View Full Version : Kids with Religious bullshit in thier head

01-07-2005, 07:13 AM
I hate it when I see these confused teens :confused: and preteens stuggling to find themselves because their mind is tainted with all this religion bullshit. I think they all should start off Atheist and try to find what fits them best instead of being told what to believe. How will you raise your kids? Will you make them follow the religon you do? What do you think of what i just said about starting them off Athiest? That's what I want to do when I have kids. What about you? :)

01-07-2005, 07:17 AM
Well if I have kids I would like them to believe in God. But the choice is ultimately up to them. My rents never pushed any god stuff in my face. Hell we never went to church or read a passage out of the Bible. But things have happened in my life, that makes me believe that God does exist and sometimes just sometimes he anwers some people's prayers

01-07-2005, 07:31 AM
You miss the point, Belleza. being brought up in a religious framework is just another was to transmit tradition. I'm not a religious person by any stretch of the imagination, but my family is Catholic, and I don't eat meat on Christmas Eve and Good Friday, I celebrate Christmas and Easter, I have almost like 2 birthdays, one my actual birthday and one on the saint's day for whom I am named.

I don't believe in it, but it's tradition, and that's why I embrace it.

Garden Knowm
01-07-2005, 07:41 AM
shoot... you started your post with......... "you missed the point" : (

01-07-2005, 07:43 AM
I respect tradition, but don't you think kids these days grow up following a certain faith then they end up questioning it anyway? I believe there is some kind of higher power but that's because I found it myself. I was supposed to be Catholic but I said "fuck that" lol. My parents just happened to never have time or people to baptize me and im 16 and still not baptized and im glad im not. I think that happened for a reason. I know i was meant to find my spiritual path myself and not let my parents throw me in a Catholic church. They know I don;t wanna be Catholic and i don't give a fuck if it's tradition. Personal spiritual discovery is more important to me than what they used to do back in the day. :)

01-07-2005, 07:53 AM
well i jsut had a kid...not evena month old yet...and yes i will force my religion on him.......lol.......now if only i had a religion to force on him....anwyays even if i did i wouldn't anyways.....

01-07-2005, 08:01 AM
ahh, kids growing up as atheists, only if reason prevails which i doubt.

01-07-2005, 08:42 AM
I hate it when I see these confused teens :confused: and preteens stuggling to find themselves because their mind is tainted with all this religion bullshit. I think they all should start off Atheist and try to find what fits them best instead of being told what to believe. How will you raise your kids? Will you make them follow the religon you do? What do you think of what i just said about starting them off Athiest? That's what I want to do when I have kids. What about you? :)
I totally agree

01-07-2005, 09:25 AM
I think everyone questions their faith... and that is why some people from christian homes become athiest/agnostic or whatever and some stay christian... I like to think it depends on how much faith the person has... and yes I will force religion down my kids throat until they refuse to goto church like I did... (yet I still hold my christian beliefs)

01-07-2005, 12:02 PM
ok i really don't want to get in a heated religious discussion...but how can you force your kids to take on a religion with no feisable (sp?) proof that such a god exists?

01-07-2005, 04:24 PM
The only thing you can do is teach your kids about your own beliefs, that's part of being a good parent. When they get old enough to understnad these things, of course they will question, and then they will make up their mind, that's the way it has worked for hundredds of years. My parents brought me to Church, my father is quite the religious type, but neither of them ever shoved anything down my throat. They taught me what they thought was right, and once I was old enough to think about these thingfs for myself, I made my own decision.

I guess I'm trying to say that if children grow up completly atheist, then they wil never have an opportunity to think about spiritual matters, because they never learned how to. Children that grow up within even the smallest and slightest of religious frameworks can formulate their own ideas spiritually much more easily, even if it completely different from the religion they grew up with.

