View Full Version : Fav Pieces

01-15-2005, 02:56 AM
Ok all...let's tell the story of our favorite pieces. Let's see. I have a cute little sneak-a-toke thats all black and has a piece of cool femo clay around it. It's incredibly awesome because you can hide it in your fist like a ciggarette and holds a fairly large bowl ;) The only problem with that is the screen thing. Don't like screens. Then I have my most favoritest piece which is a glass hitter that I got from Yellowsprings, Ohio. The hole is in the middle so you get to hold it a cool way...plus, no screens and I never eat it. So lemme hear about your fav pieces, people.

01-15-2005, 03:03 AM
well all i have is a lil metal pipe and some gravity bongs but i love em to death and when it comes down to it it doesnt matter how big the peice is its how good the weed is right? hahaha no. i suck. i need some freakin glass hookahs with LEDS thc readouts like those cool kids :) um where am i

crystal clear pepsi
01-15-2005, 03:04 AM
:rolleyes: how u gonan post somthing bout ur fav piece and not even post a pic ???? :confused:

:p here is my baby .......i call it bubble blue :D

01-15-2005, 03:08 AM
:rolleyes: how u gonan post somthing bout ur fav piece and not even post a pic ???? :confused:

:p here is my baby .......i call it bubble blue :D
I shall take pics and post :)

crystal clear pepsi
01-15-2005, 03:11 AM
now tahts waht i like to hear !!

01-15-2005, 06:29 AM
here's my chillum, I love my chillum.....and it's the only piece I have taken pics of

The Student
01-15-2005, 06:46 AM

In 1997 I moved out on my own to go to school in Arizona. One of the many people I met while living there was my soon to be dealer/friend D. D was always giving me a hard time saying we were not friends, he would say that we had a business relationship.

Anyway, the day before graduation, I went over to pick up some herb, and he would not sell me any. I was just like come on D, quit f**kin?? around. Finally he said, ??look I do not sell to friends?, and he gave me a card.

Well I open the card, with a grin already on my face, and found a note that said talk to Andre at DJ??s Smoke Shop. D would not say anything further.

So needless to say I jumped in my car and headed down to the store. When I got there I asked to see Andre. The guy behind the counter said that was him and asked me my name. Once I told him he said ??Cool, you can pick from this cabinet here, but no bongs.?

As it turns out Andre owed D a good amount of cash, so D traded some of the money owed if the guy would hook me up.

I went back to D??s house and we ended up smoking ourselves stupid. All I could say to him that night was ??This has got to be one of the best graduation presents of all time?.

It was November of 1998 when I got my bubbler. 6 years and a couple months.

I still keep in touch with D, and every time we meet up we are sure to bust out the bubbler.


01-17-2005, 06:36 AM
i use my moms one hitter...its nice...when i take a pic i will surely put it up :rolleyes: