View Full Version : People read into stuff to much

02-26-2005, 02:20 AM
People make life way more complicated that it's supposed to be. Animals don't do that. It's a wierd feeling i get every once and awhile. I can see the perspective from the outside of being a human being.

Take a horny teen for example. He goes around trying to stick his dick in as many pussies as possible. It's an animal trying to have pleasure as much as possible.

Or look at stop-lights. Stop-lights are no more than a box, that controls millions of people by the color it flashes. Millions of people are being guided by a box hanging from a wire, that flashes colors.

What are sports? Why do humans take them so seriously. Why do we read books? Why do we need to devolope more technology. Why can't we just live off the land.

Also, Europeans landing in America, being introduced to the Native Americans. Is the same as thing as Aliens landing on Earth. Human beings are the Native Americans, and the Aliens are the Europeans. Maybe one day, an Alien, still arrogant to their technology (sort of like americans and the A-bomb) will accidently introduce a bacteria or virus that will desimate the entire World. Killing every human being on it. It would be just like the Europeans landing in the New World, and accidently killing the Native Americans by bringing small-pox to them.

02-26-2005, 02:56 AM
I get what you're saying. Sometimes, everything about our lives seems so trivial. I guess that's what makes people turn to religion for some kind of answer, but then again, as naturalmystic might say, what's so special about the Bible, anyway?

But I'm not sure about europeans 'accidentally' killing Natives. There's some well-documented cases of Europeans (English, I think, but I'm not sure) giving blankets infected with small-pox on purpose. And though you might say that alcoholism wasn't considered a disease back then, Europeans certainly took advantage of the Natives' predisposition towards alcohol abuse... But that's a little off topic :D

But I have my own interpretation on some of these questions:
Why are sports taken so seriously? IMHO, it's the same thing as male animals competing for leadership of a group, or competing for females.
Why do we develop more technology? We make technology to make our lives easier. That's the whole point of prgress, isn't it? We make certain parts of our life completely automated or thoughtless so that we can devote our energy to something more 'productive'. Think of something like communication. People used to devote so much time and energy to say something to somebody else. Now, pick up a cell phone, or send an e-mail to someone's cell phone. Therefore, we have time to devote our minds to something more worthwhile than simply making sure that person got our message.

Honestly, I don't know more than anyone else, this is just my little opinion. But I do sometimes wonder, "what's it all mean?" :confused:

By the way, I LOVE your sig, by Joseph Campbell. I've been saying similar things on this board for a while, but everybody misinterprets me! It's nice when you find someone who can articulate what you're thinking so clearly :D

03-07-2005, 06:59 AM
u know... we could be aliens. the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs was our space ship. or maybe i'm just stoned

03-08-2005, 02:21 AM
anything is possible.

03-10-2005, 01:39 AM
I feel that way too.In Australia we have native aboriginies or torres strait islanders.We have aboriginie in our family but i am white as a ghost.This is there land first and foremost.They should have there land rights but the white europeans that started here have the land.There are very few sacred places left for them.Some places are protected for them but not many.My great grandpa was an abbo and he was not allowed on the kids birth certificates as back then they were classed as second class.Now that is fucked when it was there country to begin with.Alot of babies were taken away from aboriginie parents back in the 60's and given to white people and the parents were told that they were stillborn or even just taken out of there arms right after the birth (called the stolen generation).Very sad to me i hate that.Anyways i love them i get along great with aboriginies as i have grown up with them all my life.They deserve better.

03-10-2005, 06:01 PM
Human beings are animals...only "advanced", whatever that means. :rolleyes: And the world will end one day, be it by our own destruction or not.

Analyzing every little detail of life is just as much a part of humans taking themselves too seriously as any of the other control issues we have. Asking too many questions and getting confused about everything is just as bad as not asking any questions at all. It's a double edged sword.

03-10-2005, 06:36 PM
Human beings are animals...only "advanced", whatever that means.

Yes, sometimes I stop what I'm doing to reflect on the fact that we're all just a bunch of super-intelligent apes, chattering about in our ape-talk, swinging our monkey arms as we walk and scratching our monkey asses. It's rather funny when you think about it. Then again, I'm baked.

03-11-2005, 03:31 AM
Finally people that understand!!!
We are the same savage un-civalized beasts that are in the animal kingdom. The only difference is that they kill one beast at a time for food,shelter,chicks! Whatever they need to survive and thrive. But we can kill 10, 000 people at a time with the push of a button from 500 miles away and gain nothing but the start of another war at one time or another when someone else wants what we bombed for.

We still kill each other like animals. We're just really good at it, more effeciant one might say.

03-12-2005, 05:47 AM
You're right..

Three examples of how humans over-complicate things:

1) God(s), religion, etc
2) Relationships
3) Politics

There are loads more, but im stoned

04-01-2005, 05:54 PM
Im going out right now, lift up my leg, AND PISS ON SOMBODY!!!!!