01-07-2005, 06:37 PM
atheist don't believe in God that is what I'm hearing
there is no proff that there is a God is what your saying
but then if there wasn't a God why would the atheists say they don't believe in him
cuzz technically he had to be there before people said they didn't think that he was real???

01-07-2005, 07:17 PM
Good point goose.

I think that christian religin is for geeks.

meek mike
01-08-2005, 12:50 AM
Would I force my religiose beliefs on my child?

Well in my religion it's manditory to smoke weed so that means my nine month old would have to smoke weed with me. So obviousely I wouldn't make her smoke so I wouldn't force my religious view on her. I don't go to church so she wouldn't get my religion from there. I will show her my beliefs by my example. Not just saying to do good and be nice I will share my religion by doing my religion. I don't know if that makes sense or not but it sounds good to me. I'm sure everyone thinks I'm relgious but I'm not I'm a follower of Jesus Christ religions don't concern me churchs don't concern me only my conscience which I believe to be God/Holy Spirit telling me what;s good to do and what I shouldn't do.

Rev. Michael T
Soldier for Christ

01-08-2005, 01:08 AM
you are a soldier for christ but not a follower?
Does that make sense?

meek mike
01-08-2005, 01:27 AM
I'm sure everyone thinks I'm relgious but I'm not I'm a follower of Jesus Christ religions don't concern me churchs don't concern me only my conscience which I believe to be God/Holy Spirit telling me what's good to do and what I shouldn't do.

Forgive me Larry I messed up. I forgot to put a comma. With the comma does it now make sense.

I'm sure everyone thinks I'm religious but I'm not , I'm a follower of Jesus Christ..........

Rev. Michael T
Soldier fro Christ

01-08-2005, 02:54 AM
ok...anyone who will raise their kids to follow something other than Christianity and Catholosism?

01-08-2005, 03:13 AM
I would rather my own kids be a leader rather than a follower.

Christainity and Catholosism is a bunch of crap

Why would someone raise their kids to follow crap?

meek mike
01-08-2005, 03:39 AM

Little Larry Boy, someone should raise thier kids to follow crap so they don't end up like you. You know the kind of child that can't come up with any real dialoge and can't even be tolerant of others beliefs. Your funny kid. I bet you think your upsetting me. Sorry to let you down but your comments remind me of my six year old nephew, I feel more pitty for you then I do anger from your childish comments. I hope that you graduate from childhood and can act like an adult one day. Until then, May my Lord bless your night and your day tomorrow. May my Lord watch, protect, and guide you to the inner peace you so need. May my Lord help you in your hour of need since you will most likely push away all the people that would normally help you. May my Father in heaven heal you from all illnesses you suffer from mental or phyical. May my God and creator give you the best bomb buds so you can smoke and feel his presence in your life. May my Lord grant you every thought and wise for happieness. May my Lord Bless you this weekend and every weekend. May my Lord open your eyes to his Love and forgiveness that have been there at your feet. Peace be with you Larry.

Rev. Michael T
Soldier for Christ the one that Loves Larry

01-08-2005, 04:42 AM
Mike if you can't follow my dialoge you are stupid as shit.

Your dialoge is the crap that is hard to follow, it doesnt even make sence
half the time.

01-08-2005, 04:48 AM
Hi Larry! Another big ole Geek here! lol Haven't seen ya in a bit and wanted to say hi. This is one Geek that thinks you're okay, and not to be an ass or anything (though I can be, lol), but I ask for blessing for my friends, and guess what? You're someone I do ask God to send much happiness. And this has nothing to do with other peoples stuff, just good wishes for ya, Kuu

