View Full Version : Hydroponic Tomatoes & Strawberries

01-10-2010, 02:52 AM
I have recently started a project that is going to be growing 1 tomato plant and 1 strawberry bush. They will each be in a DWC 3 gallon bucket. Now I have learned that strawberries and I believe tomatoes are 'day neutral' that if I understand correctly means they don't need a 12/12 cycle, in fact they like longer lights. So these are my questions:

I am going to use the General Hydroponics Maxi 2-part powder nutrient system. I have looked into the feeding schedule and it has the description of the ratios per gallon of the 2 mixes, do I initiate the bloom part of the sequence once the plants begin showing flowers? Or should I wait until I hand pollinate the flowers then switch into the blooming part?
Could they cross pollinate?
Would having a fan on the plants possibly pollinate the plants enough to produce fruits?

I may have more questions later. Thanks for your responses.


LOC NAR on probation
01-10-2010, 02:26 PM
A fan may help but they will not cross polinate.

I would start the bloom when they are the size you want and remember the stretch or the first sign of flower. Blossom rot or them falling off is what most have prob's with inside. something to set the flowers will help alot.

01-11-2010, 12:49 AM
But from what I have read, tomatoes and day-neutral strawberries begin to flower during the long hours of light during mid to late spring, and beginning of summer. I feel I will be able to get them growing, but the flowering and fruiting will take the work.

the site simplyhydro.com has a lot of answers about hydro growing and seeing as it specifically talked about hydroponically growing strawberries and tomatoes, I am growing just those.

Thanks for the input.


01-11-2010, 01:06 AM
Tomatoes are categorized as "determinate" or "indeterminate."

With determinate tomatos, they pretty much ripen simultaneously. Good for a commercial crop, or for making sauce or other big project.

Indeterminates are ready a just few fruits at a time. If you always want to have a nice tomato on hand for a sandwich slice or salad, indeterminates are the way to go. :greenthumb:

To help pollenate, use the back of a (gentle) electric toothbrush to vibrate the vine. They also make devices designed specifically to do this.

I've never done strawbs in a bucket, though. Sounds interesting, keep us posted how it works.

P.S. Peppers also do well in buckets, or in coco.

01-11-2010, 03:37 AM
I thought about peppers but tomatoes and strawberries are the only 2 beginner veggies I could think of that people in my family like. I was actually going with the recommended strain of 'Sweet Million' for tomatoes. Heard they are very easy and produce nicely. Strawberries I have yet to thought about strawberries in terms of strain, something day-neutral or ever-bearing whatever I can find really. I need to look around to find some live plants because I don't want to start from seed this time, I would rather get a plant going and then just move on to other types and not worry about continuing the plant.

Going to the hydro store sometime soon, just need to get the funds together.

Thanks for the input.


01-12-2010, 10:43 PM
Another question.

Should I get a metal halide or HPS for this? Because at my local shop they have a deal on a 150 watt HPS with hood and such. It is cheaper than a 2ft. 4-tube t5 they have there as well, but the t5 comes with 4 6500k lights. I think I still might just get the t5 but wondering if anyone has a word to give.


01-12-2010, 10:46 PM
if thwe choice was mine between a 4 bulb t5 and a 150w hps for same price I would go t5 all the way!!

01-12-2010, 10:51 PM
yeah, that was my thoughts too, well good to know it was confirmed. This grow should be on the way pretty soon. Sorry its not containing any MJ, but it should be a nice hydroponic experience.:D


01-13-2010, 01:12 PM
Hey when they are done you gonna make us all a batch of strawberry shortcake?? Dont forget the whip cream!!!

01-13-2010, 01:49 PM
Haha who knows, I bet my girlfriend will eat them up before they can be washed, so I don't know if I can make plans for these here strawberries lol. The tomatoes will most likely be given to my parents and friends' parents, seeing as I hate tomatoes. I will be giving some of the tomatoes to the dog pictured in my avatar, man loves 'em. Well, going to the store today, pics will be up soon.:D


01-14-2010, 04:38 PM

Store was closed.......it's a good 45 minutes away. Then when I get there, the sign says there is a sale and that the other store is only 25 minutes away. So I drove there because I was lead to believe that the other store is open, having a sale. Nope...... So I drive 1 1/4 hrs home. YAY......

