warmth of the sun and know you are taking in not just the physical heat but the energy of life itself.If its raining not a good idea.In that case listen to relaxation or beautiful music or read a nice book that inspires you (i listen to celtic music).The idea is lift your mind above everyday worries so that your conciousness can riose to a higher level.If you can set aside a room or spot for yourself only thats the best as its your own personal space.Put things there that make you feel restful like flowers or crystals or even photos of ones you love.Essential oils are great to burn for meditation ones like frankincense or lavender must be pure.Even mixing different oils together you can find a mix that is perfect for meditation (i can tell you those too if you like) best used in a diffuser or burner or rubbed on the temples (diluted in a veg oil on skin) that will create a good atmosphere.Soft music is good to use during the actual meditation exercise.

Now the meditation
This should take you on a journey that will lead you to the centre of your being.All you need is a small mirror like a hand mirror it only needs to be small enough to see your eyes.Choose a time where you wont be disturbed and unplug the phone.Dim the lights or use candles i use 1 or 2 candles must be fairly dim but not full darkness.Sit where you have chosen your special place.Loosen any tight clothing relax and take some deep breaths.Dont rush and think of coming in contact with the spirit world be open minded as you are going to get to know yourself.Look in the mirror and concentrate on your reflection of yourself and gaze into your own eyes.Be aware that the physical form that you see is not the real you and say to yourself " i am not this body" and go deeper within.Now think about the way that you are feeling are you happy or sad or calm or stressed ? Most times our emotions rule us.Dont criticise of judge yourself just take notice of your feelings and know that these intense feelings are just the surface of the water and underneath the ocean is calm.Take a step backwards and detatch yourself from your emotions and say to yourself "i am not these feelings i do posess them but they do not posess me" and ask yourself who is the one who is feeling? Go deeper again because the mind is like a well and however far you gaze into it you will never reach the bottom but go as deep as you can and let all the chatter and frustration of the mind die away.Dont force the stillness it will come eventually and you cant make the mind blank observe you thoughts like waiting for a clockwork mechanism to wind down.It may take a long time but stilness will eventually come.When you reach stillness ask yourself 'who is thinking these thoughts?' Try to touch the deepest part of yourself and know that the inner self is what you really are.Now reach out to the spirit world and to the guides who have charge over you.Dont try and distinguish individuals (not yet) just know that you are being watched over and protected.Send out your love and try to feel the response it need not come in words or pictures as the knowing in the heart is sufficient.Its good to say a prayer this is one that i learned for this exact way i have been doing this since i was about 16.

Dear heavenly father accept my service as an instrument of light.Make me a clear channel for those bright ones who walk beside me that we may work together to bring comfort, love and healing to all in need and proove to the world that there is no death.

Hold these thoughts in your mind for a few minutes.When you feel drained or have had enough give thanks and close down by physically picturing yourself in a white cloak tightly folded around yoyu and after you have closed down its good to have a drink or something to eat to bring yourself completley back to earth.Each time you meditate reaffirm your link with the spirit world and doing this you can build your own rainbow bridge.
If you are psychic in any way this is a good way to realise it and you will find the true power that lies beyond the physical