View Full Version : Vicodin Again...

01-07-2005, 10:10 PM
Ok so I took one and a half Vicodin ES pills today (1 hour ago) and I dont feel much except in a better mood and I had the slighest "light" feelings in my leg for about 7 minutes. I figured Vicodin doesnt effect me unless there's higher doses...so I was wondering if I can smoke Vicodin straight, just chop it up into powder and smoke it through a pipe? Would I get high?

01-07-2005, 11:27 PM
What is vicodin?

01-08-2005, 01:55 AM
A prescribable painkiller.

Climbing High
01-08-2005, 03:31 AM
if its a pill, you could probably grind it up and snort it, that works with most pills, but it might be really dangerous with this one, i dont know. peace.

01-08-2005, 04:26 AM
I smoked half of one earlier and felt really nice and craved more afterwards (related to heroine/cocaine)....didnt doi much i didnt have enufff pills

01-09-2005, 04:38 AM
Vicodin ES contains 7.5mg of hydrocodone and 750mg of acetaminophen. Hydrocodone is what you want, acetaminophen is just your common OTC tylenol.
First of all, if you want to get anything from hydrocodone you'll need at least 30mg to catch a buzz, however 15-20mg combined with a bowl of marijuana will put you in a nice place.
Also keep in mind these pills contain more than just the active ingredients, they contain binders, fillers and waxes which should not be snorted or smoked. The inactive ingredients of these pills and the acetaminophen (which is not water soluble) will clog your nasal passages preventing much of the hyrdocodone from being absorbed, it will simply drip down into your stomach or remain in your nose until you blow it out.

What you want to do is a cold water extraction or parachute depending on how much you want to do. If you're going to take anymore than 4 pills which would be 30mg hydrocodone, 3000mg acetaminophen then you will want to do a cold water extraction because acetaminophen will not get you any higher and causes liver damage at high doses. Cold water extraction simply involves crushing the pills, placing them in a cup and adding some cold water enough to cover the crushed pills and some but not too much. Stir for a while and then drink the water which will taste bitter as fuck. Add more water and drink that too if you want to be sure you're getting all the hydrocodone you can.

If you're only going to do 4 pills or less parachute them, crush them up and wrap them in tissue then swallow.

01-19-2005, 12:16 AM
i keep hearing of this parachute thing. your suppose to swallow the tissue thing too? and how does it extract the acetaminophen

UserName AlphaNiner
01-19-2005, 01:13 AM
Vicodin ES contains 7.5mg of hydrocodone and 750mg of acetaminophen. Hydrocodone is what you want, acetaminophen is just your common OTC tylenol.
First of all, if you want to get anything from hydrocodone you'll need at least 30mg to catch a buzz, however 15-20mg combined with a bowl of marijuana will put you in a nice place.
Also keep in mind these pills contain more than just the active ingredients, they contain binders, fillers and waxes which should not be snorted or smoked. The inactive ingredients of these pills and the acetaminophen (which is not water soluble) will clog your nasal passages preventing much of the hyrdocodone from being absorbed, it will simply drip down into your stomach or remain in your nose until you blow it out.

What you want to do is a cold water extraction or parachute depending on how much you want to do. If you're going to take anymore than 4 pills which would be 30mg hydrocodone, 3000mg acetaminophen then you will want to do a cold water extraction because acetaminophen will not get you any higher and causes liver damage at high doses. Cold water extraction simply involves crushing the pills, placing them in a cup and adding some cold water enough to cover the crushed pills and some but not too much. Stir for a while and then drink the water which will taste bitter as fuck. Add more water and drink that too if you want to be sure you're getting all the hydrocodone you can.

If you're only going to do 4 pills or less parachute them, crush them up and wrap them in tissue then swallow.

I'm confused about the extraction method. The reason I don't take pills very often is because of the acetaminophen...but if I could extract it, I would. I don't understand how this method extracts it. All it does is decrease the time it takes to work, eh?

And DON'T smoke pills. DON'T shoot pills. DON'T snort pills. Jesus. When people learn? X_X

01-19-2005, 03:10 AM
Would it be ok to lace some weed with it?

01-19-2005, 11:53 AM
wouldn't it be nasty as fuck to smoke a pill?

01-19-2005, 04:01 PM
In all my dayz of drugz i've never smoked a pill. Of any kind. Snorted a shitload though. I don't reccomend snortin vicodin. Take 4 or 5 or 6 and smoke some weed. Good feeling

01-19-2005, 04:08 PM
anyone ever get sick off of three 7.5 hydrocondones? .....i took three (two of which were broken in fast to allow faster digestion but not as fast as parachuting because i wanted a more long lasting relaxed feeling instead of a high) well i took them and for the next few hours i was sick as hell.....

01-19-2005, 07:06 PM
In the extraction described, you're supposed to let the powder settle to the bottom, and do not drink it. The hydrocodone is dissolved in the liquid and the acetaminophen is in the powder, so just don't drink the powder, or you can pour off the liquid first. You will probably get a little acetaminophen this way, but nearly as much.

UserName AlphaNiner
01-19-2005, 07:16 PM
In the extraction described, you're supposed to let the powder settle to the bottom, and do not drink it. The hydrocodone is dissolved in the liquid and the acetaminophen is in the powder, so just don't drink the powder, or you can pour off the liquid first. You will probably get a little acetaminophen this way, but nearly as much.

Ah, sweet. Easy. 0_o

01-20-2005, 12:12 AM
yea i can get 6 vikes -700 or 1000 mg for 20 bucks, is it even worth it or should i just go with this really good bud?

01-20-2005, 01:06 AM
anyone ever get sick off of three 7.5 hydrocondones? .....i took three (two of which were broken in fast to allow faster digestion but not as fast as parachuting because i wanted a more long lasting relaxed feeling instead of a high) well i took them and for the next few hours i was sick as hell.....

they do in fact make many people sick.me included but i take them for pain not a buzz,
i must smoke a jiont to take them so it dont mess up my stomach(ulcers)

01-21-2005, 12:15 AM
I don't understand how this method extracts it. All it does is decrease the time it takes to work, eh?

Hydrocodone is water soluble while acetaminophen is not very soluble in water. Crushing the pills and dissolving in water allows you to remove much of the acetaminophen for this reason as it will stay at the bottom of the glass while you drink the water in which the hydrocodone is dissolved. You are also likely to loose a neglegable amount of hydrocodone.

anyone ever get sick off of three 7.5 hydrocondones? .....i took three (two of which were broken in fast to allow faster digestion but not as fast as parachuting because i wanted a more long lasting relaxed feeling instead of a high) well i took them and for the next few hours i was sick as hell....
It can make you dizzy and nauseaous the first time, lay down if this happens.

yea i can get 6 vikes -700 or 1000 mg for 20 bucks, is it even worth it or should i just go with this really good bud? 1000mg? Vicodin only comes in 5/7.5/10mg pills...30mg is a good starting dose your first time. I personally wouldn't pay anymore than $3 per 10mg pill, as I like to take 50 mg which at that price would cost me $15.