View Full Version : How to go about getting a MMJ card?

12-08-2008, 05:21 AM
Ok im not a Marijuana user. But i have been doing a research on alternative medications for my attention deficit disorder, severe social anxiety, and panic attacks. My ADD they had me on Aderil and redialine, my anxiety they had me on Celexa And Xanax and these drugs are hook type drugs. I dont like taking them specially the redialine they make me feel wired and jittery and have heard horror storys about it, so i was reading up about how they did a study on medical cannabis for a alternative to these dangerous drugs for ADD and said it really helps with these disorders i was wondering how i would go about getting a MMJ card in Southern California because i wont smoke it unless it is legal also another thing i no longer have medical insurance as the time being is this something i could do with out a insurance provider???

12-08-2008, 08:49 AM
Well lucky for your insurance doesn't cover MMJ so no prob there. You can visit a MediCann clinic visit here (http://www.medicannusa.com) for a link to their website. You can also visit CANORML (http://www.canormal.org) for info on doctors that specialize in medical marijuana. It is my understanding that MediCann is probably cheaper. It is also my understanding that MediCann charges $140 for a consultation. Other doctors charge $200 or more for a consultation. Best to call ahead and find out what their fees are. And a consultation doesn't guarantee a recommendation. Although with your medical history you probably won't have trouble. (although I'm not a doctor) Make sure you bring You can also visit California Department of Public health website here (http://www.cdph.ca.gov/programs/MMP/Pages/default.aspx) for information about obtaining a state issued ID once you get a rec.

Good luck to you and I hope you get access to this wonderful medicine. It really does help with ADHD and anxiety just becareful when using sativa dominant strains as the high THC content can actually aggravate anxiety. Sativas are better for attention and concentration. Try and find a couple sativa/indica hybrids that works best for you and stick with those. I hope this helps. Have a great holiday.

Blessed be~

Storm Crow
12-08-2008, 02:55 PM
Take your medicine bottles with you to your appointment, and if you can, a copy of your medical records. Add the cash, and you're set! It will take about 1 hour to get legal.

The cards (so far) are optional. All that is REALLY needed is the note from the doctor. However, if you are a "cop magnet", it might be wise to get one. They can speed up your recognition as a patient, not a partier.

I haven't got one. (a) My county has yet to issue them. (b) I strongly disagree with demanding a fee from the ill for permission to take needed herbal medicine that they grow themselves in many cases. :mad: (c) I DO NOT trust my corrupt local government! :wtf: (d) I'm in my 60s and don't look like a cannabis user- my rare interactions with cops are usually because of someone else's troubles. (e) I have heard (but not confirmed) that in some counties, it goes on your driver's license and you are suspected of DUI if you are pulled over (self incrimination?).

There are also "club" cards. These are private, non-government cards, good only at the club/dispensary they are issued at. They do not go into any government data base- unless the DEA raids the club. Then all bets are off! The DEA raids should stop late January (I hope).

And then there's "grow yer own"! When you get your recommendation, BE SURE to have the doctor write on it how many plants you may possess (mature and immature) and how many ounces you may possess at one time. The default "limits were 6 mature plant or 12 immature and 8 ounces of buds (seeds, stems and leaves do not count). Where you find seeds is up to you. I would ask the doctor to change the "or" to an "and", at the least.

And it's WAY more than A study... Here's a couple from Granny's list (link is below in my sig). There are quite a few more if you're interested.

Cannabis as a medical treatment for attention deficit disorder
Cannabis as a medical treatment for attention deficit disorder - File psychiatry/psychology - Hemp and Medicine - Welcome to www.hemp-info.ch! The specialist for hemp (Cannabis) in Switzerland (http://www.chanvre-info.ch/info/en/Cannabis-as-a-medical-treatment.html)

THC normalized impaired psychomotor performance and mood
BBSNews - Smoked Marijuana Improved ADHD Driver's Performance (http://bbsnews.net/article.php/20071001105829361)

Cannabis Improves Symptoms of ADHD
Cannabis improves symptoms of ADHD (http://cache.search.yahoo-ht2.akadns.net/search/cache?ei=UTF-8&p=cannabis+ADhd&fr=yfp-t-501&u=www.cannabis-med.org/english/journal/en_2008_01_1.pdf&w=cannabis+adhd&d=dXlmEi72RErA&icp=1&.intl=us)

