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08-23-2007, 05:09 PM
SPP Agent Provocateur Cops Caught Red Handed Attempting To Incite Violence
Boots give away undercover cops as real protesters expose criminality

Steve Watson
Infowars.net (http://infowars.net/index.html)
Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Peaceful protestors at the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) summit in Montebello have captured sensational video of hired agent provocateurs attempting to incite rioting and turn the protest violent, only to encounter brave resistance from real protest leaders.
A video, posted on YouTube, shows three young men, their faces masked by bandannas, mingling Monday with protesters in front of a line of police in riot gear. At least one of the masked men is holding a rock in his hand, reports the Canadian Press (http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/august2007/220807provocateurs.htm).

The three are confronted by protest organizer Dave Coles, president of the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada. Coles makes it clear the masked men are not welcome among his group of protesters, whom he describes as mainly grandparents. He urges them to leave and find their own protest location.

Watch the video:

Notice how the "anarchists" begin to become uncomfortable when Coles and others accuse them of really being cops, while pulling at their face masks. They are seen to edge closer to the uniformed police and engage in some form of discussion. The police then let them pass through their line with very little resistance and "arrest" them in what is plainly a total charade.
More damning proof that the radicals were in fact cops was revealed with the release of photographs of the incident which show that the anarchists have exactly the same footwear on as the cops.
On the soles of their boots are yellow triangles, exactly the same as on the boots of a police officer kneeling beside the men.
While some have said the marks could represent Canadian Safety Industry seals, it seems very coincidental when placed in context with the way the rioters were "subdued".
To compound the evidence, police have stated that only 4 protestors in total have been arrested and charged, two of them being women. Veteran protest organizers have confirmed the identity of the four as genuine protesters.
So what happened to the rock wielding anarchists?
The few radical protestors at the summit have provided police with the pretext to use rubber bullets, tear gas and pepper spray (http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/august2007/210807_b_Protesters.htm) on peaceful protestors.
Neither the RCMP nor the Surete du Quebec would comment on the video or even discuss generally whether they ever use the tactic of employing agents provocateurs, however it has been common practice at previous protests for authorities to employ police or special forces to intentionally infiltrate peaceful protests and cause violence.
In Seattle in 1999 at the World Trade Organisation meeting, the authorities declared a state of emergency, imposed curfews and resorted to nothing short of police state tactics in response to a small minority of hostile black bloc hooligans. In his film Police State 2 (http://video.google.com/url?docid=-5449419602527053842&esrc=sr3&ev=v&q=police%2BState%2B2&srcurl=http%3A%2F%2Fvideo.google.com%2Fvideoplay%3 Fdocid%3D-5449419602527053842&vidurl=%2Fvideoplay%3Fdocid%3D-5449419602527053842%26q%3Dpolice%2BState%2B2%26tot al%3D1599%26start%3D0%26num%3D10%26so%3D0%26type%3 Dsearch%26plindex%3D2&usg=AL29H20UfGlLQrPqCl27i6ZY2f14B0fERw), Alex Jones covered the fact that the police allowed the black bloc to run riot in downtown Seattle while they concentrated on preventing the movement of peaceful protestors. The film presents evidence that the left-wing anarchist groups are actually controlled by the state and used to demonize peaceful protesters.
At WTO protests in Genoa 2001 a protestor was killed after being shot in the head and run over twice by a police vehicle. The Italian Carabinere also later beat on peaceful protestors as they slept, and even tortured some, at the Diaz School. It later emerged (http://www.guardian.co.uk/globalisation/story/0,7369,741883,00.html) that the police fabricated evidence against the protesters, claiming they were anarchist rioters, to justify their actions. Some Carabiniere officials have since come forward to say they knew of infiltration (http://specials.ft.com/countercap/FT3BG4GLUSC.html) of the so called Black Bloc anarchists, that fellow officers acted as agent provocateurs.
At the Free Trade Area of Americas protests in Miami in late November 2003, more provocateuring was evident. The United Steelworkers of America (http://infowars.net/articles/august2007/www.uswa.org/uswa/program/content/737.php) calling for a congressional investigation, stating that the police intentionally caused violence and arrested and charged hundreds of peaceful protestors. The USWA suggested that billions of dollars supposedly slated for Iraq reconstruction funds are actually being used to subsidize â??homeland repressionâ?? in America.

