View Full Version : the conspiracy about marijuana

adh endo
01-16-2005, 01:51 PM
since i started smoking pot - not too long ago, ive thought my family were all ANTI-MARIJUANA people.. but-----

Astounding discoverings-

* My sister smokes pot but is more of a drinker, had a session with her once so far.

* My brother moved to Canada, and seems like a stoner.

* My Dad apparently is pro cannabis law reform, according to above brother

*my other brother once hit me up a bit about smoking, and skaed me if i'd smoked anything else, and i said
"can we talk about this later"

and now, im thinking my whole family smokes pot- maybe everyone who's ever lived at my house smokes pot?

and i thought i was the only one...


im so wasted/

im not sure about my mum, but she knows i smoke pot im almost definate cos she's been into my room that smelt of bud, with a pipe and tinfoil and stuff sitting out- and i mean a whole roll of tinfoil, with a bud sitting on top..

ontop of thebed.

so she most know, but has never said anything.

the plot thickens.

its so wierd, my dad is apparently pro marijuana law reform...

ill have to bring it up VERY casually in conversation one day.

or look for their stash.
my dad had my granddads old pipe when he was in his youth, and i saw it when i was kid, he kept it even though he didnt smoke..

my friends dad tokes on the sly, nodoby knows but a few mates of him and his brother who is also my friend.

i think perhaps next time the whole family is together i should pull out hash cake and see who asks for more.

adh endo
01-16-2005, 02:30 PM
apologise for the mistakes i tried to edit it as soon as i saw it but then it had been too long because i had a ciggarette first outsite.

01-16-2005, 04:15 PM
haha..im in a simmilar situation like that with my fammily!..i thought i was the only one that burnt herb, but as it turns out..my mom used to be a stoner up untill bout 5years ago, i dont think she does it anymore tho, her husband is anti-drugs but he says it should be legalized, my brother 2years down from me, hes a dealer..my other brother is 12 and hes anti everything, but he will smoke it, my sister shes 7 and shes on heroine :eek: !, my dad and his wife...well, they grow it, so enuff said reely!

01-16-2005, 05:02 PM
well first time i smoked i stole my moms pipe and weed, she had some really dank buds. and my brother has always smoked, hes definitley a hippy. my dad goes to jamaica every few months on a so called "vacation" but no, im not believing that. and my sister and her boyfriend both do.

i say its time for a family night

king cola
01-16-2005, 05:25 PM
when my mum busted me for smoking weed i was expecting to be in alot of shit, but she said yeh thats fine as long as u dont screw up your education with it and as long as u dont sell it! and when she found out about the 1ft high plant in my room a few days later she didnt care!! its class, completely the opposite reaction i was expecting! i love my mum! lol.

01-16-2005, 05:26 PM
lol..sounds like a good family night in if u ask me! provided its all potent stuff!

01-16-2005, 11:36 PM
family night!! hell yeah, the only person i have not smoked pot with in my family is my mother but eveyone else, hell yeah, pot is a magical drug, brings people and family together like nothing else. i am also trying to convince my dad to smoke, he knows i do. i dont want to get into the rest of our enterprise becasue i want to be smart right now, later mabye. it feels like my bodies loose and my hands are millions miles of way on the keyboard and i feel sucked in, pot is amazing. but i smoke with my bro regularly and done with my oldest sis about a dozen time and my other older/younger sister, depending on whosever points of view, i have only smoked once, third person that is.

adh endo
01-16-2005, 11:50 PM
i wonder if they'd let me turn under the house into a growing op?

Maryjane, bringing familys together again :)

A cone or few is Better than a TV Show.