01-08-2005, 04:52 AM
May the Mother Goddess bless you with the ablility to know that Christ is dead. Just like everyone will eventually be. May the Goddess help you understand that the higher powers are not all about love and forgiveness. How do i know that, you ask? Well, doesn't everyone ask themselves at one point in time: "if god loves me, why is this happening? what did i ever do wrong?" the question that should be asked is why are they thinking that god loves them? how the hell would they know if all this bad shit is happening to them? right? The God and Goddess have their ways of balancing things out just right. it's people like you (mike) who make the others feel like they are supposed to do one thing. May the Goddess help you not be an ass with Larry because you don't seem to be very tolerant of his beliefs (hypocrite). May my Goddess take your anger away. May my Goddess bless your beautiful child, for she has given her to you. May the God kick your ass for not stopping to think out side of the "Jesus Christ" religions. We are all children of the God and Goddess. We are no different than Jesus. God bless you. and Larry.
***Blessed Be***

01-08-2005, 04:55 AM
just so ppl won't get pissed: that last post i made was for the "soldier for christ". Love ya mike!

meek mike
01-08-2005, 05:11 AM
Larry, the only reason you said this:

it doesnt even make sence half the time.

is because I said it earlier in the conversation:

I don't know if that makes sense or not but it sounds good to me.

Why don't you say something I haven't said already.

Your dialoge is the crap that is hard to follow

I didn't say your dialoge is crap or even hard to follow. Your dialoge is very very easy to follow. This is what I had to write about your dialoge:

You know the kind of child that can't come up with any real dialoge and can't even be tolerant of others beliefs.

You know real dialoge that makes a clear point not a perfect point but at least an intellegent point that people can think about. Larry, I'm a screen writter as well as a Web Minister. I enjoy dialoge cause it helps me with the dialoge in my movies. I don't get much real dialoge from you cause it always ends up with well:

Good point goose. I think that christian religin is for geeks.

you are a soldier for christ but not a follower? Does that make sense?

I would rather my own kids be a leader rather than a follower. Christainity and Catholosism is a bunch of crap. Why would someone raise their kids to follow crap?

Mike if you can't follow my dialoge you are stupid as shit. Your dialoge is the crap that is hard to follow, it doesnt even make sence
half the time.

Call me pickey (I prefer Michael) but that isn't real dialoge to me. But of course it could be to someone else. Larry, I'm sorry that we have to bicker like this every post but I will always defend Christians and Christ just like you will always have no tolerance for others beliefs. I hope and pray that one of use one day might have enough strength to change. Either myself change and be more like my name MEEK or myself change and turn the other cheek when someone dis's what I believe. Or you change and be more tolerant towards others that don't believe as you. Most likely I will change but I hope you will as well. Of course Jesus didn't want us to be pussys and take weak dialoge from children that don't know much about life yet so I might not change just yet. Maybe you can help me change and I can help you change but only time and God will know.

May my Lord Jesus Christ lead wisdom, knowledge, and understanding your way. God Bless you Larry.

Rev. Michael T
Soldier for Christ

01-08-2005, 05:18 AM
Well it's nice that Mike is free to express his opinion. My opinion is that he's a fake Christian that uses religion as an excuse to get high. No Where in the Bible is smoking, or polluting ones body condoned. In the last days there will be many false prophets. This THC ministry is a scam started by a bunch of wanna-bes that wanted an excuse to smoke pot and get away with it. Try being honest with yourself Mike, you like getting high, it is NOT a sacrament any more than a golden calf is a God. I don't preach at people, it's wrong and only drives them away. I like speaking with people in general, if the subject comes up fine but the more you try to force something on another the more likely they will find they do not want to listen. Sis. Kuu
Grace Evangelical College and Seminary

meek mike
01-08-2005, 05:23 AM
Thank you for all the blessing you have bestowed apoun me. I will accept them with a cheerful heart. Thank you for talking so highly of my daughter. If I could show you a picture you would really think she is beautiful but of course that is either here nor there. Thank you again for the kind words but there is just one thing I didn't get. Can you explain:

it's people like you (mike) who make the others feel like they are supposed to do one thing.

The one thing I try to make people feel. If you haven't read any of my post before I will let you know what I've said. I let people know of the offer Jesus gave all man kind. I let people know of the forgiveness and the love God wants to give to all of mankind. I don't try to make people feel anything. I just let people know what I know. If it tuggs at your insides I can't help that but it should make you think.

