View Full Version : Freezing vs. heating

03-06-2009, 05:19 AM
I've heard an argument that freezing dries the weed while preserving it's natural chemistry as opposed to drying by oven or microwave. What method would work best for making a tincture or Green Dragon?

03-06-2009, 09:17 PM
Both methods have their devotees. Why not commit a 1/4 and experiment with multiple methods. Using the same pot with each method is your only possible way of making any type of legitimate comparison between methods.
1.) The Master Wu technique calls for an 1/8, cut it roughly in half, put two grams in a class container and add 1.5oz of alcohol. and heat.

2) Put one gram in a glass jar and store it in the freezer for 30 days.

3) Put another gram in a jar with an oz of alcohol and store it in the back of your closet for thirty days.

At this point you have used 4 grams so you should have 3 grams left. Experiment with longer soaking periods or different types/strengths of alcohol.
Someday I want to make some GD w/Absinthe, but thats a different thread.

If you can't afford a 1/4, spring for an 1/8 or split it with friends and have group tincture parties. One gram of even high end commercial pot soaked for 30 days or more should get 4 people blasted 2 or 3 times. Depends on how good the pot is that you start with and how much you take each time.
Most health food stores sell small tincture bottles, they are brown glass to reduce light penetration and come equipped with an eyedropper with makes for easy distribution of the tincture. With any of the wait and soak methods, put the pot in the tincture bottle, add alcohol and wait at least 30 days. When you try it the first time leave the herb in the bottle and let it soak into the remaining alcohol.
Go on to the next experimental bottle and come back to this one after sampling all the rest.
The sacrifices we have to make in the name in of science are brutal but somebody's gotta do it.:cool: