View Full Version : Today is the day!!!!

03-21-2008, 01:12 PM
i will be heading to the clinic around 11 am today. I plan on using qf. this will be a DOT physical and urine collection.

once i make it out of the clinic; i will update everyone.

wish me luck!

03-21-2008, 01:44 PM
Good Luck:..:thumbsup:

03-21-2008, 07:39 PM
i made it past the temp nazis-now its on to the lab. Man, i hope its all down hill from here!

9:10 cracked heat pad
9:30 heated urine for 10 secs. (this put the temp slightly above 100)
10:15 arrived at employer to p/u chain of custody (cracked another heat pad prior to walking in; safety precaution)
10:30 left employer-checked urine temp once i was in the car (showed 100) this made a little nervous if the temp would hold up. All past practice runs i was able to nuke it, attach a heat pad and stick it in my pocket and hold the temp for 3-4 hours in the 98-100 range.
10:40 to be safe, i added the second heat pack and drove to the clinic.
11:00 arrived at clinic-checked temp-still above 100-clinic was way too full-several hour wait-good thing i added the other pack.
11:45 arrived at second clinic-filled out paper work.
12:00 went into the bathroom and checked the temp-still above 100-removed one of the heat packs.
12:30 was called back to drop-temp was right at 100-dumped it into the cup to check the temp on their cup and proceeded to piss a little in the toilet. had to blow on it for a few minutes to get it to register. she did study the temp strip for a few seconds when i handed it to her. almost had it to hot i believe.

she handed me a cup and put a line above the 60 ml and asked to me fill it to the line as best as i could. she did not have me empty my pockets, nor did she pat me down. they did not turn the water off or dye the toilet. she said do not flush and do not use the sink. she did hover outside the door.

Her line was slightly above the 60 ml mark and the 20z of qf was still plenty; even after i nuked it time and time again practicing.

She filled up one vial and then had me pour the rest of the sample out. Anyone know why she didn't collect a split sample?

I know this is long, but it should put a lot of your fears to rest.

QF is the way to go!!!!!:thumbsup:


Oh yeah, someone please tell me i have nothing to fear from the lab.:wtf:

03-21-2008, 07:53 PM
i made it past the temp nazis-now its on to the lab. Man, i hope its all down hill from here!

9:10 cracked heat pad
9:30 heated urine for 10 secs. (this put the temp slightly above 100)
10:15 arrived at employer to p/u chain of custody (cracked another heat pad prior to walking in; safety precaution)
10:30 left employer-checked urine temp once i was in the car (showed 100) this made a little nervous if the temp would hold up. All past practice runs i was able to nuke it, attach a heat pad and stick it in my pocket and hold the temp for 3-4 hours in the 98-100 range.
10:40 to be safe, i added the second heat pack and drove to the clinic.
11:00 arrived at clinic-checked temp-still above 100-clinic was way too full-several hour wait-good thing i added the other pack.
11:45 arrived at second clinic-filled out paper work.
12:00 went into the bathroom and checked the temp-still above 100-removed one of the heat packs.
12:30 was called back to drop-temp was right at 100-dumped it into the cup to check the temp on their cup and proceeded to piss a little in the toilet. had to blow on it for a few minutes to get it to register. she did study the temp strip for a few seconds when i handed it to her. almost had it to hot i believe.

she handed me a cup and put a line above the 60 ml and asked to me fill it to the line as best as i could. she did not have me empty my pockets, nor did she pat me down. they did not turn the water off or dye the toilet. she said do not flush and do not use the sink. she did hover outside the door.

Her line was slightly above the 60 ml mark and the 20z of qf was still plenty; even after i nuked it time and time again practicing.

She filled up one vial and then had me pour the rest of the sample out. Anyone know why she didn't collect a split sample?

I know this is long, but it should put a lot of your fears to rest.

QF is the way to go!!!!!:thumbsup:


Oh yeah, someone please tell me i have nothing to fear from the lab.:wtf:
As long as she checked off the temp you're 100%.
This is as I have seen over the last 20 years too. Drug techs do not follow the protocols.
She should have had you empty your pockets.
She was by law supposed to have a split sample.
There should have been blue dye in the toilet and the faucet turned off for the sink.
If you had decided to dillute instead of sub, all you would have to have done was asked to have the other sample retested at your expense. No way to do that so they would have had to retest you.

03-21-2008, 08:53 PM
Congrats on your successfull test! Great info you have given here.:thumbsup:

03-21-2008, 08:56 PM
As long as she checked off the temp you're 100%.
This is as I have seen over the last 20 years too. Drug techs do not follow the protocols.
She should have had you empty your pockets.
She was by law supposed to have a split sample.
There should have been blue dye in the toilet and the faucet turned off for the sink.
If you had decided to dillute instead of sub, all you would have to have done was asked to have the other sample retested at your expense. No way to do that so they would have had to retest you.

My test was at a Quest facility , they did not check pockets either, there was no blue dye in the toilet, they did split the sample. The only thing they made me do was rinse my hands before the test. Other Quest test centers in the area are more thorough, according to friends. I always go to the same one, for those reasons.

Bigg Cellus
03-22-2008, 12:29 AM
Supertoker--Glad to see everything went well-so, did you also do the physical part?

03-22-2008, 06:17 AM

it is for a job in another state. both ladies, in both states were off today. when i showed up a lady said im not for sure if you have to do the physical or not. I said i can always come back. lucked out i guess.

i still dont think you will have a problem. just go in with it in your crotch. once you hear what the plan is then you can decide. if they dont take you straight to the sample part, then will more than likely take you to a room to change into a gown. at this time, ask can you go ahead and do the urine sample. if not, just stash it in your pants until the physical part is over. if your not able to get to the qf just act as if you cannot pee. i would say that you would then get dressed and they would start filling you with water. wait a few mintues and say your ready.

this was going to be my plan.

good luck and do not worry ( i've already done this for you)

Bigg Cellus
03-23-2008, 12:03 AM
Thx Supertoker for the response--I will make sure to follow throught.