View Full Version : meditation

03-06-2004, 02:29 PM
has anyone tried meditating when high? you go to some weird places

03-10-2004, 10:23 AM
weed is meditation man...

03-10-2004, 03:57 PM

Medatation is you let your mind go and reach a "thought less" state. when you have no thoughts. at that point you will gain spiritual enlightment. when you are high, it is hard to no think. atleast for me, my mind is always racin. peace :D

03-12-2004, 05:32 PM
DirtyB2525, I agree it's impossible to meditate when stoned, for me anyway. I do make try to make being stoned a very positive experience by placing any worries *in a safe place* to be dealt with at a later time, understand?

03-12-2004, 06:49 PM
I agree 100% Lulu. its nice to hear other people talk about something i understand. Peace love and happiness

03-12-2004, 07:15 PM
Right back atcha Babe*

04-23-2004, 08:40 AM
Ya, i went to some weird palces.
I tried grounding and centering(Imagining there is a lsiver string running down your spine, and across the universe, and imagining that you are connectedto motehr earth, and letting the energy/magma up into your spine.

I kept almost having an out of body experience. I also got these weird abck cramps, but I just let them go, and It felt liek this chinese dragon was massaging my back. One of the best physical feelings in my life amn.

Regarding LUlu, and Dirty
I find that I have the ability to do both when I'm high. I cna either completely focus, or not focus at all. I have more control. I does get a little bit hard to not focus, but it is generally easier, than when not high.

11-19-2004, 06:22 AM
has anyone tried meditating when high? you go to some weird places

I have.. I get high then sit in this cool zen garden in LA and meditate on the flames of the tiki lamps. Have had some wicked visions. Very cool and scary

The C
11-19-2004, 06:31 AM
DirtyB2525, I agree it's impossible to meditate when stoned, for me anyway. I do make try to make being stoned a very positive experience by placing any worries *in a safe place* to be dealt with at a later time, understand

Mabe you should try eploring those worries, it's a hard thing to do, but you can overcome alot of barriers when your baked, i know i do. I find it is kindof like your in a meditavie state, sometimes.

Weed is amazing.

The C

11-20-2004, 02:36 AM
sometimes i close my eyes when im high and all i can think and see is happy or wierdly cool stuff =P

The C
11-20-2004, 08:19 AM
Keep on smoking devil girl.

11-21-2004, 03:01 AM
I think a lot about male and female relationships, how they work, why they don't work, etc. everytime I smoke (which is about 3 days a time) im going to write a damn book about this.

11-23-2004, 10:43 PM
yeah, if I am high I find meditation hard because i ramble on inside. but I prefer to study human life more after smoking. Humans and society are so interesting, because u drop that shield of identity and ego and just say, man ur just a silly animal. Its fun to people watch. Just really look at how they act and get a better understanding of ur environment and urself, because u are a reflection of ur environment

12-08-2004, 11:19 PM
I have meditated when high with great success. The key, for me, to meditating when high is to keep my awareness in my body. Being high makes that easier and fun to do. Bodily awareness can take you to some far out places!

I too, have experienced many of the states and experiences many have said keep them from being able to meditate when high. However, I consider these types of experiences as portals to the inner worlds -- and there seems to be much healing in those inner worlds.

That's my two cents.