Canadian Prime Minister Harper's description of protestors at the SPP summit as "sad" along with President Bush's latest comments (http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/august2007/220807SPP.htm) that critics of the SPP are peddling conspiracy theories, in spite of the the fact that heads of unions, law experts and House Representatives (http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/august2007/210807_b_leaders.htm) are deeply concerned over the program's agenda, are indications of how much of a threat they see peaceful protesters and outspoken critics to be.
The globalist elite have demonstratively used provocateuring to demonize all demonstrators attempting to expose their criminality, the SPP summit is the latest in a long list of examples.

08-23-2007, 05:09 PM
9/11 Truth at SPP Summit in Montebello, QC, CA Photo Bucket (http://s123.photobucket.com/albums/o286/bironcorp/Montebello%20SPP/?action=view&current=3550e844.pbw)
Wednesday, August 22, 2007

08-23-2007, 05:11 PM
Video: President Bush Amused at "Comical" North American Union Talk You Tube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zsm1JoC_Nfg)
Wednesday, August 22, 2007

President Bush today dismissed what he calls "Comical" conspiracy theories regarding SPP and the coming North American Union.
The President stated he is amused by the difference in what actually takes place in the meetings and what some are trying
to say takes place.
Well, Mr. President, if the meetings between the leaders of the three countries weren't being held in complete secret...

08-23-2007, 05:11 PM
SPP Summit Wrap-up: Bush Suggests Critics are "Conspiracy Theorists" JBS (http://www.jbs.org/node/5231)
Wednesday Aug 22, 2007
UPDATE 3 -- President Bush Suggests SPP Critics are "Conspiracy Theorists"
President Bush was asked by reporters today whether secretive SPP meetings like that ending today at Montebello are, in fact, efforts aimed at building a North American Union. The President refused to answer the question directly, but derided critics as peddling conspiracy theories. "You know, there are some who would like to frighten our fellow citizens into believing that relations between us are harmful for our respective peoples," Bush said. "And I'm amused by some of the speculation, some of the old â?? you can call them political scare tactics. If you've been in politics as long as I have, you get used to that kind of technique where you lay out a conspiracy and then force people to try to prove it doesn't exist."
The president said that such criticism is coming from people who "are not engaged." But the president's choice to ridicule the opposition rather than honestly answer the question struck some as odd. Such tactics, said WorldNetDaily reporter Jerome Corsi, "underestimate the intelligence of people listening, and people realize that the argument wasn't answered." Corsi continued: "Just to ridicule the idea, when he had a chance to categorically deny it, raises doubts in peoples' minds, especially when these meetings aren't transparent."
(Article continues below)

