View Full Version : Pass a hair test by Jerry G...

Jerry G
04-05-2008, 03:37 AM
This method is not fool proof, but does have a very high(90%+) success rate.

THC metabolites are stored in the cortex of the hair strand. The cortex is protected by a layer of scales called the cuticle. To strip the metabolites from the cortex, the cuticle needs to be opened and penetrated.

Basics open the cuticle due to their PH levels above 7. Baking soda, bleach, and ammonia are all are strong basics that help to open the cuticle.

Shampoos like Toxin Wash and Zydot contain strong stripping agents, that combined with bleaching and redying yield a very high success rate in passing hair tests.

I think going to a pro is best for bleaching and redying, but it can be done at home.

The basic plan is to bleach and redye twice. Use a 40 volume peroxide bleach. Ignore the hair pros and sign a waiver if needed. I think washing out the bleach and the dye with a very strong shampoo like Toxin Wash works best. The second bleach and redye should be done at least 10 days after the last session of herb. If you have little or no clean time, the last bleach and redye should be done as close to the test as possible.

The day of the test make a thick baking soda paste and massage it into your hair. Then do a full TW treatment and then a full Zydot treatment. These two shampoos compliment each other.

Good luck, almost everyone who does this passes...


I have no experience with them, but some people have had success with hair relaxers and perm treatments. These products contain propylene glycol and ammonia, which are proven to open the cuticle and reduce metabolites. I'd wash with TW or another good shampoo after treatment.

There is a common misconception that AloeRid Shampoo helps to pass a test. It does nothing. It is the discontinued AloeRid Treatment that contained a high propylene glycol content, and was effective.

There is a treatment program called the Macujo Method. It works for some people, especially those with thin light hair, or low levels of usage. It does not work well for heavy users with little clean time. It did not work at all for me.

Best of luck to all--Jerry G

04-05-2008, 04:47 AM
Good Shit Jerry... We should make this a sticky! A hair testing thread would definitely be very informative to everyone. :thumbsup:

04-06-2008, 03:35 AM
Good stuff Jerry G. 2 vote's sticky.. Thanks..:thumbsup:..:smokin:..:stoned:

04-06-2008, 08:07 PM
Great information. Sticky worthy I think :thumbsup:

04-08-2008, 03:44 PM
i had'nt smoked for years but had one single spliff at the beginning of march.would you believe i now have to have a hair test(possibly going back 6 months).
what shall i do to guarantee passing the test?
my hair is natural black (afro carribean)

04-10-2008, 01:32 PM
does anyone know where to buy toxin wash in the uk? or can i use zydot all the way?

Jerry G
04-10-2008, 05:23 PM
i had'nt smoked for years but had one single spliff at the beginning of march.would you believe i now have to have a hair test(possibly going back 6 months).
what shall i do to guarantee passing the test?
my hair is natural black (afro carribean)

Hair tests go back three months, and one use should not show up...

Jerry G
04-10-2008, 05:25 PM
does anyone know where to buy toxin wash in the uk? or can i use zydot all the way?

A very strong swimmers shampoo could sub for the TW...

04-14-2008, 11:18 PM
Would Paul Mitchell 3 be a good shampoo to use after the bleaching sessions?

Jerry G
04-15-2008, 01:38 AM
Better than nothing for sure...

04-15-2008, 01:55 AM
I essentially have everything, hydrogen peroxide, a shampoo to use afterwards. Although I probably need to refine my tecnique. Can Zydot only be found in headshops? I'd like to purchase it and be safe rather than sorry.

Jerry G
04-15-2008, 02:07 AM
Many shops have it, also try zydot dot com

04-15-2008, 02:22 AM
yea i had my test today... 92 days clean i bleached with 20 volume and dyed it ... and used clarifying shampoo and moisturizing condtiioner now im waitin my results from pschemedics lab

04-15-2008, 02:28 AM
I guess the same can't be said for Toxin Wash and finding it in stores. They're killing me with shipping prices. What is this about the 20 volume and 40 volume hydrogen peroxides? The bottle I bought mentions nothing of this.