Thank you again for the blessings and asking for guidance from the one's you follow. I will ask my Lord and savior to watch over you and guide you to inner peace. I will also ask him to give you the three things which are priceless in the world. I also asked Jesus to send them to larry as well but the three things I ask God to give freely and mercefully to you are wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. May my Lord make your day bright and full of joy. May Jesus Christ Bless your life.

Rev. Michael T
Soldier for Christ

01-08-2005, 05:26 AM
the bible is a story book. whether u like it or not. :) May the Goddess bless you with some spiritual enlightment. :)

meek mike
01-08-2005, 05:31 AM
No Where in the Bible is smoking, or polluting ones body condoned.

Thank you for your post here. I've been waiting for another Chrsitian to bring this subject up. I started one a few months ago but didn't get much reponse. I openly invite you to a debate apoun this subject. I will start a new thread very soon. I do get off work here in 40 min. so I will do it quickly. If you have time to reply to it (read it, it's long) but I don't reply don't worry cause I work all day tomorrow from 7 am till 11pm so any time tomorrow. Anyways I'll start the thread. God Bless.

Rev. Michael T
Soldier for Christ

meek mike
01-08-2005, 05:34 AM
May the Goddess bless you with some spiritual enlightment. :)

I'm gonna take her up on that blessing one day when I feel her presence. Of course my story book God might get jeoluse and stop her from getting any where near me. But if I feel her one day I'll take her and your blessing with a cheerful heart. May my Lord Bless your night and help you sleep with a peaceful heart. God Bless.

Rev. Michael T
Soldier for Christ

01-08-2005, 05:36 AM
if u noticed, i said "people like you" not nessicarily you in particular. followers of christ religions tend to be a threat to other people because not everyone is monotheistic u know. just the majority. ;)

01-08-2005, 05:45 AM
I know all the bullshit you use, "The eating of the bitter herbs", Which does not refer to any specific herb but is a symbol of the bitterness of Pharoahs wrath upon the Israelites. All the word games, translating the word "herbs" is crap. By playing on a cannabis board at work you are essentially stealing (in the form of paid time) from your boss. If you want to speak with someone, go hang out with TheSignalRecievers. Maybe the two of you can go sit on a hillside and wait for the rapture, just don't forget to bring Jesus a joint. False Prophets, in line for the one world church and the nwo. Pharasee.

01-08-2005, 05:56 AM
::clap clap clap:: wow someone really got their point across. good job dude. no offense to mike but, i agree with kuulbns. don't get me wrong i might talk a lot of shit (if u think so) but i do respect christ religions. i just agree with that last post.

01-08-2005, 06:01 AM
Thanks Belleza, I'm glad he's not suckering in many people. guys like him come in here and blow sunshine up your ass trying to impress young or gullible people. George Carlin is an ordained minister, (he's also in rehab right now for addiction to painkillers and wine, but at least he admits he gets high because he likes to. :D

01-08-2005, 06:12 AM
yeah u gotta give the carlin guy some props.

01-08-2005, 06:26 AM
Kuu im a christian myself... and I am curious what verse in the bible says smoking marijuana is bad?? I know which one you are going to say I just can't quote it myself... once you give it i'll tell you what I think it means. Also Belezza.. I have a question... your 16 years old... you haven't even lived half your life yet... so how do you tell grow adults who have life and religious experiences that there God is dead? Also, I don't know if you notice it... but befoer you enter the religious forum it says to be respectful of other peoples religions... which you are not. Also blasphemy is the one sin God does not forgive.. you should think about what you say... you might change your mind later...

