View Full Version : Struggling

03-28-2005, 05:34 AM

I am coming off prozac and it's making me crazy. The doctors have been pushing these pills at me all my life and finally I told them I don't want them anymore, because they're expensive and they dont work as good as the cheeba. I noticed that the more pills they push, the more little pens and calendars they get from pharmeceutical companies...

The problem is, now that I'm coming off prozac my mind is going crazy. I have thousands of thoughts every minute and even weed doesn't make me lazy or tired anymore. I have no apetite and if I'm lucky I'll get like 3 hours sleep a night.

Another wierd side effect is that I seem to be almost immune to alcohol. Booze doesn't make me tired or sluggish any more and I've been drinking a lot more lately than I usally would to get drunk.

Here's the scariest part-
About a year ago I tried to quit prozac and it let to me having a terrible mental breakdown. I failed out of school because of it and I can tell you that the symptoms I am going through now are the EXACT SAME that led to my anxiety attack or whatever.

I dunno if anyone around here knows anything that could help me out, like some other meds i can take to make this easier. Or even links with information might help but if someone says www.erowid.org I'll go crazy - I think everyone in the world knows to check erowid. But to be honest ANY help is appreciated. Try to catch me in the chat room.

Anyways that's my bitching and moaning for today. Cue the world's smallest violin.


03-28-2005, 03:42 PM
Alcohol makes drug withdrawl worse.

Good idea to quit drugs, Prozac will make you stupid.

Take it easy man.

03-28-2005, 07:18 PM
Hey bro,
Stay off the alcohol. You are playing with fire..........
Try to get some Indica strain. Something to numb the mind....

03-28-2005, 09:44 PM
Thanks guys. I do plan to lay off the booze.

Indica strains aren't available to me, but the stuff I have certainly helps.

I'm going to see a doctor tomorrow, hopefully not the same one that perscribes me these god forsaken things.

03-29-2005, 05:02 AM
Sorry man but doctors cant help drug withdrawl.

That you got to suffer.

03-29-2005, 06:06 AM

Oh I know, but I'm hoping they will give me something that will at LEAST put me to sleep.

So far the only cure is copius amounts of ganja.

Should I lay off the cigarettes too? I don't think they are bothering me too much...

also, Do you think I could get Valium or something good from the doc tomorrow?

03-29-2005, 05:16 PM
Valium and prozac are for mental retards. Keep away.

If you need sleep buy some melatonin from the vitamin store for $10.00

It will last you 2 months.

03-31-2005, 12:06 AM

Oh I know, but I'm hoping they will give me something that will at LEAST put me to sleep.

So far the only cure is copius amounts of ganja.

Should I lay off the cigarettes too? I don't think they are bothering me too much...

also, Do you think I could get Valium or something good from the doc tomorrow?

In my opinion. MaOI drugs in any form can fuck up a persons world. I would say that the combination of the various chemicals in your system are causing the lack of control over your thoughts. Prozac (or anything similar) acts like a "band-aid" instead of a cure, which is typical for most of Western medicine.

Here are a few things you might try to help yourself get off of that governmental control vitamin.

First, stop your intake of alcohol completely. Your GABA receptors work on overload when you drink, and that directly affects the process of your MaOI receptors as well as any drug you are taking to block them. Also, It would help your sleeping patterns if you stop drinking any caffine as well. It will suck the first 3-4 if you drink alot, but it will help your sleep patterns as well as your general well being.

Cut back on the cigs if you can, but if that effects you too much, smoke as little as possible. The nicotne wont help in getting your body back into balance, but you dont wont to got into a shock of withdrawl with it either.

Then you need to begin a slow detoxification process to help balance you body and then down the road, your mind.

Drink a pure Green or White tea 3 times a day, and make sure you get a decaffinated version to drink in the evenings. Green tea has the highest amount of antioxidants found in any easily obtainable herb. This will help you body flush out the toxins at a much faster rate. The amount (and type) of caffine found in green tea is minimal and comes on very gradually and lasts for a good while, when you drink 3 a day spaced evenly it will allow your body to stay regulated until is time for you to come down to get some good sleep at night.