Bush doesn't deny plans for N. American Union (http://worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=57263) -- WorldNetDaily
UDATE 2 -- President Bush Praises NAFTA in Remarks
Since 1994, millions of Americans have lost jobs as a result of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). That didn't stop President Bush from praising the agreement in Montebello. "If you're a U.S. citizen, you want people that live close to you to be prosperous. The more prosperity there is in your neighborhood, the more hopeful your neighborhood is," Mr. Bush said. "NAFTA, which has created a lot of political controversy in our respective countries has yielded prosperity. Since NAFTA came to be, trade between our respective countries has grown from $293 billion a year to $883 billion a year." While it may be true that the total dollar amount of trade has increased, looking solely at the grand totals avoids the messy details. Those include the fact that in the United States, NAFTA has been a significant factor in the loss of many jobs in the manufacturing sector. The economic growth has come in service sector jobs which, though they may outnumber the lost manufacturing jobs, pay considerably less than the lost manufacturing jobs, leading to an overall decline in living standards for many Americans.
Meanwhile, in other developments, the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs instructed (http://www.newswire.ca/en/releases/archive/August2007/20/c8434.html)the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to refuse to accept delivery of a petition carrying the names of more than 10,000 Canadians asking that the Harper government withdraw from any future SPP talks.
Transcript of remarks in Montebello (http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/world/20070821-1048-bush-text.html) -- San Diego Union Tribune
Latest News Round-Up
SPP is built around secrecy and US military command - law expert (http://www.harperindex.ca/ViewArticle.cfm?Ref=0081) -- Harper Index
Secrecy reigns as SPP agenda moves forward (http://worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=57255) -- WorldNetDaily
Council of Canadians protests quietly against SPP (http://thechronicleherald.ca/Metro/854437.html) -- Nova Scotia Chronicle-Herald
More from the "Head in the Sand" File
SPP deal not a bogeyman, expert claims (http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20070820/spp_summit_070820/20070820?hub=Politics) -- CTV.ca
UPDATE 1 -- Day One Wrap-up
Top conservative leades held a press conference yesterday in parallel to the SPP summit underway in Montebello to call attention to the ongoing effort, being held behind closed doors, to move the nations of North America toward an economic union, a preliminary step to full integration in a full-fledged North American Union. Speaking at the news conference was John Birch Society President John F. McManus. He was joined by author Jerome Corsi of WorldNetDaily, Conservative Caucus Chairman Howard Phillips, American Policy Center President Tom DeWeese, Veterans for Secure Borders founder Bob Park, and Connie Fogal, the leader of the Canadian Action Party.
In his statement Mr. McManus noted: "The Security and Prosperity Partnership is setting the stage for uniting the three nations of North America into a North American Union that will parallel for the West what the EU has done to Europe." WorldNetDaily's Jerome Corsi took to task those labelling SPP critics as "conspiracy theorists." "Conservative author Jerome Corsi criticized supporters of the SPP for labeling opponents "conspiracy theorists." "We're the Internet black helicopter conspiracy theorists?" asked Corsi. "What's going on over in Montebello behind closed doors? Is that not the real conspiracy?"
John F. McManus: SPP is Part of Building an EU for the Western Hemisphere (http://prisonplanet.com/node/5230) -- The John Birch Society
Leading Conservatives Denounce Bush on 'North American Union' (http://www.crosswalk.com/news/11551997/)-- Crosswalk.com
Summit News Round-Up
Eroding sovereignty (http://www.washingtontimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070821/COMMENTARY03/108210002/-1/RSS_COMMENTARY) -- Washington Times
Is water on the table at Montebello? (http://www.thestar.com/comment/article/248108) -- Toronto Star
Economic, Security Issues Top N. American Summit (http://english.chosun.com/w21data/html/news/200708/200708210028.html) -- Chosun Ilbo (South Korea)
SPP deal could create common border standards (http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20070820/spp_border_070820/20070820?hub=Politics) -- CTV.ca
From the "Head in the Sand" File
Three-nation deal a mundane necessity, not a menace to us all (http://www.canada.com/vancouversun/news/story.html?id=03a070ff-c179-4fe9-acbd-152ca096cfd2&p=2)-- Vancouver Sun

08-23-2007, 05:13 PM
But its freedum pisshead, havent you read 7 good reason for bush

08-23-2007, 05:26 PM
you're right, i forgot, a secret north american union government with no constitution and bill of rights is actually freedom...

i'll learn soon 'nuff...

08-23-2007, 05:30 PM
better learn soon b4 its tooooo late

08-23-2007, 05:44 PM

1. George W. Bush has usurped the powers of Congress.

2. George W. Bush lied us into an illegal war.

3. George W. Bush has bankrupted the federal government.

4. George W. Bush has presided over the most corrupt administration in American history.

5. George W. Bush has illegally spied on American citizens.

6. George W. Bush has violated the terms of the Geneva Convention by torturing people.

7. George W. Bush has destroyed our military preparedness with the Iraq misadventure.

How is that 1?