01-08-2005, 06:44 AM
Hi French, sorry I started to send you a reply, somehow I erased it. It's very late here. When I hit submit reply it disappeared! lol I will try again another time, and thanks for the post. Kuu

01-08-2005, 07:51 AM
i didn't say their God was dead, i said Christ was dead. you can quote me on that one. if i'm not mistaken, Christ is supposedly the son of god, isn't he? he did die on the cross didn't he? And plz don't throw the fact that i'm 16 in my face. don't judge me like that.Me being 16 has nothing to do with what knowledge i have. in the earlier posts mike was talking crap to larry, calling him a kid. They are older gentlemen but still do the namecalling thing. if u ever find a post where i did that (if i was or wasn't stoned) plz let me know. I respect all religions. did i do or say something blasphemous? wutz ur definition of blasphemy? i have my own beliefs, so just because i'm not Christian like most on here, have some respect for my thoughts. :(
***Blessed Be***

meek mike
01-08-2005, 02:27 PM
By playing on a cannabis board at work you are essentially stealing (in the form of paid time) from your boss.

How easy it is to jump to conclutions when you really really want to prove a point. Kuulbns, before saying such a thing you should ask. If you look back at other posts by me I explain that my boss does know I as you call it play on cannabis board. My boss knows the person I am and knows I witness everywhere and to everyone. I have full permission from her. But thanks for playing. Oh and by the way, did you see any bible verses in my debate thread about any herbs plants. Yeah, I didn't think so. Much Love my Christian sister. God Bless you and I hope your having a delightful Sat. morning.

Rev. Michael T
Soldier for Christ

meek mike
01-08-2005, 04:35 PM
if u noticed, i said "people like you" not nessicarily you in particular.

You did say people like me. If you notice the words you use like meaning same as. Not only that but you point me out.

it's people like you (mike) who make the others feel like they are supposed to do one thing.

You single me out putting me in the same catergory there for your top statement is a lie casue you do indeed mean me particularly.

Rev. Michael T
Soldier for Christ

01-08-2005, 11:54 PM
I hate it when I see these confused teens :confused: and preteens stuggling to find themselves because their mind is tainted with all this religion bullshit. I think they all should start off Atheist and try to find what fits them best instead of being told what to believe. How will you raise your kids? Will you make them follow the religon you do? What do you think of what i just said about starting them off Athiest? That's what I want to do when I have kids. What about you? :)
i totally agree... i wasnt christened, my parents never made me go to church, and i am glad. sometimes i wud volentarily go to church for christmas for the whole atmosphere thing n to see wot its all about... im not a believer, but i accept that god maybe/was real. i believe jesus was real, totally, but i dont think we should all have to revolve our life around a book...
when i have kids im not ging to force any religeon onto them... if they want to follow a religeon, then that is their decision.
"...god is the peoples opium..."

meek mike
01-08-2005, 11:59 PM
i believe jesus was real, totally,

Same here.

Rev. Michael T
Soldier for Christ

01-09-2005, 12:05 AM
... but his was definetly a rebal... so christians believe in being good n everything, yet they follow a rebal? if there are any christians reading this... correct me if im wrong, wud love to hear ur views on it all... n i bet he smoked good old weed :D

01-09-2005, 12:05 AM
sos mike.... just noticed that u r religeous..... cud u explain 2 me?

meek mike
01-09-2005, 12:20 AM
Explain. First I'd like to thank you for giving me this chance to tell you and everyone else my personal beliefs. That being said just remmebr they are my personal beliefs.

I believe....

Jesus was a man, born of a virgin.

Jesus is God's son.

Jesus is God in physical form.
(just like I am a husband, father, son, brother. All different roles but all the same person)

Jesus was sinless.

Jesus was our sacrifice to clean us from all our screw ups (aka our sins).

Jesus in one day defeated Satan and freed us all from any rules like the ten commandments because we couldn't live up to them.

Jesus then died and three days later arose from the grave by Gods power.

All we have to do is believe who he said he is (faith) and do as he asked which was to love everyone.

I don't knwo if that is what your looking for regading your question but I can go on just need to know what topic your looking for.