Drink at least a gallon (yes, a gallon) of water a day. To spread it out throughout the day I carry a large bottle around everywhere I go, also so I remember to drink. You will piss ALOT, and it gets kind of annoying but it is just part of the purification process.

Eat as many raw fruits and veggies that you can, and completely stay away from simple sugars. Your body will be using alot of energy to balance itself out so you dont want any super insulin spikes during this time period. I also think it would help if you steer clear or greatly reduce your intake of red meat b/c it takes so much energy for our body to process as well.

GET SOME EXERCISE! I cannot stress this enough. When our bodies develop too much uneeded energy, that indirectly affects the mind and our thought processes. Hell, just a walk around the block is sometimes just enough to give us the relief we need. However, I would recommend some nice vigorus exercise of your choice (i.e. something that gets your heart pumping) About an hour a day or so would work nicely.

I know this is gonna suck but...stop smoking the herb. Just for a few weeks. You need you body free of any other substance in order for it to adjust to what you need to do to get off of the Prozac (or equivalent).

After you do all of this for 2-3 weeks, back off of your normal dosage by half on the 4th week. Keep up with the cleansing of your body as before and see how your body responds. Obiously if you have any episodes during this week continue back with your dosage and come off a bit slower. If you find that you can do half of the dosage for a week, then drop the dosage slowly as needed.

Once you get off that stupid shit, then you can go back to the bud. Start back slowly, and start enjoying you new outlook free from that government crack. Good luck and feel free to ask any questions of me that may come to mind. You can Yahoo IM me as well if you have it.

Keep in mind that this is a guideline. It is not written in stone. Our bodys are all unique. The most important thing is to listen to your body, and keep the focus on purifying it as well as the mind and all will be well.

Anyway, good luck to you and take care of yourself.

03-31-2005, 02:14 AM
you can look up any drug almost,at
dont know if that help ya,

03-31-2005, 02:14 AM
I also just read in another thread that you were thinking of doing Oxycontin. that would be a very bad mistake. It does not react well to Prozac, or if you have a history of bipolar disorder or depression.

Not to mention that shit is more addictive than crack. Be careful, bro.

03-31-2005, 04:57 AM
Revelation -

Thanks a million. Your info was more than helpful.

I have quit drinking for now, and cut back on both weed and cigarettes. Sadly, the prozac has fucked up my appetite so badly that I almost HAVE to smoke just to get my metabolism working and get hungry enough to eat a decent meal. I've already lost about 12 pounds in the last week, and if it werenn't for the munchies I would have probably lost much more.

As far as oxy contin goes, I don't plan to use that until I feel completely healthy. You're right about it being addictive, and I have a buddy who is a living example of what happens when you get out of control with OC's.

And I already drink a ton of green tea and water, and it helps.

Thanks again kind sir.


03-31-2005, 06:03 PM
Revelation -

Thanks a million. Your info was more than helpful.

I have quit drinking for now, and cut back on both weed and cigarettes. Sadly, the prozac has fucked up my appetite so badly that I almost HAVE to smoke just to get my metabolism working and get hungry enough to eat a decent meal. I've already lost about 12 pounds in the last week, and if it werenn't for the munchies I would have probably lost much more.

As far as oxy contin goes, I don't plan to use that until I feel completely healthy. You're right about it being addictive, and I have a buddy who is a living example of what happens when you get out of control with OC's.

And I already drink a ton of green tea and water, and it helps.

Thanks again kind sir.


NO problem at all.

If you are having problems with your hunger and weight loss, you could get a high quality weight gainer that it mostly protien from GNC. Some of it tastes like shit but there are a few that are not bad at all. I work out alot so I take it for extra protien that I cant get in my diet.

You will want one that has both fast acting and slow acting protiens so it will keep you fuller longer, give you a broader range of amino acids, as well as give you more calories per serving.

One of the best tasting ones that I found is the chocolate "Meso-tech" from Muscletech. There are a few more as well that are cheaper, but its almost like you sacrifice cost for taste or texture with alot of them, lol.

You can down a glass anytime you dont feel like eating. And if you just take one a day it should have plenty of protien to keep your weight up when you combine it with healthy foods.

My good friend is a diabetic, and he finds that if he eats like shit he loses weight, but when he startes eating healthier foods, he gained weight (mostly lean muscle). Give it a try and see what the results are.

