View Full Version : i wonder what death is like?

01-19-2005, 03:33 AM
i sometimes wonder what death is like, i dont believe in god or a heaven or a hell, reincarnation im extremly sceptical about, there could be a general afterlife for everyone not depending on their moral behavior but i dont really buy that, ghosts.... well ill believe it when i see one and have a chat with it.
so i guess that leaves me with eternal nothingness, the forever lose of my conscious mind, its all pretty depression to think about cause im kind of fond of living. I dont think death is bad, just scary. When i die i guess it'll be like before i was born, ill just be nothing, heck i wont even be.

anyone elses thoughts about death, after life, fears surrounding it.

01-19-2005, 04:08 AM
im kind of unsure about what i think about god and all, it seems impossible to think of not being concious, when i try to think complete nothingness i eventually realize im picturing space, which i know if im nothing but stone cold i wont be seeing..its really weird, a very small percent of me would like to see what really happens when you die, but i also would just rather live. it seems like a total waste to just become total nothing after so much.

another thing i think is maybe you just become another born person, but your not you..your..another person...so wtf you know?

01-19-2005, 04:16 AM
stupid edit expired...

what else..

also i kind of am scared if there is a heaven and hell type of thing, because eternal pain would be pretty gay. but i dont want to believe in something that i dont know if is really even real and waste potential life that i could be doing somthing fun with. i think the only reason people get so hardcore about god is because the hell thing. if there were no hell nobody would give a shit even though they say they are doing it for god..if i could choose to just float around and do what i want with everyone i know over constantly being under controll of god i would take floating around.

01-19-2005, 04:37 AM
Just don't worry about it. Just live your life and be happy.
Starbreaker take my hand.

01-20-2005, 02:41 PM
i try not to think about it. I just go along with my life, if i suddenly die, then i'm dead. Whatever happens, happens. Theres really nothing that we can do about it (that we know of)

i'm gonna stick to my belief that extra terrestrials (aliens) started life on earth. There's no proof FOR it, but theres no proof AGAINST it. But i guess, once i start beliving that, then it becomes a religion in a way.

we shall see i guess

p.s. how do you get icons next to your names when posting

01-20-2005, 04:30 PM
dont belive in ghosts!!!! well.....you can say a ghost responded to a thread that you made on the internet :D

01-20-2005, 06:56 PM
Who cares!
Who Cares!
Who Cares!

01-20-2005, 08:38 PM
Coboys vs. Indians = cops vs. robbers.

Religous freedom.

U.S. citizen not of native american descent not allowed to use traditional medicine is a clear cut case of discrimination.

And is a violation of civil rights.

The people vs. defendant I don't fucking think so it is the State against the people.

01-20-2005, 08:41 PM
I may be white, but, I'm not a fucking cowboy.

01-20-2005, 08:52 PM
I was born in America and I am therefore a Native American, Whether the Tribes and Government like it or not. Sorry, but, it is the truth.

01-20-2005, 08:56 PM
So take your writs and warrant's and stuff them into your anus.

01-20-2005, 11:16 PM
You may be interested in these works: Tibetan Book of the Dead (http://www.near-death.com/buddhism.html)
Psychedelic Experience (By Timothy Leary, Ralph Metzner and Richard Alpert) (http://www.buddhistinformation.com/psychedelic_experience.htm)

01-20-2005, 11:29 PM
and if your interested in 'the pyschedlic experience' try "ACID DREAMS"

about the CIA's research of LSD and stuff like that. Good read.

Not Enough Herb
01-21-2005, 12:13 AM
can u post the link to acid dreams plz

and ya i would say live ur life and do whatever the fuck u want

cuz if theres not a god, then u wasted ur life
ya hell is one of the main reasons i was good until now, i dont care anymore

i would like to be reicarnted that would b sweet

and aliens

who knows


01-21-2005, 12:47 AM
dont we all?
Ummm when i first started posting on this site i made a few threads about religion and death cause its all i tought about when i went to sleep, and the thought of inexistance really scared me.
If we found out what happened to us afta we died would life not just be a waste of time..or if there was a heaven and life was a test to get in would it not defeat the point of the test?
Anyway there are so many possibilities...inexistance is just one of the thousands of things that could happen to us and if it does happen you wont even know about it.
The only advise i can offer you is to treat your neibour as you would like to be treated (possibly out the bible) cause that way what can go wrong? If you die and only have your memory's (which i highly doubt) then they'll all be good....any way dont worry about it...what can you do???

Not Enough Herb
01-21-2005, 01:00 AM
nothing man

but ya i agree with u, be good to ur neighbor

good idea man


01-21-2005, 01:38 AM
Yes Lery and Hoffman were all Doctors that studied the chemical components of Traditional Medicine. Dr. Richard Evans Schultes was the first "western" i.e. Christian White man to work with and study the Native inabitants of the Andes.