Rev. Michael T
Soldier for Christ

01-09-2005, 01:06 AM
...What do you think of what i just said about starting them off Athiest? That's what I want to do when I have kids... :)

I would like to quickly comment on this. I live in a country that allows you to do just that - teach them whatever you want. Atheism is a cold, dark, cynical view of the world in general, though. Is this the best choice for your child?

Before you adopt a doctrine under such misinformed, misguided, not researched and not practically sound information, perhaps you owe it to yourself to STUDY for the meaning.

I do not mean open up the Bible and dive in with futility. This will only confuse you hopelessly. You MUST have a competent teacher that you trust. Don't have that?

Ask me how and where you can get it. ;)

01-09-2005, 01:08 AM
By the way, it's completely free...

01-09-2005, 03:28 AM
Explain. First I'd like to thank you for giving me this chance to tell you and everyone else my personal beliefs. That being said just remmebr they are my personal beliefs.

I believe....

Jesus was a man, born of a virgin.

Jesus is God's son.

Jesus is God in physical form.
(just like I am a husband, father, son, brother. All different roles but all the same person)

Jesus was sinless.

Jesus was our sacrifice to clean us from all our screw ups (aka our sins).

Jesus in one day defeated Satan and freed us all from any rules like the ten commandments because we couldn't live up to them.

Jesus then died and three days later arose from the grave by Gods power.

All we have to do is believe who he said he is (faith) and do as he asked which was to love everyone.

I don't knwo if that is what your looking for regading your question but I can go on just need to know what topic your looking for.

Rev. Michael T
Soldier for Christ

so why have none of these things ever happened again? such as jesus being born from a virgin.... that is phisically impossible isnt it?.... do religeous ppl have a drug that they arnt telling us about that takes u to this other world of miracles n stuff?

meek mike
01-09-2005, 04:02 AM

Tisk tisk. You ask me to expalin what I believe and I did or can't you remember saying this:

cud u explain 2 me?

I answered your question and explained what I believe and you turn around and say something like:

do religeous ppl have a drug that they arnt telling us about that takes u to this other world of miracles n stuff?

If you wanted to waist my time you could have done it in a more constructive way like:

"Mike, I hear you roll the sickest joints. Can you please explain to me step by step your rolling technique?"

Which I would have gladdly done cause my joints are the sickest. Like a cig. Of course you didn't do that so what's the point of mentioning it now. I don't get it. I'm tolerant of all beliefs. I could give two constipated turds what others believe but the moment someone says thier a Chrsitian or believe the Christian faith you people come out of the wood works. Why can't you people and I mean you people be more tolerant of others views. I personaly don't care what you say about my faith or what jokes you make of my faith but come on. Don't be an ass and dis others because they believe something other then what you believe. Roxy, I be honest and polite which I can't say the same about you but we (Christians) do have a drug that takes us to another world. And you know what, you can't have any now. I'm keeping your dose for myself. So what cha think about them apple pipes.


Thats all us Chrsitians want. Respect just as we respect your choice.

Blah.... Blah..... Blah..... Blah..... Blah......

(half the time you people don't even read what we right but your quick to reply why is that)

Rev. Michael T
Soldier for Christ

meek mike
01-09-2005, 04:08 AM
wud love to hear ur views on it all

Not really huh.

Rev. Michael T
Soldier for Christ

"If it takes for me to suffer for my brother to see the light, give me pain till I die cause Lord I know you'll treat them right." DMX

01-09-2005, 04:14 AM
... but his was definetly a rebal... so christians believe in being good n everything, yet they follow a rebal? if there are any christians reading this... correct me if im wrong, wud love to hear ur views on it all... n i bet he smoked good old weed :D
i ddnt ask what your beliefs are, i wanted to know why christians believe in being good, yet they follow a rebel....
i am honest, i am polite, i respect over ppls view and opions, i respect that sum ppl use religeon as their opium, i am not making a joke of anyones faith, i am not an ass, and i do not dis ppls beliefs... you need to chill...