Once again, take care. Our body and our minds are the only ones we got, so be kind to your self.

03-31-2005, 09:54 PM
this girl i know had bad withdrawl from prozac, she said the shit sucked bad. Best of luck to ya

04-01-2005, 01:14 AM
I appreciate everyone's help, especially since this is an issue I care not to discuss with my "real life" friends. I don't want them to feel sorry for me or anything.

What's your take on gatorade? Is that hurting or helping? I drink a ton of it, but if you think it's better, I'll replace it with water.

Any tips for falling asleep? I went for a long ass bike ride today and hopefully that will help, but I went to a walk in clinic and they gave me something called Trazodone, which puts me to sleep ONLY if I take more than the reccomended dose. One pill does nothing, two or three will put me asleep for like 12 hours, which isn't good. I have been trying to cut back on herb, but this past week has been hell, and herb is really the only thing that calms me down enough for me to sleep, but if there's something else out there my ears are open.

Thanks again to all, especially Revelation. It's not like I can ask a doctor these questions because I wouldn't tell him that I smoke herb.


04-01-2005, 02:08 AM
I appreciate everyone's help, especially since this is an issue I care not to discuss with my "real life" friends. I don't want them to feel sorry for me or anything.

What's your take on gatorade? Is that hurting or helping? I drink a ton of it, but if you think it's better, I'll replace it with water.

Any tips for falling asleep? I went for a long ass bike ride today and hopefully that will help, but I went to a walk in clinic and they gave me something called Trazodone, which puts me to sleep ONLY if I take more than the reccomended dose. One pill does nothing, two or three will put me asleep for like 12 hours, which isn't good. I have been trying to cut back on herb, but this past week has been hell, and herb is really the only thing that calms me down enough for me to sleep, but if there's something else out there my ears are open.

Thanks again to all, especially Revelation. It's not like I can ask a doctor these questions because I wouldn't tell him that I smoke herb.


To help myself get some good sleep, I do some body-weight exercises right before I go to bed, followed by some nice long, deep stretches to lower the Yang build up and to increase relaxation. Meditation also helps following the session, but that is more a personal preference for myself.

I do push-ups to failure, crunches to failure, leg lifts and flutter kicks to failure. Hindu squats 3 sets to failure, and then I do handstands against the wall. I do one right after the other without breaks. This part takes 10-15 min tops.

Then I stretch for a good long while using various gymnist and yoga-type stretches combined with deep breathing (very important) until I feel my energy becoming more relaxed and peaceful. Then I take a nice warm shower, and fall into bed and close my eyes in complete, beautiful darkness, and then drift off to sleep.

Also, pay attantion to the strain you are smoking, and if it has any Yang qualitys at all try not to smoke it too late in the evening. Alot of people use bud to fall asleep, but I try to aviod it whenever I can.

My reason for this is because your body is having to deal with processing the THC and CBD's while you are sleeping and this wastes valuable energy needed for balancing the body and the mind while we sleep. Pretty much, you are making your body work while we should be resting fully, instead of allowing our body to refine and create new energy for the following day.

Because of the high sugar content in gatorade, I would only drink it after INTENSE physical exertion. Mainly only when you sweat faster than the body can absorb water. I drink it after Mui Tai, because I lose so much water over the course of a couple of hours.

The simple sugars otherwise just cause a crazy insuline spike when can upset your natural energy flow, causing sugar crashes, nervousness or lethary, and possibly in the long term, diabetis. This goes with anything that has refined sugar, high fructose corn surup, or high glycemic-type carbohydrates.

Melatonin is a natural supplement than helps with spleep. Its pretty cheap too. The only problem with it is that your tolerance builds up rather quickly to it, and when I used to take it on an emty stomach it would become upset. I would reccomoned taking it only when you really need it. Then take a break every couple of weeks from it, to help lower your body's resistance to it.

Traz sucks, IMO. My brother was on it for insomnia and it just fucked up his energy levels even more. Even more so when he tried taking more and more. I guess I just don't condone any perscrition meds at all, for anything. Unless there is just absoluetly no other option. However, I believe that there are very few reasons to do these drugs.

