View Full Version : Recommendation without history?

12-04-2008, 12:29 AM
I have always been depressive, often melencholic. I was the mildest among my family and learned how to hide it well. I am the only one that hasn't been in to see a doctor about it and the only one who has not been prescribed SSRIs. I am very opposed to pills and really don't want to go on them. I have tried every legal herbal thing I could find, but none of them work too well for me.

I have also been self-medicating recently and finding that small amounts help me with depression/anxiety issues and larger amounts make things worse. I had always thought that MMJ was just for terminally ill patients and hadn't thought that I might even potentially qualify until very recently. I don't know how serious an illness should be before considering MMJ, but I figure that if I would have qualified for SSRIs or other prescription drugs, it should be in that same category, right?

The reason I am posting is that I do not have a PCP(primary care physician) and have not been to see anyone thus I have no medical records. Is it possible to still get a recomendation?

I know places like Medicann would likely give me one, but there are also discussions on if their recommendations are too shady or not. I know few legit doctors would give recommendations without a good history.

I live in Davis and would really appreatiate help finding out what doctor I might want to contact. I would really appretiate any help I can get. I don't have health insurance and don't want to waste my time and money seeing two doctors--one to diagnose me and one to recommend MJ.

Thank you,

west coast style
12-04-2008, 11:21 PM
Go to the CANORML site, and search for "cannabis-friendly" doctors.

CA NORML Medical Marijuana Information (http://www.canorml.org/prop/215physicians.html)

If you can't see a doctor for your medical problems, maybe try making your way to one of those free clinics and get checked up over there. Then just make a copy of whatever they write down, and bring it to get your recommendation.