04-15-2008, 02:35 AM
my hair stylist told me 20 volume because my hair is a light color ... no need to use 40 and have the possibility of losin my hair ... the volumes u can go by ur hair color .. if your a dark like black then use for to strip it obviously if youre lighter then use a lower volume

04-15-2008, 02:43 AM
I have dark hair, so I need the volume 40. Where do I find the different strengths? I only found one bottle no volume amount on it, just regular hydrogen peroxide.

04-15-2008, 02:50 AM
try searching the internet... if u have a friend or no a hair stylist let them do it for ya they no what there doing ....

04-15-2008, 05:05 AM
So regular hydrogen peroxide is not strong enough?

Jerry G
04-15-2008, 12:50 PM
40 volume peroxide bleach can be purchased at ant beauty supply store.

04-15-2008, 03:02 PM
some places sell 40 volume...... all of them do sell 30 volume but like i said depending on how dark your hair is go with the higher volume

Jerry G
04-15-2008, 05:28 PM
some places sell 40 volume...... all of them do sell 30 volume but like i said depending on how dark your hair is go with the higher volume

I'd agree if we were using this product for its' intended purpose.

But, we are trying to destroy thc metabolites, and my belief is that stronger is better...

04-15-2008, 09:02 PM
yea i deffinetly agree with you jerry on u wantin to kill the thc the strongest... my professional hair stylist told me 20 volume was fine so i went with her.. but yea ur info deff helps

04-16-2008, 12:03 AM
i will be trying this method tomarrow,have evrything ready to go i plan on doing every step as described right down to the bakingsoda.i have been clean for 14 days now. man the first few where rough lol , i plan on taking test within 1 day after th 21st missing 420 but not my birthday wich is 30th so ill party twice as hard then i plan on posting each time i do a step so expect post tomarrow and early next week i hope this works but i will let all know results pass or fail so thank jerry g for awesome info:thumbsup::jointsmile:

04-16-2008, 12:37 AM
yea man good luck yo ya..... let us no your results

04-17-2008, 02:29 AM
di first bleach then redyed the color matches perfectly no burns no nothin i just have to wait till they call me then i will do second bleaching and this will be over :thumbsup:

04-17-2008, 04:59 AM
yea man.. just if u used 40 volume try and use it as far apart of a time frame that u can.. because if u use it like 2 days after u first bleached ur hair u can lose all your hair... but yea use the baking soda paste and zydot / tw and u should be fine bro good luck

04-17-2008, 09:37 PM
thanks alot trippy i used last night and they said they would call the 21st for sure so i imagine they want to get it done asap so if i have to go next day i will have atleast 6 days if they tell me later i will wait till night before and yes i did use 40 volume a little dye leaked but not much no one noticed anything today until i said something about it but i really appreciate the help and info from u and jerry g by the way have u gotten results back for yours i hope u passed :jointsmile:

04-18-2008, 12:38 AM
yea man i passed no problem however my hair is a lighter color lol ... but i cant wait to start my job the 28th... and im sure u will be fine ... and hey i dont mind helpin any one out since i was helped out .... gotta give props to jerry g and fbr them guys should be in hightimes just for the face they know what there talking about :thumbsup::stoned:

12-08-2009, 08:18 AM
Has anybody else tried this method? Did it work for you?

01-07-2010, 01:05 PM
This method is not fool proof, but does have a very high(90%+) success rate.

THC metabolites are stored in the cortex of the hair strand. The cortex is protected by a layer of scales called the cuticle. To strip the metabolites from the cortex, the cuticle needs to be opened and penetrated.

Basics open the cuticle due to their PH levels above 7. Baking soda, bleach, and ammonia are all are strong basics that help to open the cuticle.

Shampoos like Toxin Wash and Zydot contain strong stripping agents, that combined with bleaching and redying yield a very high success rate in passing hair tests.

I think going to a pro is best for bleaching and redying, but it can be done at home.

The basic plan is to bleach and redye twice. Use a 40 volume peroxide bleach. Ignore the hair pros and sign a waiver if needed. I think washing out the bleach and the dye with a very strong shampoo like Toxin Wash works best. The second bleach and redye should be done at least 10 days after the last session of herb. If you have little or no clean time, the last bleach and redye should be done as close to the test as possible.

