View Full Version : caregiver + patient limits

08-01-2009, 04:49 PM
can a patient and a caregiver both grow? 6 plants each?

can they grow in the same location?

08-02-2009, 07:18 PM
6 plants "total" and all have to be grown in same location "grow site"


08-05-2009, 09:06 PM
can a patient and a caregiver both grow? 6 plants each?

can they grow in the same location?

your primary caregiver can grow 6 plants for you, but that does not take away you're right to grow 6 also, my attorneys advise me that you can be in the same location. Sensible Colorado is the best source for MMJ legal issues and clarification.

08-06-2009, 08:31 AM
your primary caregiver can grow 6 plants for you, but that does not take away you're right to grow 6 also, my attorneys advise me that you can be in the same location. Sensible Colorado is the best source for MMJ legal issues and clarification.

When the police come in...you tell them that :thumbsup:


08-07-2009, 02:04 PM
seems the limit just went up, at least for that jury.

Acquitted, medical pot patient leaves Boulder court with drugs : County News : Boulder Daily Camera (http://www.dailycamera.com/news/2009/aug/06/boulder-medical-marijuana-patient-acquitted-jury/)

looking forward to coming up to Ned to say hi!

08-07-2009, 11:35 PM
i was given the same answer as you were given by a denver attorney grateful meds. patient and caregiver can each have 6

08-08-2009, 06:15 PM
Your all mistaken. Why would you even need a caregiver then. A caregiver is designated so that he can grow the PATIENTS MEDICINE. ( 6 PLANT LIMIT *ONE PATIENT*) I'd like to hear what the DEA says when they kick down your door and find you have 12 plants. When your only aloud 6 (per patient).
IF the caregiver is a patient himself and BOTH are LEGAL PATIENTS. Only then can you grow 12.


08-10-2009, 03:46 AM
any amount that is deemed needed by the caregiver or patient is legal, but watch out over 100 and they call the feds in on you.
this is a direct quote from the amendment
(4) (a) A patient may engage in the medical use of marijuana, with no more marijuana than is medically necessary to address a debilitating medical condition. A patient's medical use of marijuana, within the following limits, is lawful:

(I) No more than two ounces of a usable form of marijuana; and

(II) No more than six marijuana plants, with three or fewer being mature, flowering plants that are producing a usable form of marijuana.

(b) For quantities of marijuana in excess of these amounts, a patient or his or her primary care-giver may raise as an affirmative defense to charges of violation of state law that such greater amounts were medically necessary to address the patient's debilitating medical condition.

08-11-2009, 06:04 PM
Here is something from Sensible CO in regards to the same question:

"Thank you for contacting Sensible Colorado. We hear from many people just
like yourself and do our best to assist them all...

Congratulations on being in a place where you can grow your own medicine!
Many patients find cultivating their own medicine to be very rewarding, less
expensive, and good exercise. As a licensed patient you certainly have every
right under Colorado law to grow your own medicine. And, provided it is
medically necessary, your current caregiver can continue to grow medicine
for you under the affirmative defense clause in Amendment 20. I'm assuming
that this will be your first attempt at growing, and as you know many things
can go wrong leaving you with no medicine, so it is reasonable to continue
having your caregiver as a backup."

Given the above link (from copobo), this Boulder court case sets a opportunistic precedent by giving the patient a wide latitude in determining how much meds are allowable at any given time.

To Oldman420: it would seem that if you could show that the 100 plants were medically necessary for the number of patients you were growing for, then you should be OK, right?