View Full Version : TOWN HALL MEETING TORONTO:all must attend

03-24-2005, 05:47 PM
there is a meeting being held on the 31 and i need all torontonians and other willing citizens of ontario to attend as they plan on bashing all grow ops medicinal and personal. we need to meet them at the front lines we must no longer allow them to spread there hateful lies they are trying to create a lynch mob.my email address is [email protected] if you plan on attending please email me as i have said before the time is now if we dont stand together we will never acheive are goals

03-25-2005, 06:53 PM
come on candians not one post i know you want it leaglized please stand up for what you beleive in may not look like something big but if they convince a thousand people that it is bad and a problem thats a reason for them to keep trying.But if they go down there and there are 500 people saying that we want proof of the harm we want proof of the evil then they have to rethink there strategies

03-29-2005, 03:36 PM
come on are there no canadians willing to actually stand up for what they beleive is right i am ashamed lol