Mainly because almost all of them have too many side effects to mention, and instead of balancing out your body, they just throw it further off kilter.

You start taking something for an illness, you get the side effects, go back to the doctor, he prescribes something else to counter the side effects, those drugs give you different side effects, you go back to the doctor for those...repeat until you die basically.

Most often there is something we can do to by adjusting our lifesyle, eating habits, and by using natural herbs, to correct most minor imbalances. The beauty of this is, one, YOU have the control over your body and mind, not some quack or some drug hes pushing.

Two, the more balanced your body becomes the easier it is to correct most of your heath and well being problems beacause, well, there are fewer problems, and they tend to be less serious.

Third, the more you get in tune with you body, by fixing yourself, the better you get at balancing your heath AND your life, and everything seems to become easier and more care free. Happiness follows, and life is good.

I truly hope this helps you. If you apply even a few of these principles, you will find a positive change in the way you feel, and your overall outlook on life.

Take Care, and good luck to you. :D

04-01-2005, 08:47 PM
If it were me...I'd wait out the DTs from the Prozac and see how you feel then. If you still have the racing thought, weight loss, and sleeplessness, then you may belong to my club...the Cyclothymics/Bipolars. Which is not the kind of club that most people want to be in...but here we are.

My 20+ years of experience with this have taught me this:

You can't do shit by yourself. You won't be able to have any objective or rational insight into your own thinking/behavior when ur cycling.

Xanax et. al. won't help much other than relieving anxiety/panic attacks...so I have weaned myself down to very low dosages and only take when I absolutely have to. (this is alot cheaper too!)

Antidepressants help alot at first but won't fix it. It's a long road of small steps and you gotta talk to somebody who can give you honest sympathetic feedback.

If you have problems with relationships in ur life, you gotta work hard to fix those or you won't have a chance.

Cigarettes are really bad...I know...I still smoke when I'm dry.

Ganja helps me to be able to objectively look at myself and my circumstances and can break bad cycles which can lead to depression, anger, aggression and screw up relationships, jobs, etc. But it won't fix anything by itself.

This is just my personal experience and hopefullly you don't fall into this category, but if you do...you ain't alone my friend.

GL mate!

04-02-2005, 11:29 AM

I still can't sleep but overall I feel much better. I have been exercising and eating healthy, drinking plenty of water and green tea, smoking only one or 2 cigarettes a day.

The doctors now have given me Zeprexa, anything real important I should know about that stuff? I could go look it up, but the webMD doesnt take kindly to cannabis use...

You guys think I should try to get MMJ? Or am I just insulting those who actually get MMJ for a real reason like cancer or something?

Thanks in advance.


PS I don't think I'm bipolar, but it could be man. I sometimes am depressed and then a little while later I'll be happy as a clam. I thought this was the prozac withdrawals, but maybe I am bipolar, who knows.

04-02-2005, 01:28 PM
Zeprexa is just another cheap drug you will get addicted to.

Tell your doctor to fuck off. Do you pay for this shit?

04-02-2005, 04:27 PM
Zeprexa is just another cheap drug you will get addicted to.

Tell your doctor to fuck off. Do you pay for this shit?

You think I'd pay for these drugs after I realized how bad they've fucked me up? Believe me bro, my family has some good health insurance. And the only anti depressant I would ever spend money on is top of the line MMJ.

I've lost about 3 years of my life cause of these god forsaken drugs, and I'm not gettin any younger...

So, here's my drug history, I've taken

celexa - zoloft - prozac - wellbutrin - abilify - risperdal - that's all I can remember off the top of my head.

But currently I'm on the following

Prozac 20 mg (I'm supposed to take 60, but I know better)+ Zantac (for heartburn, nothing to do with mental problems) + Trazodone + Zyprexa.

I've been exercising lately and flushing out my system with water and green tea.

And you know how I feel? I can't sleep, my mind goes at 150 MPH, and I feel like a zombie.

Any tips out there that I dont know about already?

Another question that deserves bold type is: Will this bull shit last forever?
And another thing, I know this thread is time consuming both to read and respond to, and most people don't even look at the medical boards, so until they find a way to email joints, I guess my thank you for now is just verbal.

You guys are all good samaritans.

