View Full Version : Gaurd Cat

04-26-2008, 12:22 PM
We have the cutest lil black & white tuxedo cat~~an
she's really got 'catitude'~~everytime sumone comes to
our door she races there first 2 see who it is~~I always
know when sumones there~~she loves people 2 but she'll
really let u know if u cross her boundries:jointsmile:
PEACE OUT:hippy:

05-10-2008, 10:24 AM
We also had a cat a few years ago that was better than any guard dog, if someone came to the house or garden that she did not recognize she would go on the attack.
Strangely we also had a little black rabbit who did the same, especially did not like the postman, it's name was Flop when we got it but the kids soon renamed it Psycho Bunny.
It is strange how the un-likeliest of animals can become very defensive



05-14-2008, 04:11 PM
Strangely we also had a little black rabbit who did the same, especially did not like the postman, it's name was Flop when we got it but the kids soon renamed it Psycho Bunny.

Attack bunny. Fukin awesome. :D:thumbsup:

05-14-2008, 05:24 PM
Run away!

03-23-2009, 06:57 AM
I have a male cat named rudy who attacked a grown man for just getting to close to my step-daughter in her sleep!:thumbsup: He is my best friend and the best cat alive, i only wish my pitbull was as protective as him. rudy will get very defencive of me very quick. He will also eat ANYTHING he comes in contact with LOL. That rabbit story was the shit though, that was so cool, flop earned PIMP points in my book!:pimp:

03-23-2009, 06:32 PM
3 cats all with thier own personalities and attitudes to match.
Cats are a brilliant early warning system, ours are alert the second they hear anyone approaching.
We had a tabby called Samson who had the worst attitude of any cat I have ever owned, he chased pitbulls and really ruled the neighbourhood. He was spoiled rotten by all our neighbours and he eventualy went to a friend who lives in the country.
I sometimes have dreams of him dragging a deer into my mates place and getting just as pissed as he did when I used to try to take his latest kill.

This is Spike.

03-23-2009, 10:42 PM
Yeah I have a cat now named Tilly, she learned her stalking techniques from my previous cat Ally who was extremely badass. One time my friend went to get Ally from under the deck and he got torn up, she also had a reputation for attacking people in their sleep.