Oh well, going to store Saterday......


01-15-2010, 07:27 PM
Hey...What a cowinkydinky!...I just repotted 3 'mater plants this morn. that I sprouted from seeds...Been going about it just like growin' MJ ...In the same room, same nutes, and the whole 9 yards ...Guess we're gonna see what happens!

01-15-2010, 08:07 PM
That's amazing, can you tell me if you switch them into 12/12? Or seeing as they flower themselves during early summer, should I just get an MH/Fluorescent. I was going to get a 150 watt HPS(store special, $67.50 for complete light, ballast, bulb, reflector, cord) seeing as MJ does veg off of HPS so I thought tomatoes and strawberries would too, and then when they start flowering/fruiting, the HPS will just help that much more. Or should I just get my other option, a 2' 4-tube T5 fixture, which is about $25 more, but seems like a good deal.

Please get back to me, I'm going to the store tomorrow, I'm going to ask them also, but getting experience from an experienced person would be awesome. Thanks


01-16-2010, 01:25 PM
Going to the store today, getting 150 watt HPS, throwing in some daylight(6500k) CFL for some added spectrum. Take pics when set-up is set up.


01-16-2010, 01:47 PM
sounds good to me..
i am in for this and if you get it working i will DEF have to give the berries a try..
let me know if you can run em under 24 hr or if it needs some break..
i would have to run a separate grows..
though i have been thinking about setting up a cfl grow in the kitchen for herbs.. ya know the legal ones lol :D
i figure if i have the lights.. and a space.. and some spare time.. why not grow something :cool: :)

01-16-2010, 02:21 PM
That's what I'm saying. Bored, know how to grow, so why not. I'm going to try and replicate nature more and do a 15/9 schedule, seeing as both plants fruit/flower in the beginning of the summer. Once they start flowering I will take out the CFL and then switch to flower nutes and see where it goes from there. I CAN'T WAIT!!!


01-16-2010, 02:25 PM
good thing i got a spare timer huh ;)
btw i vote this is moved to Grow Logs.. never said they had to be MJ logs :pimp: ;)
btw #666 lol

01-17-2010, 09:28 PM
Doesn't matter to me where it's moved to as long as I know where it is, lol.

Here's the first pics. Still need 2 fans(1 exhaust, 1 to blow, lol), a timer, and a heatsink/fan combo for a CPU to cool off my light. And of course the plants, still to early to get them. I don't feel like starting strawberries from seed, they have to be winterized, so I'm just going to buy a live plant, transplant it to my hydro, then take some of it's runners for next year.

If anyone has another idea of how to cool off my light, spit it out, that's all I can think of other than just a fan pointed at it.

Just a pic of the set-up so far, and then to show how simple my DWC is.


01-18-2010, 08:50 AM
Hmm.. strawberries! Interesting experiment.
Tomatoes rock. I have them under a 600 watt hps, they just seem to like the super bright 12/12 light more. Be careful with your nitrogen! Itll get viney with few fruits if you overdo it.

As for strain of tomato, look for someting indeterminate (constant tomatoes, versus a boom of them) and crack resistant. Blossom end rot can be avoided by giving some calmag (or other source of calcium) when the flowers are setting.

DreadedHermie, Id like to hear more about peppers! Theres nothing I love more than a fresh jalapeno. :)

01-18-2010, 01:58 PM
Do you have them on 12/12 or just 18/6 with the HPS? Yes, I have chosen "Sweet One Millions", they are indeterminate and crack resistant and very small fruits. Heard they produce a TON. Just need to wait till the plants be out there.

01-20-2010, 12:44 AM
Theyre on 12/12 at the edge of the light pattern, and I havent noticed to much stretch (due to light, anyway) which I think is owed to the intensive cage and squeezing stem system. Couldn;t be easier really!

01-20-2010, 02:06 PM
on the edge of the light pattern, dont think I have heard that term before :wtf:

01-20-2010, 02:17 PM
on the edge of the light pattern, dont think I have heard that term before :wtf:

Same, I don't exactly know what you mean by this?

Thanks for the input though, and don't stop it from coming out. If your stoned and just want to ramble, do it here, lol.