The day of the test make a thick baking soda paste and massage it into your hair. Then do a full TW treatment and then a full Zydot treatment. These two shampoos compliment each other.

Good luck, almost everyone who does this passes...


I have no experience with them, but some people have had success with hair relaxers and perm treatments. These products contain propylene glycol and ammonia, which are proven to open the cuticle and reduce metabolites. I'd wash with TW or another good shampoo after treatment.

There is a common misconception that AloeRid Shampoo helps to pass a test. It does nothing. It is the discontinued AloeRid Treatment that contained a high propylene glycol content, and was effective.

There is a treatment program called the Macujo Method. It works for some people, especially those with thin light hair, or low levels of usage. It does not work well for heavy users with little clean time. It did not work at all for me.

Best of luck to all--Jerry G

i REALLY don't want to subject my hair to that if its not necessary, is there anything else you would recommend for me?

also, for this particular shampoo that works.. from what i can gather

06-18-2010, 01:35 AM
hey quick question about the baking soda paste...do you rinse and then apply the TW and zydot or leave it in and then apply the shampoos on top of that?

06-18-2010, 08:02 PM
hey quick question about the baking soda paste...do you rinse and then apply the TW and zydot or leave it in and then apply the shampoos on top of that?

You know, he doesn't really specify in this thread. My honest opinion would be either. I can't imagine it making much of a difference.

08-27-2010, 07:43 PM
i have like 2nd degree burns on my head because of clarifying so much then bleaching blisters on my ears and head
and a had a pro bleach it i should prolly sue or somthing

10-12-2010, 04:22 AM
So I'll be called in for a test any day I am pretty sure, a hair folicle, I haven't smoked in at least 4 months, however, I have taken aderral and lortabs occassionally, when I have taken them I hit em pretty hard, will this method work for those substances and is there a bit more detail on how to perfom the steps, especially being I may only have a few days to prepare?

Thanks a bunch

10-12-2010, 12:20 PM
If you haven't smoked for 4 months you should be fine because hair tests only cover a 3 month period. The only time I have heard of a hair test going back further was in the case of Shannon Matthews in UK, a child who's hair was tested back 2 years - but this was a very, VERY different thing.

Also, I dunno what those things are that you said you took but you're only supposed to talk about cannabis, BurntToast is gonna put the funny yellow policeman on if ur not careful!! You really can't talk about other drugs here cause people are here to try and pass cannabis tests and other conversations will confuse everybody and make everybody read more irrelavant info to get to their answers - which nobody wants.

11-10-2010, 02:32 AM
I have a possible hair test in maybe 2 months for a gov't job. I am a heavy smoker for 15 years. I am down for all the bleaching and redyeing processes. I get the whole toxin/omni/zydot wash treatment in conjunction with the bleaching processes. My question is this? I quit and use one of those 7 day cleansers to speed things up, then I cut my hair real short. my hair grows somewhat quickly so i feel i could grow the 1-2 inches needed for the test in 2 months. use some tw or omni a few times, maybe some zydot on the day of the test. but wouldn't i then be growing clean fresh hair at some point within a few weeks of quitting?
Don't get me wrong I'll do the jerry g method to a t. i gotta pass. i am just trying to explore options since i might have more time.

11-10-2010, 01:46 PM
I have a possible hair test in maybe 2 months for a gov't job. I am a heavy smoker for 15 years. I am down for all the bleaching and redyeing processes. I get the whole toxin/omni/zydot wash treatment in conjunction with the bleaching processes. My question is this? I quit and use one of those 7 day cleansers to speed things up, then I cut my hair real short. my hair grows somewhat quickly so i feel i could grow the 1-2 inches needed for the test in 2 months. use some tw or omni a few times, maybe some zydot on the day of the test. but wouldn't i then be growing clean fresh hair at some point within a few weeks of quitting?
Don't get me wrong I'll do the jerry g method to a t. i gotta pass. i am just trying to explore options since i might have more time.