01-09-2005, 04:16 AM
oh, and thankyou for telling me your opinions and views.... they were very interesting...

meek mike
01-09-2005, 05:39 AM
i ddnt ask what your beliefs are,

But Roxy you did.

sos mike.... just noticed that u r religeous..... cud u explain 2 me?

i wanted to know why christians believe in being good, yet they follow a rebel....

Clarify for me next time please instead of:

so christians believe in being good n everything, yet they follow a rebal?

It sounds more of you saying "but yet they follow a rebel?" <----(should have added WHY IS THAT?

i am honest,

Then why did you right this if your honest.

wud love to hear ur views on it all

i am polite, i respect over ppls view and opions,

Then why did you say this:

do religeous ppl have a drug that they arnt telling us about that takes u to this other world of miracles n stuff?

That doesn't sound polite or respectful of any religious people's views.

i respect that sum ppl use religeon as their opium,

Please do explain this for me. How is it they use religion as an opium. Do they snort it, smoke it, shot it. Or could it be they believe in it and that's your problem with it and them.

i am not making a joke of anyones faith,

Then again why did you make the comment about religious people being on a drug that takes them to another world. You know with miricals and such.

i am not an ass,

I'm sure your not but your not tolerant thats for sure.

and i do not dis ppls beliefs...

But I've proven you have by your own words.

you need to chill...

Your right I do. Just as soon as I see some tolerance from people like yourself.

oh, and thankyou for telling me your opinions and views.... they were very interesting...

Your welcome, I was just doing as you asked why it ended up like this. Well look back and see who started it.

Rev. Michael T
Soldier for Christ

01-09-2005, 09:54 AM
**passes a joint each to roxy and mike** :)

Kid Dynamite
01-09-2005, 11:43 AM
do you actually know what an atheist is? An atheist is omeobdy who *beleives* that there is no God, and there mind is made up and they are sure of it. I think you mean all children should start as agnostics.

01-09-2005, 11:55 AM
do you actually know what an atheist is? An atheist is omeobdy who *beleives* that there is no God, and there mind is made up and they are sure of it. I think you mean all children should start as agnostics.good point.. i agree that you should raise your children as agnostic, or theyll never have an unbiased opinion of any religion, though.. if/when i have kids, ill let them decide.. but then again, its only religious people that enforce their beliefs on their kids.. its hard to force your kid into agnosticism lol

01-09-2005, 12:20 PM
do you actually know what an atheist is? An atheist is omeobdy who *beleives* that there is no God, and there mind is made up and they are sure of it. I think you mean all children should start as agnostics.

Yeah, I know what Atheism is. You can teach them to be non-committal, non-dogmatic about anything and you will have helpless children following whatever new theories come along. They will never be rooted in anything. One cannot believe in something that does not exist.

May I ask why you are here and not hanging out with the potheadz in the lobby? :)

01-09-2005, 12:46 PM
**passes a joint each to roxy and mike** :)
thanks ghost, that joint was very much needed :)

01-09-2005, 12:47 PM
good point.. i agree that you should raise your children as agnostic, or theyll never have an unbiased opinion of any religion, though.. if/when i have kids, ill let them decide.. but then again, its only religious people that enforce their beliefs on their kids.. its hard to force your kid into agnosticism lol
i agree totally...

01-09-2005, 01:12 PM
i agree totally...
me too LOL :p

01-09-2005, 01:25 PM
hehehe :p

01-09-2005, 02:37 PM

01-10-2005, 05:42 AM
yeah it would be better agnostic. well anything but christianity. for me anyway. and for the billionth time, DOES ANYONE FOLLOW SOMETHING OTHER THAN CHRIST RELIGIONS?????????? no one answered my question and i asked it like a lot of times. damn! ::puff puff:: any Pagans? any anything else????