Fitness to drive in spite (because) of THC
Unbound MEDLINE | [Fitness to drive in spite (because) of THC] Journal article (http://www.unboundmedicine.com/medline/ebm/record/17879702/abstract/%5BFitness_to_drive_in_spite__because__of_THC%5D)

Granny :hippy:

12-08-2008, 03:05 PM
I live in a non Medical Marijuana state with a serious digestive disorder and what's called "General Anxiety" disorder. From experience I can tell you that Xanax is extremely addictive and the withdrawals are almost as bad as opiate withdrawals. I had to go into a hospital for 3 weeks to detox off of Xanax. They treated me with Pheno-Barbitol to counter the extreme anxiety one goes through while detoxing, I have no experience with Celexa and only minor experience with Ridalin. But I do know Ridalin is an amphetimine (speed) and we all know that is addictive. At age 55 I have been smoking marijuana for over 30 years. I use it to control chronic nausea and vomiting from Diabetic Neuropathic Gastroparesis (paralyzed stomach) which results in me surfing waves of nausea from mild to severe every hour of every day. My digestive specialist prescribed Regalin/Metoclopramide for chronic nausea control, then he proceeded to tell me not to take it everyday for it causes Irreversible Parkinson like shakes and tremors :eek:, and this is legal?!?! You don't have to be a rocket scientist, or a doctor for that matter, to know that treatment with a non toxic, non addictive drug such as Marijuana is preferred over toxic and addictive drugs like Ridalin, Xanxax and Regalin even if smoked. I am willing to face arrest, prosecution and forfieture of property for the ability to use Marijuana to control my chronic nausea and vomiting, and thats just schwag marijuana, the rare opportunites I've had in using real Medical Marijuana like Orange Kush, White Widow or Purple Haze has only strenghtened the fact of the theraputic value of the Cannabis plant :smokin:. I urge you to get a legal MMJ card and I know you will qualify simply because MMJ can help with your simptoms and it is non addictive and non toxic. I know it is non addictive because I stopped smoking pot for 10 years after smoking daily for 18 years and I had no problems. My sleep cycle wasn't even disturbed. Remember to count your blessings that you live where Medical Marijuana is legal. :smokin:

12-08-2008, 05:05 PM
Thank you very much guys that was very helpful!! OK so for me to get my medical records are they stored at the hospital i went to because i was diagnosed with ADD when i was 5yrs old and i am 22yrs now and i have been through 2 different providers can i get them from one place or do i have to go to two different places and another thing what is the difference between a mature and a immature plant ? then i was talking to someone prior and they said i should be interested in with registering with the county of my area and then trying to apply for a care givers card ?? what would the benifits of a care givers card be ???

Storm Crow
12-09-2008, 01:20 AM
Just go see the last doctor you saw. He will be able to either provide a copy, or tell you where to get them from. Your last year's worth of records are all you need. All the records are for is to validate that you are not "faking it".

The "immature" vs "mature" - there is no legal definition that I've seen. I just try to keep it at 6 plants period- then there is NO question. The doctor is the ultimate judge on just how many you need to grow for your use. Get it in writing on your recommendation, and you are covered!

About being a "caretaker".......Right now, it is risky unless you are related to, or living with, the person you care-take for, or are running a nonprofit cooperative. You might want to hit a news site and run a search on "California caretaker marijuana" and read what just happened. :(

If you still wish to do it after reading, may I suggest talking to a lawyer to discuss what you can, and cannot do as a caretaker! (Many lawyers will give a short, free consultation.) I would first read up as much as I could, and make a list, so I could ask intelligent questions and spend my time wisely.

Granny :hippy:

12-09-2008, 02:34 AM
You need med records within the last year, so if you dont have a recent visit relating to your illness than maybe try to get in to see a doc about the problem, just so it's on recent record. there are free med clinics to if you dont have insurance....mature plants being plants that are nearing harvest ready and immature plants being basically newbies in the veggetative stage.....As far as being a caregiver, your better off just getting a doc rec. Within the last month, the governator has kinda touched up on caretaking leniency and it is basically requiring you to be able to prove that you are directly responsible for the sick person you are growing for and in no way are you than allowed to consume the percieved "drug"......for your problem, smoking is legit and will change the way you look at society and our corrupt ass government. Coming from someone who used to be against it, its the best thing in this world that i have discovered, makes everything more fun and boredom will become an almost intangible thing of the past