-Big Baby Jesus

04-02-2005, 08:44 PM
That's what the med boards are for :)

The bipolar diagnosis has changed ALOT in the last few years. Used to be the only people diagnosed or treated were those who had mania bordering on psychosis. Now they've figured out that it is a spectrum thing rather than "you have it or you don't" kind of thing. The low grade condition is called cyclothymia.

I used to get really pissed off and just go nuts over stupid stuff, or I'd be really depressed for no good reason. Now I can let stuff just slide....most of the time :)

The sad thing is that I had to do all the research on my own. Many shrinks nowadays still aren't up on the latest info, or they just have a hard time diagnosing it. I had to bring it up myself!

I told my shrink that I smoked and he was like, "meh, so what." I started smoking for this very reason and found that it leveled my mood out...at least temporarily...enough to get centered anyway.

It sucks, but it ain't hopeless and you aren't alone :)

peace >@

04-03-2005, 01:43 AM
It's all about coming off slowly, gradually lowering dosage and frequency and then once it is really low/you take it infrequently, you'll usualy end up just generally not bothering to take it and just stop.

Going cold turkey and suddenly stopping is a shock to the symstem and your body starts to suffer withdrawal symptoms from being so used to having the drug in you, doing its stuff.

worked for me, works for loads of people,
good luck :)


LearyS Disciple
04-04-2005, 04:10 AM
also, Do you think I could get Valium or something good from the doc tomorrow?

i hope no one has said this already, but i think doing something like valium would be stupid, because you are compianing about being addicted to one drug, and by getting into valium, you wouldnt be beating the addiction, only changing what u are addicted to

04-04-2005, 04:26 AM
Yeah , you're right.

I guess that was the inner fiend inside of me.

04-04-2005, 05:47 AM
i understaand how you feel, i was put on prozac when i was 13 and just got off 2 summers ago, so i was on for basically 4 years and when i was taken off it i became alot more depressed. it felt like i was always angry to, i guess the prozac really mellowed me out, and i just felt like i was going crazy. after being off it for a while i began to suffer panic attacks (it felt like i was having a heart attack and a lion was clawing my back, and total fear) i was put on effexor for a while and it helped but i turned 18 and lost my masshealth insurance, began to have panic attacks then ,medicated my self with pot and dxm (numbs your mind and body, so no mood swings or panic attacks) and thats what im still doing. some people are just more fucked in the head than others, it sucks.

04-04-2005, 07:15 PM

I guess all us Mass. residents are a bunch of mental cases, huh?

Yeah I hear ya though, I have been self medicating with lots of herb and it's really the only thing that helps, besides Ambien.

Thank god my local connect lets me run up a tab...

peace bro.


04-12-2005, 02:27 PM
If you can't sleep and you're getting racing thoughts, and possiblly psychotic thoughts. you may be bipolar. That's how it all started with me and I've just been recently diagnosed. You may need something in the valium family, like adivan or klonopin.

04-12-2005, 03:14 PM
The racing thoughts have calmed down a bit and I have gotten back to a somewhat decent sleep schedule. Thanks though, I'll ask about those klonopins.

04-12-2005, 07:20 PM
yo dmc

He said he wanted to ditch the junkie geek family

Not join it

04-13-2005, 07:52 AM

I really hope I'm not bipolar or whatever, even though I do kinda think 'bipolar' is made up.

But yeah I wouldn't mind getting a script for some benzo's. (not for personal use, a buddy would love em).

Does anyone know how to help convince a doctor i need valium or klonopin or xanax??

04-13-2005, 05:18 PM
Tell him you are a freak and you need drugs to control your self and calm down.

I need drugs LOL

Belive me it isnt hard to get those.

04-13-2005, 07:08 PM
Well Larry you must know something I don't because I went to the doctor today and the douchebag told me to "smoke less cigarettes and exercize more". Two pointers I already got for free at cannabis.com.

This really sucks I havent slept consistently well in a while...

04-16-2005, 01:48 PM
Did you take the melatonin? It works better than perscriptions.

You dont want valium. Your doctor is doing you a favor.
Because you are better off without it in the long run

They give those to freaks to calm down.

Did you taKe the melatonin? That will give you consistant
sleep for weeks at $10.00 a bottle.