THCA stops depositing into the hair 2-3 days after your last smoking session. All new hair growth after this time will be clean. Average human hair grows 1\2 inch per month and you have two months. That's an inch of clean hair growth on your head and most testers look for atleast 3\4 of an inch on the head to test. Anything shorter and they will be taking it from another part of your body.

I suggest that you stop smoking right now. Wait 10 days and shave your head. You should have enough hair to meet the requirements at test time. This method will keep you from having to do any kind of hair treatments or bleach and redyes.

Also, Ive heard nothing good about the 7 day cleansers. They are known to be a waste of money and sticking with bleach and the Zydot/Toxin wash shampoos are a much better idea.

11-10-2010, 02:54 PM
Thanks for the response.
I was only going to shave my head with a #2 electric razor at the barber shop. I wasn't going to do the bic and shaving cream.
Will a #2 buzz cut be short enough?
all in all i might have to the jerry g method because I might not have enough time. i'll see how it plays out.
Thanks for your help.

11-10-2010, 03:56 PM
one other thing, if i quit and cut my hair short should I still be doing the baking soda /omni/tw/zydot wash on the day of the exam?

11-10-2010, 06:21 PM
one other thing, if i quit and cut my hair short should I still be doing the baking soda /omni/tw/zydot wash on the day of the exam?

As I said before, THCA stops depositing 2-3 days after your last smoking session, allowing all new hair growth to be clean. This clean hair will not have to be treated at all.

Not sure how short a #2 guard is but its probably not short enough. You'll have to use your best judgment and do your math on hair growth and what you think will be short enough after ten days of sobriety. A little dirty hair will not hurt or fail you.

Burnt Toast
07-29-2011, 07:59 PM
Good Shit Jerry... We should make this a sticky! A hair testing thread would definitely be very informative to everyone. :thumbsup: So true Diege. Yours and jeffmans suggestion has been heard.

A 'sticky' thread this is.. effective immediately. :thumbsup:

12-17-2011, 02:57 PM
I have a possible hair test in maybe 2 months for a gov't job. I am a heavy smoker for 15 years. I am down for all the bleaching and redyeing processes. I get the whole toxin/omni/zydot wash treatment in conjunction with the bleaching processes. My question is this? I quit and use one of those 7 day cleansers to speed things up, then I cut my hair real short. my hair grows somewhat quickly so i feel i could grow the 1-2 inches needed for the test in 2 months. use some tw or omni a few times, maybe some zydot on the day of the test. but wouldn't i then be growing clean fresh hair at some point within a few weeks of quitting?
Don't get me wrong I'll do the jerry g method to a t. i gotta pass. i am just trying to explore options since i might have more time.

Hi Mate
I have got drugs test for new job, l have managed to blag some time, l want the job but l cant risk going for it, in case come up positive, l was a very heavy smoker for probably same time as you, about 15 yrs ish, l stopped smoking on Nov 20th 2011, l am thinking about taking drug test in late feb, l have ginger hair, not good for dying apparantly, does weight come in to it, if you are 3 months clean, thanks everyone for your help very grateful

12-17-2011, 04:19 PM
Hi Mate
I have got drugs test for new job, l have managed to blag some time, l want the job but l cant risk going for it, in case come up positive, l was a very heavy smoker for probably same time as you, about 15 yrs ish, l stopped smoking on Nov 20th 2011, l am thinking about taking drug test in late feb, l have ginger hair, not good for dying apparantly, does weight come in to it, if you are 3 months clean, thanks everyone for your help very grateful

Weight will not affect the outcome of a hair test. Reread post #37 and #40. You have time and cutting your hair will remove the THC.

03-10-2012, 04:22 AM
Really informative. It is really one of the most confusing issues. But such information is surely going to help the people.

08-11-2012, 04:43 PM
i did the jerry g method and passed my first hair test. it was a self test, just wanted to make sure before i went for the real one. my question is, since i passed the first test, if i keep up with the baking soda paste and detox shampoo, do i need to bleach again or is my hair completely stripped of toxins? i dont want to bleach for fear of losing hair, i lost some last time. any info would help. thanks

02-27-2013, 03:16 PM
This method is not fool proof, but does have a very high(90%+) success rate.

