View Full Version : When to draw the line concerning prices

07-01-2007, 04:19 PM
Ok, I have been researching the weed prices for quite sometime now and I have concluded that most of the prices are ridiculous and should be brought down IMMEDIATELY!

From my research, this is how much really good (connoisseur) weed should be at an illegal level:

1g - $20
3.5g - $50
7g - $90

In Amsterdam, they usually charge like 1/2 that price or more for the same weed, if not better quality. Thats because it is tolerated, allowing the prices to drop dramatically.

However, I have heard prices that are this ridiculous:
.5g - $25
3.5g - $80
7g - $120

I refuse to pay such prices. I'm sorry, but if you pay that much for weed, you are loosing your money and being retarded. Your dealer is probably a stupid evil greedy son of a bitch who needs to get busted if they charge that much.

But currently, I can get 1/2 oz for $160 and 1 oz for $260 of primo!

07-01-2007, 04:26 PM
doesn't seem like you've done much research. while I agree with you on those prices. I refuse to smoke seedy weed.

even in the saturated weed market in new york city. I can tell you firsthand that prices on dank are insane. paying $80 an 8th, or $450 - $550/oz isn't unexpected.

But currently, I can get 1/2 oz for $160 and 1 oz for $260 of primo!

so can lots of other people. prices change a lot depending on where you live. people go that far for dank. just like a lot of people are smoking dirt weed because nothing better is available. quality comes at a [an unfortunate high] price.

07-01-2007, 04:26 PM
come round the border side..! lol

07-01-2007, 05:22 PM
The only reason why those prices are that high is because the product is illegal, even in med MJ states. Its still illegal under federal law.

Growers can still make out pretty well selling their crops at a low price.

I think its just greed that raises the price. I mean if I sell weed if I have any to sell at the time, I will charge about $15/g of primo BC Bud. Thats pretty generous in an illegal market.

My one acquaintance said he wants me to get him an ounce for $260, and than he would break it up in little baggies and sell half gram bags for $25. Thats fucked up and a rip off! No one should pay that much for a natural plant.

07-01-2007, 06:33 PM
It all depends on who you know, and if you don't like it, easy solution: Grow your own.

With some time, patience and knowledge, you could easily grow 1-3 small plants, and pull off 20-55g's every few months using no more than 400W of electricity, which is nothing to worry about.

It's very easy to conceal and grow your own because that's what I would do if I had to pay $20 a gram.

07-02-2007, 12:31 AM
Ok, I have been researching the weed prices for quite sometime now and I have concluded that most of the prices are ridiculous and should be brought down IMMEDIATELY!

From my research, this is how much really good (connoisseur) weed should be at an illegal level:

1g - $20
3.5g - $50
7g - $90

In Amsterdam, they usually charge like 1/2 that price or more for the same weed, if not better quality. Thats because it is tolerated, allowing the prices to drop dramatically.

However, I have heard prices that are this ridiculous:
.5g - $25
3.5g - $80
7g - $120

I refuse to pay such prices. I'm sorry, but if you pay that much for weed, you are loosing your money and being retarded. Your dealer is probably a stupid evil greedy son of a bitch who needs to get busted if they charge that much.

But currently, I can get 1/2 oz for $160 and 1 oz for $260 of primo!
You can't always blame the dealer. Alot of times that is what they have to get rid of it for.

07-02-2007, 12:41 AM
Prices seem pretty stiff.Here in washington I pay $40 for 10g.Quality varies but not the price.

Tainted Glory
07-02-2007, 01:10 AM
In NJ you typically drop $20 for .8-1.0. Its insane.

07-02-2007, 02:16 AM
The first prices you listed are the prices I pay for good chronic. I can get regular to mids for about 45 a half 75 an ounce. But price is just dependant on the area. Places with alot of bud entering and a small population are going to have cheaper prices. Areas with larger population are going to have higher prices just because the demand is higher.

07-02-2007, 02:23 AM
This is the reason I'm currently not buying weed. I'm sick of most my money going towards it, even though I get 20-30 dollar quarters of mids. I'll start buying again once I get a job, but some people on this site post that they grow and it costs about 10-20/Oz for dank, at 300 bucks an O that is one hell of a markup price and shows you that the chain in dealing is too fucking big.

Too many people are trying to make money off weed when theres really not that much money in it. Seriously if you want to be a dealer you need to slang some other product that is made for slanging (like that candy where its meant to profit if you have money for larger amounts).

The chain in weed dealing needs to be shorter.

07-02-2007, 07:06 AM
I agree with Anubis on the what the average market rate of good weed should be. I've been hearing prices up to $30/g for some AK-47 type weed. Funk dat! But I've also seen plenty of people posting that the can get dank for as low as $10/g, and even less if bought in quantity. Midgrade prices have dropped significantly since I started smoking, down to what I used to pay for schwagg. I'd say overall, prices have stayed pretty steady. Just depends on who ya know.