01-20-2010, 02:20 PM
good to know about these rambling threads..
hard to come by.. and often abandoned :(
hope you can get the berries soon.. and i looked into it and there are none available for another couple months here.. then they are commercially available.. and cheap too :thumbsup:
i am really curious as to how well these will do and wether it is a cost effective way to get your fruits.. other than the fun of growing them of corse.. that is pricless..

~MG a.k.a. le Maine développé

01-20-2010, 11:03 PM
ok if we can ramble then I got 1 for ya. Anyone ever switch from an MH bulb to a HPS bulb for their last week of veg to encourage a little stretch?? I think Loc and I talked a lil bit bout this before but cant remember

01-21-2010, 01:09 AM
Yes, I have come to terms with the fact that I'm not going to be able to find some live plants anytime soon, but I have looked at a couple sites that send bare root seedlings which, unless I went somewhere and asked them to wash off the dirt on the bottom of my plants before I bought them, is ex-fucking-actly what I'm looking for so if boredom overcomes me, I will spend the god damn $60 or so that it costs to get the seedlings sent, well thats if I order the maters and the berries, might jsut get some berries, seeing as they are what I need.

And no worries about the rambling, gives me something to stare at, lol.

I don't think I'm going to need to make them stretch, seeing as they are vines and I'm going to need to lattice the shit outta these puppies.

We shall see.


01-21-2010, 10:27 PM
Teehee, I meant they are on the edge of my light. :) Basically all my important little ladies are directly underneath, and then the 'maters are kinda kicked off to the side where they don't receive as much direct juice.

I have to say, since this is a rambling thread, that Mother Earth News magazine let me down for the first time today by not including best container growing varieties in their article this month. Sweet Millions topped out at #4 tho in the cherry group! :)

'Round here Ace Hardware usually has some strawberry starters all year round. Sounds like an odd place to look, I know, but theyve always been pretty reliable. May be worth it to check it out and wash off the dirt yourself! :)

01-22-2010, 03:34 AM
Hmm, I'll have to take a look around and see if there's anything alive yet at any stores. The hardware store I used to work at was going to open a nursery, so who knows.


01-22-2010, 04:14 PM
While we are rambling and having a good time...

...I always thought it would be fun to start an indoor veggie garden and then have someone "anonymously" drop the dime on you. Then while you had a lawsuit on file against your local law enforcement you could switch out to weed and fly forever under the radar.

Not that I would ever suggest this sort of conspiracy...

01-23-2010, 04:59 AM
Yeah, NO!

Definitely not.


01-23-2010, 05:44 AM
Just get some seeds and pop them.
I have two varieties growing now; Mortgage Lifter and Purple Cherokee. Got my seeds at Burpee. They ship live starts, too.


LOC NAR on probation
01-23-2010, 02:15 PM
While we are rambling and having a good time...

...I always thought it would be fun to start an indoor veggie garden and then have someone "anonymously" drop the dime on you. Then while you had a lawsuit on file against your local law enforcement you could switch out to weed and fly forever under the radar.

Not that I would ever suggest this sort of conspiracy...

Now I could see how a fellow could derive alot of pleasure from just seeing the look on thier faces.

Cause I can tell ya how it feels when it's the real thing.

In this case I would not want to be the narc. LOL

01-23-2010, 04:40 PM
Haha yeah, tampering with a federal investigation, good news, lol........



01-24-2010, 12:29 AM
That would be awesome :)

BTW, how are purple cherokee? Ive been thinking of adding them to my collection this year, but have never grown a purple tomato. Theyre supposed to grow good outside in my region, but I wanted to try them indoor first. Im not a big fan of yellows, but I heard they have a deeper flavor than reds. Any first hand input? ;)

Also, how long will a tomato plant produce indoors? The two I have were started last Feb, and survived the first frost before I brought them indoors. Was just wondering how long I could expect to get fruit out of them.

01-24-2010, 12:46 AM
I actually have no experience with growing tomatoes indoors, but I am hoping to get acquainted pretty well, gonna find the plants/seeds soon, gotta get them, and transplant, then it all begins. Nice Guys.


01-27-2010, 06:04 PM
Man, this thing pretty much died before it started, but the whole thing is on hold until I get the plants, so don't write it off yet, just take a rain-check.