THC metabolites are stored in the cortex of the hair strand. The cortex is protected by a layer of scales called the cuticle. To strip the metabolites from the cortex, the cuticle needs to be opened and penetrated.

Basics open the cuticle due to their PH levels above 7. Baking soda, bleach, and ammonia are all are strong basics that help to open the cuticle.

Shampoos like Toxin nd Zydot contain strong stripping agents, that combined with bleaching and redying yield a very high success rate in passing hair tests.

I think going to a pro is best for bleaching and redying, but it can be done at home.

The basic plan is to bleach and redye twice. Use a 40 volume peroxide bleach. Ignore the hair pros and sign a waiver if needed. I think washing out the bleach and the dye with a very strong shampoo like Toxin Wash works best. The second bleach and redye should be done at least 10 days after the last session of herb. If you have little or no clean time, the last bleach and redye should be done as close to the test as possible.

The day of the test make a thick baking soda paste and massage it into your hair. Then do a full TW treatment and then a full Zydot treatment. These two shampoos compliment each other.

Good luck, almost everyone who does this passes...


I have no experience with them, but some people have had success with hair relaxers and perm treatments. These products contain propylene glycol and ammonia, which are proven to open the cuticle and reduce metabolites. I'd wash with TW or another good shampoo after treatment.

There is a common misconception that AloeRid Shampoo helps to pass a test. It does nothing. It is the discontinued AloeRid Treatment that contained a high propylene glycol content, and was effective.

There is a treatment program called the Macujo Method. It works for some people, especially those with thin light hair, or low levels of usage. It does not work well for heavy users with little clean time. It did not work at all for me.

Best of luck to all--Jerry G

Ok so im a heavy smoker only 5'11" 185 day metabolism, have a hair test today I've bought the synergy detox precision cleanse and toxin wash I've ben doing that for the past week I only had time to bleach and redye hair once about to bakimg soda my hair then tw treatment barely any vlean time about two weeks. anymore advice

03-22-2013, 12:38 PM
Ok Jerry G. I've seen your posts all over while searching for the answer to my hair test dilemma. History of smoking is constant. For years. I'm 5"2' about 120 lbs. Long, black, thc-filled hair... :hippy: I have a hair test coming up (they said 4-6 weeks. this was almost 2 weeks ago) for a corporate position I applied for at my job. Everything I read says macujo or gman method, washes of all kinds, or I'm just plain fucked. But the one that has me intrigued is bleaching. Like I said before, my hair is probably the worst kind of hair to bleach! What do you know about professional hair color stripping? And if I get this process done, do you think it would clean thc as well as color from the cortex of the hair? Please help! :smokebong:

06-06-2013, 12:33 AM
Hair Test Passed!

Thursday - Request to take hair test received

Friday - macujo method three times. w/o baking soda

Saturday - Got a haircut to 1 inch at top + macujo method 1 time (burned like hell)

Sunday - washed hair with Stat shampoo and shaved entire body below neck

Monday - Test day! washed hair with Stat shampoo in morning and took test that afternoon

Wednesday found out I passed

Smoke history: Smoked 4-5 times about a 30 to 35 days before test

35-90 days prior to test smoked very lightly 3-4 times.

Body type: 5'10 190
Hair: Dark/thin

Test Center: psychemedics

Opinion/cocky rant: My girlfriend is a PA and a lot of her friends are doctors. They told me it would be very difficult/impossible to pass. I smoked lightly 35-90 days prior to test (~4 times). I smoked 4-5 times 30-35 days prior to test (super bummed over not getting an offer). I tried the macujo method after reading about everybody else having success and used the STAT shampoo. When I went in to get the sample taken the lady said my hair was too short and wanted body hair. I told her I shaved my entire body b/c I heard these tests went back 10+ years and college was a good time. She laughed at me and took it off the top of my head. No idea what worked or why but it did baby!!!!

Life Advice Section: This was one of the most stressful experiences of my life. I had already received the job offer and accepted before being informed about the hair test. I had already told my parents and my gf's parents about the job offer and my plans to accept the following week. My advice is to stop smoking if you're even thinking about looking for a job or internship. It's just not worth the stress or the potential to miss out on a great job. I love a good high but not as much as a fat payday.

