View Full Version : Easy Clones for Hydroponic and Aeroponic Systems

Sensi Super Skunk
02-26-2005, 10:45 PM
How to Air Layer a Clone

Items Needed:
~Match sticks or toothpicks
~Razor blade (preferably sterile)
~Rooting hormone (Clonex)
~Plastic wrap

1) Sterile all your cutting tools before using them

2) Find a branch that is at least 1/8 inch thick with a minimum

3) Use the razor blade to split the branch vertically/lengthwise. Cut at least 1/4 into the branchto meet the phloem.

4) Use the tweezers to open the slit; do not break the branch completely

5) Apply rooting hormone to the open wound. Tape a matchstick parralel to the stem for support

6) Pack the open wound carefully with any grow medium, or use a rockwool cube to cover the area (just split the cube down one side and slide over the branch)

7) Wrap the area with the small plastic bag. The effect should be a funnelshaped plastic wrap enclosure

8) Pack the bag with grow medium before sealing with tape

9) Use a pin to create holes around bag so that you can water the medium

10) Use an eyedropper to keep the medium wet every day

After two weeks, your cutting will have developed roots and you can cut away the branch below the roots. Now you have a clone with roots ready for growth. Tou can choose to remove the plastic bag if you feel it is too tight to allow all the roots to pass through it and transplant the clone to its new growing enviroment.

This method is especially good for growers who wish to transplant a cutting with roots directly to a hydroponic or aeroponic system. It effectively allows you to skip at least one transplanting step, reducing the risk of shock for your clones. The fact that you can grow roots without using a medium (do not use rockwool if this is what you want to do) makes it an extremely effective cloning method for aeroponic systems.

Sensi Super Skunk
02-26-2005, 10:47 PM
The above article was taken from The Cannabis Grow Bible by Greg Green.