View Full Version : 2 week old plants, remove leaves?

11-06-2009, 04:01 AM
I was watching a video sometime ago that mention removing a set of leaves from the plant shortly after they start growing to spur outer growth from that stem area.

I don't remember which set of leaves it was but does this sound familiar and is it advisable?

Storm Crow
11-06-2009, 11:59 PM
Topping is removing the very end of the growth tip from your plant. Pinch off the tiniest pair of top leaves taking as little plant material as possible. This will cause the side shoots to grow. You usually end up with two main buds instead of one. :thumbsup: I wait until there are at least 4 pairs of real leaves before I top.

As a general rule DO NOT REMOVE LEAVES! They are the "food factories" for your plant. Fewer leaves means slower growth and less bud. Topping once is OK, but after this, leave the leaves alone unless they are yellowed!

Read as much as you can about growing!

Granny :hippy:

11-07-2009, 03:23 AM
Thank you so much Grannie for the reply. I've read a good deal and I read more every night.

Speaking of yellow, they are turning that now so off to learn:jointsmile:.