06-12-2013, 11:41 PM
So, I have been asked to do a hair test tomorrow. I weigh 150, I am 5'8" and in my mid 40's. My last smoke was 15 days ago and was a strong medical variety. Prior to that I was a regular smoker for the last 25 years. I have super short hair on my head and face, 1/8" roughly.

I did the following yesterday:

Trimmed leg, arm, arm pit, pubic and chest hair down to between 1/2" and 1".
Soaked all body hair in white vinegar for 30 minutes using a gauze wrap
Soaked all body hair in Clean & Clear Astrigent for 30 minutes using gauze wrap
Washed up using liquid laundry detergent for 30 minutes
Final wash with swimmers shampoo


Bleached all body hair using 30 volume peroxide (could not find 40 vol locally)
Redyed all body hair (by the way, it stains the skin)
Washed body using swimmers shampoo with add in stripper to clean everything up
Finished up with 2 cycles of Ultra Klean "Ultra Cleanse" shampoo.

Any idea on my chances of passing if I go in tomorrow?

07-03-2013, 11:16 PM
So, I have been asked to do a hair test tomorrow. I weigh 150, I am 5'8" and in my mid 40's. My last smoke was 15 days ago and was a strong medical variety. Prior to that I was a regular smoker for the last 25 years. I have super short hair on my head and face, 1/8" roughly.

I did the following yesterday:

Trimmed leg, arm, arm pit, pubic and chest hair down to between 1/2" and 1".
Soaked all body hair in white vinegar for 30 minutes using a gauze wrap
Soaked all body hair in Clean & Clear Astrigent for 30 minutes using gauze wrap
Washed up using liquid laundry detergent for 30 minutes
Final wash with swimmers shampoo


Bleached all body hair using 30 volume peroxide (could not find 40 vol locally)
Redyed all body hair (by the way, it stains the skin)
Washed body using swimmers shampoo with add in stripper to clean everything up
Finished up with 2 cycles of Ultra Klean "Ultra Cleanse" shampoo.

Any idea on my chances of passing if I go in tomorrow?

How did it go?

07-07-2013, 10:03 PM
Damn thats pretty thorough

07-24-2013, 02:30 AM
What is the minimum i have to wait between bleaches so i dont lose my hair

11-22-2013, 07:43 AM
I did 2bleach an redyes in 1 wk, then 2wks later did another 1. . Wash it off with toxin wash. Ur hair will feel like straw but it depends on how much u wanna pass that darn test. I then put perm lotion on me ed and ended up fried and had to have hair cut really short. I was a daily smoker of very gd weed. I had 4 wks to get hair clean. I totally messed up the hair structure and used toxin wash an zydot. I had to get it shipped as U.KDon't sell toxin wash. Expensive but well worth it. I PASSED THE DREADED HAIR TEST. Hope this helps.

11-25-2013, 10:35 PM
So I'm 5'10" 200lbs light brown hair thinning on top. My friend from college said he could get me on with his O&G company making boo coos of money so I abstained for a month (cut down drastically 9 months prior) and quit my job to aquire a certtification for the oil job. That opportunity did not work out so I've been job hunting for 3 months. In the past three months I've smoked three times. One hit 70 days ago, one hit 32 days ago and two hits 26 days ago. I smoked very small amounts intermittenly as I figured it would not effect a urine test. I now have 3 jobs on the table that all require a hair test. One company is running a background check and wont call me in for the hair test until thats back so I have a week or two before I go in for the test. I did the majuco method 4 times over the past 6 days. Vinegar, Clean and Clear, Tide, and TSal shampoo. I called a lab to take an anonymous test and was told the minimum hair length acceptable was 1/2" so I cut my hair to 5/8". I went to the lab to test myself as a precaution and was turned away at the door because my hair was too short. I shaved my body a week ago and am planning on telling the testing center that my girlfriend likes it that way. I think I can put off the test for another 2 weeks from today. Should I pass with that small amount of use and the majuco method? What about the length? I assume my hair will be 3/4" or so by that time.