View Full Version : u know utah laws?

11-09-2007, 07:52 AM
shit my friend was driving through utah and had like a quad of dank and less than a gram of hash and some paraphanelia. he got arrested and put in jail for that shit!!!! they said if he had only weed that they would just ticket him but since he had hash that he had to go to jail. whats up with that and the law on hash????

12-18-2007, 02:40 AM
back in the late 1930s when "marihuana" was made illegal, one of anslinger's main points against marihuana was that assassins, or hashashins would smoke hash, become extremely violent, and then go and murder their enemies. anslinger claimed (well, hearst was the one that propagated the claim) that smoking marihuana made these dudes violent. even worse, they were smoking the purified version of marihuana, hash.

basically, because marihuana makes people violent, the purer marihuana you get, the more violent you become. hence the stricter laws concerning hash.

ya, it's bullshit; but it's the law. awareness is the first step towards rectification :thumbsup:

01-08-2008, 06:05 PM
Actually, most places consider posession of hash to be manufacturing. Beacause it is a byproduct of the marijuana they can easily tag a manufacturing charge.