07-02-2007, 01:26 PM
wow, i get 10/g from my dealer, lol, never new how good i had it.

100/1/2 oz, 200/oz

07-02-2007, 01:29 PM
last time i picked up i ended up paying £20/$40 for 2.5g

luckily it was really good shit.. but i draw the line before that from now on..

Land of Drought
07-02-2007, 01:47 PM
It'll all depend on Where you are Doesnt it. Simple. Here in Ireland you can't buy weed.(Most of the time)
All thats avalable commonly is Cheap hash (Soapbar) or (Grit Weed) which is dearer.Soap goes for 100 euro an O about, 120 dollars but if you want weed, when u can get it, can go for 240 too 300euro.
Which is running the same nearly as the US. As for Holland i was there in April
prices there run at 10 too 15 euro per gram. Legal limit is 5 grams when i went ten years ago it was an Oz,,,,Go fig, now they have a smoking ban Next april (Holland)we have it,,lol, so i dont think its going too get any cheaper. Since the euro came into europe its gone nuts.....

Am i making a point?,,,lol..Im tryin. NO Plant is worth 240 dollars or 300euro point blank,,simple..I work for 450 euro a week i can easly smoke an Oz a week...So is it Afordable?. NO

Too many greedy ass Fecks combined with hugh demand means nothing going to change Soon.

Yes its because its against the law blah blah. As for grow ur own yep i try
some gets mold some gets given away it never lasts long lol even 3 or 4 plants dont last long enough unless ur the type who can call themselves a toker even do they somke a gram a month...When i have it i like too somke it which means im debating wheather or not too just Jake it in....

Peace out From Ireland. Drought

Rant Rant way TOO EXpensive....lol Peace D

07-02-2007, 04:02 PM
around here the MOST ill pay for relllllllly dank stuff is..

25 a gram
65 and eighth
120 quarter

yes i know..prices suck here across the board

07-02-2007, 04:34 PM
a buddy of mine got a half o of kush for 220 bucks right here...god damn its so good

also over here a g of like high mids is 10 bucks 2g's 20 bucks and so on

07-02-2007, 04:55 PM
Its also really dependant on who you know. Most likely as the bud travels from connection to connection the price is gonna raise, just beacause everyone is gonna tax a little bit to make themselves some profit. Which i dont blame them for, they are taking the risk of holding and dealing.

07-02-2007, 05:45 PM
You can't always blame the dealer. Alot of times that is what they have to get rid of it for.

Exactly, if your buying from a dealer...they have to make money, they cant just buy an ounce then make the same amount they paid for it....

07-02-2007, 05:52 PM
This is exactly why everyone should buy in large quantity. No need to pay 15-30 a g when you can just spend 100 bucks and get like 7 or 8 g's. From now on that is the minimum im buying.

If you buy in larger amounts its more conveniant anyway because next time you want to smoke there is gonna be a bunch left, not that shit where your always running out, always having to look for an available dealer, meeting at a certain time ect ect.

Just take the time to meet with your dealer once and your set for weeks to months, depending on how much you purchased.

07-02-2007, 06:03 PM
From the dealers perspective there isn't much money in selling weed, just a lot of free weed.

07-02-2007, 06:08 PM
Around here you don't pay more then $10/gram, you just dont.

And you get 5/$40 and 10/$75 pretty much all the time.

07-02-2007, 06:09 PM
i pay bout £25 for 8th and i no that is way too much, like $50, but hey its a premium product and people i.e dealers are riskin jail, fines ect to bring it to you. grow ur own if ur that pissed off because it wont be legal for a while but concider wat ur putting on the line if ur not careful, i dont currently grow because for me its too risky but maby one day when things change i will until then i will keep paying that money and waiting for legalisation

07-02-2007, 11:11 PM
In NJ you typically drop $20 for .8-1.0. Its insane.

Hell fuckin' yeah we do :(

07-02-2007, 11:50 PM
In NJ you typically drop $20 for .8-1.0. Its insane.

That's what I pay, in central jersey. SUCKS! It's not even like it's AMAZING bud..usually high mids.

07-02-2007, 11:52 PM
Whoever pays $25 for .5 is an idiot.

07-03-2007, 01:07 AM
Canada's got good weed for good prices almost everywhere.

O' Cannabis
07-03-2007, 02:56 AM
I always get dank and I pay $100 for a half O or $160 or an Oz, and that's expensive around here

07-03-2007, 06:37 AM
cen cal is gay, ppl charging 200 for a half zip of purp...rediculous