View Full Version : Computer locks/restarts at random

01-18-2008, 06:17 PM
This is driving me nuts!! I am having a hard time tracing this guy down.
So far I have:
Replaced Power Supply
Updated all drivers
Tested memory
Looked for any physical signs (Blown CAPS, bad components, shorts, electrical damage)
Changed video cards
Replaced video card fan
Made sure CPU is not overheating
Ran DIAG on all hardware
Anything else I could check that I am missing?

02-10-2008, 08:56 PM
What OS? How did you test the memory? How did you test the PSU?

Does it still freeze up if left in a "BIOS soak"?

Are you running a juice-hungry gaming card on a low wattage cheap PSU?

Generally speaking, when troubleshooting something like this it's a better idea to first confirm your hardware is sound, then move on to all things software, like drivers.

02-21-2008, 02:05 PM
I already fixed the issue. IT is weird though. All I did was remove everything from the case and put everything back in. So far my machine has been running great and has not froze or restarted since then!

03-07-2008, 04:05 AM
Good to hear you're up and running - gotta love it anytime you're back in action without having to replace expensive parts!

Verily, the computer god Siliconious hath surely smiled upon you. :D