View Full Version : Seedlings not sprouting

02-14-2009, 06:30 PM
Hello guys,

About 5 days ago, I germinated a bunch of seeds - 7 of them. Of these 7 seeds, only 5 popped. I put those 5 each in its growing medium and kept under 5x 18w (1050lumen) CFL's. My growbox is 90cm x 60cm x 50cm, it is located in a quite cool room, the average temperature is about 16c. After germination passed few days, but only one of the 5 seeds turned into a seedling. Now, I think 16c temperature is a bit too low for cannabis to grow normally. In order to raise temperature I set up 400w HPS + fan, now growbox is getting fresh air and good light, the average temperature now is 24c-26c. I keep an 18/6 lighting regime. About 1 days has passed since I set up HPS lamp and still only 1 of 5 is growing. How do think guys, are other seeds dead? Or they just might need a bit more of time. And yes, I have a Big Bud strain. What could be a "normal" seed sprouting time?

Thanks in advance. If everything goes well, I'm thinking about starting a grow log.

02-14-2009, 09:20 PM
Well for the seedlings, If they aint sproted yet, Don't put them under a light.
You best bet is to use dixie cups and plant the seeds. And put them on top of a freezer, They will sprout give them time. These things can take anywhere from two days to up to two weeks. Just keep them on the freezer and keep the medium damp, But not wet. Trust me they will sprout.


02-14-2009, 09:38 PM
February 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th were all Barren Moon Signs... If you planted in those times, that may be the problem!

Right now, today thru Monday at 7:53 pm EST Moon is in a really good sign for planting!

Hope things pick up!

02-27-2009, 11:33 PM
alright, heres wut i did... i put some soil intothose little shot glass lookin dixie cups with holes cut into the bottom i then soaked the soil util it was dripping wet, i waited for it to stop dripping and put my seed about h`alf an inch down in the soil, cover it up, put a few drops of water on top of where i just buried the seed and put it in a dark warm place ( under my computer, i actually put a heating pad underneith them set on the lowest setting with a note book seperating the heating pad and the dixie cups) i check up on them once every 3-4 hours or so and made sure the soil was moist by dripping water evenly around the soil (i got a water bottle and poke little hole in the cap) after about 3 days i checked up on them and 3 of the 4 sprouted( they were straight white about half an inch tall) i then put them under my white cfl twirly light bulb watered them and the next morning they were beautifuly green. they are lookin real good now! :)
BTW i germinated by putting my seeds in water in a shot glss, then put them in a cigar box in a nice warm place and check up on them every 24 hrs until i saw they cracked, then i put them directly in the soil and did the above :) Hope i helped

03-05-2009, 06:22 PM
I found my seed's weren't sprouting, then I put a heating pad under the seed tray on low heat. It seemed like they popped up quickly after that. I think the potting soil was just a little too chilly for them. I am using a used fish tank to sprout my seeds and grow the plants in, I put empty coffee cans in there first to lift the seed tray up as close to the light as I could. (I found out later you don't need lights right away, from reading information on here). I got a lot of sprouts after I put the heating pad underneath the tray, and the ones that didn't pop up, I figured were immature seeds.
I also, just last week, started seeds using the wet paper towel method, and I checked them today, found they were just starting to crack and sprout, and just transplanted the seeds into pots. I'll see out of 10 seeds how many will make it.
I think these older seedlings, I used Miracle Grow on them too quickly, so I lost some. I am now using straight tap water and see how they do. We kill with love my friend, so be kind.:cool: