View Full Version : weed grinders!

05-31-2009, 07:22 PM
was gued :jointsmile:

this is my first time in this forum, but i would like for someone to help me.

does anyone know where i can get a weed grinder? I'm in the Orlando area.

near the florida mall area.

a shop or from someone.

thank you!

05-31-2009, 09:19 PM
You find a "store". This "store" will have the address 4200 ______ Lane, Orlando florida. Next, you will walk into this "store" it will probably have a sign in front of it..does it say something like "smoke" or "smoke shop"? Good. Now enter, you should be feeling pretty confident about getting that grinder at this point:thumbsup:. Next, look around and point with the index finger of your dominant hand to the first shiny metal round objects you see behind the glass window IMMEDIATELY and DON'T TAKE YOUR EYES OFF OF THEM! they could run away!
Now, CAREFULLY, pull out some bills and tell the nice man you want their most (in)expensive grinder..and..VWHALA! grinder

06-01-2009, 01:53 PM
i do not believe i asked for someone to explain to me the process of how to buy a weed grinder now did i?

I will clarify since some people tend to go off topic or just do not feel like
reading the question again. does anyone know where i can buy a
titanium grinder?

thank you.

06-04-2009, 05:02 PM
Well you can google head shops in your zip code and they should sell grinders there, metal ones, titanium ones, electric ones, any grinder you need for your medicine

06-28-2009, 02:22 PM
You may have some luck by heading south on OBT just past the Turnpike interchange. On the right, you see a relatively new store called Up In Smoke. They may have one or point you in the right direction.