View Full Version : Stoned in Study Hall?

01-09-2005, 03:23 AM
Okay - Stonerz, check it out. I recently posted in the lobby a thread entitled "Unproven". It was a simple question: What do you believe in that you cannot prove? I had some great replies and I hope some of those people might move out of the lobby and on down here. I don't see very many of those potheads here right off the bat. Okay, I've only seen one - KuulBns. :)

Don't bother replying to that question, but read the thread if your interested. I posted my answer to the question quite unwittingly in StNeDpEngUinS post entitled "Love", also located in the lobby - if anyone is interested in that secular relations stuff!

Most of us here want to be better people and some want to justify their drug use. Both are honorable pursuits as they are indicative of people concerned with their actions. So how can we know these answers and be certain of our conclusions?

To begin, let's bring it down to earth. Suppose you want to be a doctor, lawyer, neurosurgeon or rocket scientist. How do you become any of those?

First, let's WEED out what you don't do to reach goals like those. You don't just buy a bunch of books and say you know what's in them - just because you own them! You don't put those books under your pillow and pray the information will come wafting up and sink in to your thick head! I know this doesn't work, I've tried it!

Seriously, you have to study. A competent study under someone that knows what their talking about. If a gas station attendant is writing down instructions of how to get to the moon, it's highly unlikely you will ever leave this earth. If you do, you won't reach your destination. Randomly asking a million potheads will simply confound you.

Taking the next step will get you off this earth, spiritually. It is not part of mans' curricular, though. It is called Faith. How do we know, how can we really know if we have Faith?

The Holy Spirit must indwell your heart to open your eyes so you can understand what your teacher is talking about. The Holy Spirit must indwell your heart so your ears will hear the truth. No man can do this for you. How do we know if the Holy Spirit will indwell us?

By simply asking Christ to come into your heart and show himself to you - today. If you believe that He will - He will become very real to you! That is a promise, and not from me. ;)

01-17-2005, 10:58 AM
No soliciting please.