08-23-2007, 08:26 PM
One of the real problems that we have in this country right now is that our elected representatives are too fucking lazy to do their jobs. It's common knowledge that they seldom, if ever, read the bills that they are voting on, let alone trade legislation.

Trade agreements, as per the Constitution, are supposed to be reviewed and approved by Congress. But the lazy bastards just give the President "fast track authority" and suddenly, bingo, there's no fucking oversight whatsoever.

What is truly amazing is that one only has to look at England to see our future. Last time I was in the UK, the English pretty much liked being English and pretty much liked their country the way it was. Now, the English have no say in many of the aspects of how their country is governed, immigration policy being one of the major problems that is destroying their culture, and yet their fucking politicians keep digging them deeper into the EU pit, all the while just outright lying about the nature of the agreements and the prospects for the future.

Meanwhile, our government is doing the same damn thing to us, and telling us the same damn lies. What's sad, is that the vast majority of people believe the lies. Just like England, our government has (illegally) allowed our country to be over-run by third-world savages and our very culture is on the brink of destruction if we don't all wake up and do something fast.


PC :smokin:

08-23-2007, 09:31 PM

1. George W. Bush has usurped the powers of Congress.

2. George W. Bush lied us into an illegal war.

3. George W. Bush has bankrupted the federal government.

4. George W. Bush has presided over the most corrupt administration in American history.

5. George W. Bush has illegally spied on American citizens.

6. George W. Bush has violated the terms of the Geneva Convention by torturing people.

7. George W. Bush has destroyed our military preparedness with the Iraq misadventure.

How is that 1?

lol, which side are you actually on psykoactive? I'm guessing anti-bush since your "7 reasons to support bush" thread stated "he allowed the government to spy on Americans thank goodness"

08-24-2007, 11:37 PM
I'm one of those who lost a high-paying manufacturing job thanks to NAFTA. I'm now trying to make due with less than half of what I was making before. And for what? The goods we now import from China are toxic. No one can tell me that NAFTA was good, let alone this bull@#$! NAU that's in the works.
Oh, and if this hasn't been mentioned yet, the Quebec Police have officially acknowledged that those three men were indeed police officers. However, the official statement says that they were there to spy on the protesters and to gain intel. Why the hell was the one carrying a rock, then??!!

08-25-2007, 03:48 AM
exactly...it's called tyranny...then whatever media attention the protesters of the NAU receive is all about how they throw rocks and wear masks, when that is 100% false...

then one has to ask why the propaganda to make people think it's not a big deal, or if it is a big deal, that it's good for us, when it's not...and only those protesting against it are anarchists...

this is a global dictatorship being set up, one phase at a time, with a ruling wealthy elite, and a global plantation of serfs at subsistence living...we're being deindustrialized, our currency is being inflated into worthlessness, and we're turning into a 3rd world dictatorship...

right now, the threat of freedom hating muslim terrorists is the method they're using to push us in that direction...

08-25-2007, 04:32 AM
its all scare tatics an propaganda. the leades are herding us their way, with only their ideas in mind and not those of the people. bush went to iraq to finish what daddy started... no wmd have been found over there. and 911 was justa bad excuse to start it all. becuase of him, no one is truly free anymore, now that hes trying to get a cross border identification program up and running... and the fact that they stop pretty much every muslim at the airport, and liike pisshead said, it is pushing us in that direction, we all somewhat fear these "freedom hating terrorists"... i wonder why they hate us so much, maybe the fact that we as north america (mostly the us, sorry guys...) think we are far superior to everyone else?

as for the police at the protest with the rock... im all for if they want to be in the crowd to "spy" on them, but why do you need a rock or a facemask? barely any of the real protestors in that video were hiding their faces, they were wearing suits and all. i can understand the cops fearing their safety ina crowd of anti-government protesters, but theres better ways of handling it than they did

angry nomad
09-11-2007, 02:19 PM
I just watched the video of that brave old Canadian today. That guy is a badass!

09-11-2007, 02:28 PM
what is the world coming too