View Full Version : After 3 Years It's Finally Done

The Hippie
07-22-2007, 04:59 PM
Ever since I became a chronic user...of chronic:jointsmile: I wanted to let my parents know, I never like hiding things from my mom, but my dads the guy that never gives a shit about anything. My mom smokes pot regularly and I've raided their stash in the past. I had some good bud of my own yesterday so I smoked a few bowls in my room (I have a way to smoke up in my room with my rents home and not smell it)....this is where the story begins...

I was feeling pretty good, I was right ripped because I had to hold my hits in like 3 times longer then usual, and pulling the slide through was too noisy so I had to take one hit bowls. I knew my mom was smoking outside, I could hear her (You don't light a smoke four times in one minute:wtf:)

So me and my mom meet up inside and we start talking about food. I started tripping her out pretty good. We both started munching out bad, and I acted higher then I was so she would get the hints.

We ended up making some really good things in the oven (I will attach a pic) Then after we ate this is how things went...
Bryan: Mom, want to smoke a bowl?
Mom: I bed your pardon?...
Bryan: I know you smoke, I do too, it's fine
Mom: Oh..wow..how long have you been smoking it?
Bryan: About a year and a bit, see, the stuff is okay for me, I'm still a fine responsible teenager, it hasn't got me into trouble either.
Mom: No it hasn't...well I suppose I can go grab my pipe...
Bryan: No its fine, I have my bong *Grabs bong with freshly packed bowl from bedroom*
Mom: ......:wtf:......:)......:D......Wow, that thing is amazing

Thats pretty much the end of the story, I just woke up an hour ago, and my mom is getting ready to leave to go shopping in town, she's not hinting about last night or mentioned anything at all. But I think I've finally made that link with my parents about my pot smoking, which means I should be good to smoke it while they are home:jointsmile: Happy hitting. :rasta:

07-22-2007, 08:48 PM
awesome story. even better looking food. :thumbsup:

07-22-2007, 09:01 PM
oh man, i wish i could have had that convo with either one of my parents...but i hiiighhly doubt that would have ever happened...anyways thats badass man goodluck

ps... those munchies look goooood :stoned:

07-22-2007, 10:20 PM
wow that must have been a little surreal, but ultimately very therapeutic. The adage "it's so easy to love your family but so hard to like them," doesn't seem to apply to you. My parents are visiting from Utah right now and it would have been nicer to excuse myself to smoke a bowl rather than wait till they went to their motel. I know my 'rents will never be cool with it, so I have to keep it a secret. They'd rather be oblivious to something like that anyway.

Not Enough Herb
07-22-2007, 10:24 PM
thats awesome man

i wish i couldmake that connection with my dad

he smokes pot but tries to hide it and i wanna be able to confront him a joint lol, or possibly my bong like you

ahaha sickkkkkk story

07-23-2007, 12:06 AM
I am so jealous...what I would give to smoke just once with my mom and see her high!

The Hippie
07-23-2007, 12:20 AM
Lol well I guess the mystery got cleared up. She was pretty pissed at me when she got home and she took what she could find (a metal box I throw all my stuff in when I'm on the go, one of two lighters, a .5 gram bag of bud, 5 gram bag of pipe tobacco, and my bong filling bottle)
I hid my bong, my wooden pipe, my quarter of chronic, my light, scissors, and my other shit in my closet good untill the heat dies down in a few days...hate to turn the story shitty.

07-23-2007, 03:59 AM
um, may i ask how your mom went from smoking with you to throwing your shit out and being pissed? lol what the fuck :eek::eek:?

07-23-2007, 04:18 AM
thats a tight bong, thats pretty cool that she doesnt care about it, my mom would be the last person in the world to smoke with me, my parents marriage ended because my dad always wanted money for beer and weed(alcoholic/pothead) and they didnt have the money to spend, but my dad on the other hand im sure hed smoke with me when i get off probation, he knows i smoke weed(ovisously because ive been arrested for it twice)and hes like just wait till your done with highschool and wait till you get your shit together again, it ruined my life and i dont want it to ruin yours(i think hes being seriously about that but im still pretty sure he wouldnt give a shit fi i still smoked)but yea my dads pretty cool about it, a couple weeks ago i was goin through my closet and i found a picture of him smoking out of a one hitter and he had a film package thing(those black plastic round things)on the table next to him(ive found weed in him room in the same things so thats how i know he was smokin weed beseides the fact that he had a one hitter and a liter in each hand)

The Hippie
07-23-2007, 03:28 PM
um, may i ask how your mom went from smoking with you to throwing your shit out and being pissed? lol what the fuck :eek::eek:?
She was baked when we blazed. She's hard to figure out, sometimes she seems like a totally different person if shes really happy, or really pissed, or high, or drunk. It's okay, she only threw out what she found, which was nothing, I still have all my shit that I'm smoking ATM with nobody home.

07-23-2007, 03:59 PM
Your lucky dude. I like the "I do it and im still a responsible teenager" thats a good argument that I or others can use.

07-23-2007, 06:59 PM
man i have my mom completely convinced that pot is safe and that it is a better option than alcohol, much better. but theres always one thing that she brings up. its illegal. fuckin hate that. so i tell her if you let me do it in the safety of our own home i wouldnt get arrested. but then shes all fuck that. bogus.

07-23-2007, 07:09 PM
man i have my mom completely convinced that pot is safe and that it is a better option than alcohol, much better. but theres always one thing that she brings up. its illegal. fuckin hate that. so i tell her if you let me do it in the safety of our own home i wouldnt get arrested. but then shes all fuck that. bogus.

Same here, 'cept my mom's like..."Do it anywhere BUT this house, but if you get caught I'm not bailing you out"

07-23-2007, 07:12 PM
lol^ thats how my mom is yet i can grow it in the house

07-23-2007, 07:14 PM
That's great!:D
Those munchies look amazing;)

The Hippie
07-24-2007, 02:36 AM
Oh man back to the munchies, if you want the recipe here it is...
- Some potato patties (hashbrowns, same kinda shit you get at McD's but frozen
- Bacon (bacon bits work too)
- Cheese (any grated cheese works)

Throw the potato things in the oven, then get some bacon/onion/whatever you feel like going in a frying pan, precooking it, then a couple minutes before the potatoes are done add the contents of the frying pan ontop, then sprinkle the cheese ontop to melt. Preemo food and it's easy to make even when high.

07-24-2007, 04:26 AM
damn...i wish my parents smoked...my dad seems like a stoner but idk

07-25-2007, 04:04 PM
i would never smoke with my mom. but with my dad its a different story...

07-26-2007, 03:47 AM
I want cool parents but my mom gets really really angry when shes high for some reason