01-21-2005, 01:45 AM
Brave Buffalo a great warrior hunter and medicine man of the Sioux.

01-21-2005, 01:46 AM
i try not to think about it. I just go along with my life, if i suddenly die, then i'm dead. Whatever happens, happens. Theres really nothing that we can do about it (that we know of)

i'm gonna stick to my belief that extra terrestrials (aliens) started life on earth. There's no proof FOR it, but theres no proof AGAINST it. But i guess, once i start beliving that, then it becomes a religion in a way.

we shall see i guess

p.s. how do you get icons next to your names when posting

thats fucking retarded. thats the same fucking thing except your putting goddamn aliens in place of god. so in that case, is there aliens? and if there is, what made them!

01-21-2005, 01:53 AM
Yes we'll extratrestrial life is possible given that the Universe is infinite. But the probablility that Extraterestrials have built a spacecraft and are orbiting the Earth is extrodanarily low.

The "Metal Tribe" of the White man.

01-21-2005, 02:07 AM
death is like this ---> ".................", but for alot longer

01-21-2005, 02:42 AM
It depends on your definition of flexible.
I don't know if the media feeds us bullshit or not because I don't really watch t.v. or eat fast food (yucko) for that matter.

Amber The Stoner
01-21-2005, 02:44 AM
LOL, Ghostoker that is the best answer!!!

01-21-2005, 01:41 PM
thats fucking retarded. thats the same fucking thing except your putting goddamn aliens in place of god. so in that case, is there aliens? and if there is, what made them!

ok jackass

01-21-2005, 07:53 PM
Yes but how did life evolve?
Evolution is a fact, and If life can evolve on earth, life can evolve on the billions and billions of solar systems in the space-time continum. The probe that was sent to one of the moons of saturn has brought back data indicating Methane rivers. The atomosphere of the moon of saturn is at the pressure and temperature such that methane flows as liquids in rivers.

01-21-2005, 08:36 PM
dont hate me naturalmystic, i was just pointing that out.. :cool:

01-22-2005, 12:13 AM
The atomosphere of the moon of saturn is at the pressure and temperature such that methane flows as liquids in rivers.

It's hard to fathom.

01-22-2005, 01:06 AM
i'm gonna stick to my belief that extra terrestrials (aliens) started life on earth. There's no proof FOR it, but theres no proof AGAINST it. But i guess, once i start beliving that, then it becomes a religion in a way.

Im sure you've heard of the Sumerians, civilization that was settled in southern mesopotamia. From what I remember about my past research on sumerian mythology, the sumerians believed in a celestial body known as Nibiru. Two races live here, the Anunnaki and Nephilim. Nibiru's orbit crosses two solar systems and enters ours every 3600 years wrecking havoc on the earth (i'll explain this later). Anyways, the Anu are described as being a more evolved live form, 10 feet tall with the physical characteristics of humans only the sumerians believed them to be God-like. They came to the planet earth and noticed it had a great deal of gold, valuable to the Anu as it would help them restore the atmosphere of Nibiru. In order to mine this gold they created a slave-race (humans) with the genetic material of the homo erectus and themselves. After the mining was complete they turned power of Earth over to the humans...they flooded the earth however in attempt to kill the humans.
Nibiru also known as Planet X or the 12th Planet orbits two suns and comes into our solar system every 3600 years. As it approaches supposedly the earth beings to slow, as the crust of the earth spins faster than its core the result would be earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, the poles would flip...basically the result is apocalyptic disasters on earth killing off a good percentage of the population. Of course those deemed insane by most peoples standards predict the return of Nibiru between 2003-2014, its not so much that I believe that the Anunnaki or any beings exist on this celestial body but I wouldn't be so quick to deny the existance of any celestial object that could fuck this planet up...and I hope everyday that it may come.

01-30-2005, 09:51 PM
O'k if someone don't believe in God or life after why would they be concerend about death! lol.seriosly though wouldn't it be easier to be a atheist and just say O well death is death!.................if your not conciouse in death why worry?......I believe in God infact we hang out lol,I believe in christ and what I find most comfortable is,Lord remeber me when you enter your kingdom? jesus say's.I tell you the truth on this day you will be with me forever in paradise !.....Christ could be three things,,a mad man!,a liard! or truly the son of God!....his teachings made to much sense therefore rule out the mad man,also his teachings show nothing but truth rule out the liar part! therfore it leaves one more thing!..............he must be the son!..........anyone who doesn't believe couldn't have understood to begin with!.....