View Full Version : GO Trojan!

06-25-2008, 06:45 AM
First i should say im not being a perv.
I took a human sexuality class back in the day. I learned a lot about a lot of things.
I am glad to see a company like Trojan put there name on a device that may help cure with a huge problem that women deal with.
Lack of orgasm.. I know everyone reading this is in their prime and never not had one.
The idea of a fingertip vibrating device isn't new. Just nice that a device can be bought with ease and comfortability like condoms. Price is great and give women a tool to get off when her lover is lacking, or is unaware of..

I love women who get off every time they want and enjoy orgasms, i know as a guy I do..

Good luck.. I ordering one


Mr. TBAGU 420
07-05-2008, 07:19 PM
Yeah, well if you're good enough you don't have to buy any of that fancy marketing crap. True skills beat marketing tools :thumbsup:

07-05-2008, 07:58 PM
Yeah, well if you're good enough you don't have to buy any of that fancy marketing crap. True skills beat marketing tools :thumbsup:

i can run circles around you any day.. :rastabanna:
Thats not what I was saying in the thread. There is a Huge problem with women and their own orgasm's. Yes there is many women who have no problems. There is a difference between a guy and a girl. Men have had no problem growing up and being able to learn what makes for a great orgasm..
The fact that "most"(again A LOT)women don't have a "real" orgasm until their 30's. There is a reason why its called the dirty thirties. Most women at that stage in their life are comfortable with who they are and what they have.. :thumbsup:

but, no hating.. Thanks for the reply, posted weeks ago. :) wanna get what people thoughts are.. l8r

Chronic Chrissy
07-18-2008, 01:43 AM
Yeah, well if you're good enough you don't have to buy any of that fancy marketing crap. True skills beat marketing tools :thumbsup:

I don't care how good any guy is, nothing can get me off better than a vibrator and myself. You may thing you have the moves because the ladies have told you(we don't want to hurt your feelings because then sex gets even worse), but you must understand you can't always verbilize or direct your partner to do exactly what you want, your own hands are another story.

07-18-2008, 01:50 AM
There's nothing like good ol' Jill to take care of things

Guys and Gals...look at your hands, left hand palm up, right hand palm down.

What's the name that your fingers spell?

Ya...there ya go


07-18-2008, 02:05 AM
There's nothing like good ol' Jill to take care of things

Guys and Gals...look at your hands, left hand palm up, right hand palm down.

What's the name that your fingers spell?

Ya...there ya go


My hands don't spell anything.....

OH GOD, I'M A FREAK!!!! :(:(:(

07-18-2008, 02:19 AM
Why buy a finger vibrator when you have a perfectly good tounge to use on her?