View Full Version : Murphys Law

01-18-2005, 09:34 PM
Murphys Law clearly states "anything that can go wrong, will"

i fucking hate Murphy, and his law, becuase of the damn truth behind it

Houston, Tx..just saying the word makes you think of heat, but accually in winter, it gets cold. right now the temp is 43, and thatis in the dead of the afternoon. for many of you northern folk dont even start with the ole' "you baby, its 94 below zero here" yeah well beloww 45 is cold and anyways, what happens when the cold starts rolling in this january? my heater breaks

its so fucking cold...i have to go outside to warm up!....omg its cold....

01-18-2005, 09:54 PM
45 is fucking hot, 45 isnt even the freezing temp., i look forward to 45 degree days during the winter, it 7 degrees up here in new england today now thats fucking cold.

01-18-2005, 11:32 PM
-12 with wind chill.

01-18-2005, 11:33 PM
mmk, i guess you forgot to read that i didnt want northerners making fun of me

sleeping in 25 degreese with no heat is cold as shit i dont care who you are

01-19-2005, 12:49 AM
^sorry southeners amuse me

01-19-2005, 12:49 AM
I feel your pain. I live in the Florida Keys and it got to 40* last night. I think I didn't move far enough south. Wonder if I can do hydro in Cuba!! Anyone??


01-19-2005, 12:55 AM
^sorry southeners amuse me

its funny how the populous north could hardly counter a rebellion of not even 1/4 of their population in the south...most of which were unexperianced farm workers...lol...

i just had to bring up the civil war...

01-19-2005, 12:57 AM
But ya still lost huh

01-19-2005, 01:11 AM
the north fucked the south up during the civil war. look at how long it took to reconstruct that piece of shit the north broke.

01-19-2005, 02:00 AM
lol, in all honesty the south wasnt much in the first place back then...and secondly, the south kicked some ass, but when it came down to it, we were indeed just farmers...fighting to keep our free labor...and we lost

01-19-2005, 02:14 AM
lol, in all honesty the south wasnt much in the first place back then...and secondly, the south kicked some ass, but when it came down to it, we were indeed just farmers...fighting to keep our free labor...and we lost
free labor sounds so nice, why dont you just say black slaves whose families were broken up, were beaten, and other wise treated as any other piece of property the bigot who owned them had.

I might have forgotten something but didnt like 99% of the fighting take place in the south, i dont remember hearing robert e lee bringing the confederates up here in new england or anywhere far up north.

01-19-2005, 02:19 AM
majority of fighting was mid america east coast (georgia, carolina's ect) and accually, slaves wernt treated very badly, they were the workforce of the plantaion owner, without them, he was screwed. slaves got full meals every day, in almost every place they got sundays off from working all togeather, and if they were sick or hurt theyw ould get medical attention.

its like a tractor, it doe syour work, you treat it good, you give it new oil, you keep it in good working condition, ect

im not racist, im just saying that slavery, like weed, has been lied about for so long there IS no truth about it anymore...

01-19-2005, 12:58 PM
My state wasn't even a state back then.

01-19-2005, 04:12 PM
i`m from the south. not all southern farmers had slaves. even some of you yankees had slaves that were cheap labor. who do you think done the cooking and cleaning for old abe and his buddies up in the "white" house? peace.

01-19-2005, 05:11 PM
hmmmmmmmmm :confused:

Reefer Rogue
01-19-2005, 06:37 PM
some folk'l never eat a skunk
but then again some folk'l
like cletus the slack jawed yokel :D