View Full Version : reveg strange leaves

03-11-2005, 02:13 AM
I've got a plant revegitating after harvest. There are two growth tips that are growing nicely. But they look like they are wilting a little. I also have 5 leaves above the growth tips. I have a flouro on top and a fluoro below the plant. the top two leaves on one side seem to be wilting a bit. The coloration is still a nice dark green. I think that it may be that the roots are taking in too much water for the plant so it looks like it is being overwatered. I have not watered it since before harvest.

Is this a sign that the plant will not make reveg? or is it just that the roots are taking in too much water right now.

Garden Knowm
03-12-2005, 03:55 PM
I would really need to see a picture.... But plants act weird and make some FUNNY growth spurts when you "re-veg" them...

can you post a pic?

: )

03-12-2005, 04:06 PM
It could easily be an overwater. I mean the root system has been growing for about 3 monthes and has been maintaining all the plant matter and bud, now all of that is removed so the water needs of the much smaller plant now is much less, but the root system is still gargantuan compared to the plant matter. It should be fine, might just take a while to show real growth signs. If new shoots are starting to come in, then it's on it's way to revegging and just be patient.

Some plants take longer than others to reveg. It depends on the plant, some respond to changes in light cycle faster than others. Usually the ones that show sex earliest are the ones that'll reveg quickest and with fewer problems.

03-12-2005, 04:20 PM
Re-veggin is not quite the same as double harvesting. when you reveg, you're revertting the plant back to it's previous stage. from what i've read, you can and more than likely will get some abnormal growth when you re-veg. make sure to watch for male flowers also, if there's only a few male flowers popping up here and there.. you can cut them off.. but if there's a massive gender confusion with the plant.. ya might be spinning your wheels and going nowhere

03-14-2005, 04:01 AM
its gotten past the over-watering. I trimmed it down to the two growth tips now. Already got white hairs, plant isn't very patient to flower.

04-01-2005, 08:57 AM
thoes mutant leaves are cool...lol keep it on veg cycle for a wile reveged plants will grow like mad!!!! literaly every place that can, will produce a grow shoot. kinda like a clone taken deep into flower...only more so.