::runs away from the scary christians::

01-10-2005, 12:37 PM
yeah it would be better agnostic. well anything but christianity. for me anyway. and for the billionth time, DOES ANYONE FOLLOW SOMETHING OTHER THAN CHRIST RELIGIONS?????????? no one answered my question and i asked it like a lot of times. damn! ::puff puff:: any Pagans? any anything else????

::runs away from the scary christians::
i dont follow any religion

01-10-2005, 04:00 PM
i dont follow any religion
i dont follow any religeon either...
oh and mike.... you asked what i meant when i said "God is the ppl's opium".... God is there to relieve their pain or help with the problem, but he can not actually cure the pain/problem....
its a famous quote from a book.... cnt remember the name of it or the author.... its worth a read though.... i will find out and tell you what it is called n wotnot....

01-10-2005, 06:13 PM
sorry... it wasnt a book, it was an essay by a philosopher called Karl Marx.... and the actual quote was.... "Religeon... is the opium of the people". http://www.age-of-the-sage.org/philosophy/karl_marx.html

01-14-2005, 04:52 AM
atheist don't believe in God that is what I'm hearing
there is no proff that there is a God is what your saying
but then if there wasn't a God why would the atheists say they don't believe in him
cuzz technically he had to be there before people said they didn't think that he was real???
that logic is bullshit. i dont believe god exsists he is a myth. i in no way think he is real never was.

useing your bullshit logic i could say santa clause is real, because he has to be because people dont believe he is real.

for crying out loud does your arguement even make sense to you, i just hope you where extremly high when you came up with that.

01-14-2005, 11:44 AM
atheist don't believe in God that is what I'm hearing
there is no proff that there is a God is what your saying
but then if there wasn't a God why would the atheists say they don't believe in him
cuzz technically he had to be there before people said they didn't think that he was real???
yeah, seriously, god doesnt have to exist for atheists to exist. Atheist are people who do not believe in the idea of God. The only requirement for atheists to exist is that somebody invented the idea of God.

if that doesnt make sense, then listen to this.

Man 1: Unicorns exist.

Man 2: No, they dont.

Man 1: You just proved my point

Man 2: ...

Man 1: By saying that they dont exist is proof that they do - How can you say it doesnt exist if it doesnt exist?

You see, that arguement doesnt hold whatsoever.. It doesnt even make sense.

01-14-2005, 12:22 PM
you go ghost! i agree totally..... why does god have to exist for us to believe he is not real? the only thing that is telling us that he is real are the ppl that follow him... and even they dont have proof that he really exists....the bible was prolly written by a load of stoners having a laugh... and how sad would that be if it was, for 100's of years ppl have been following a book that was written for a laugh?

01-14-2005, 08:36 PM
I will train my children to be highly intelligent little demons ready to take to the earth.

01-14-2005, 09:09 PM
You see my cannabis smoking readers. The Christian Missionaries whom colonized America regarded the practice of eating Peyote as being 'A sacrilegeous ceremony of the devil'. And it was the Christians whom began to stamp out all the Peyote Cults and Native American Tribes. All our laws in the U.S. are based, fundamentally, on the teachings of the Bible.
Not to say that the bible is bad. For our laws do hold our country toghether, but, the drugs laws are a little unfair. Not only that, majority of drug users are "White", and, "colored" minorites have been many times blamed in the past for the trafficking of drugs. I would say that the majority of "Blacks" in America are highly religious Christains that don't consume narcotics and intoxicants. I think "white" bud smokers should undersand that. That all that rap music and shit about the ghetto you hear on the radio is just to make money and most "blacks" just want to be good citizens and raise their kids to be doctors, layers, politicians, ect.

01-14-2005, 09:41 PM
The actual system of the American government i.e. democracy is from the Ancient Greeks system of Government, democracy. But much of the moral basis of our laws is based upon Christian teachings. Remember the K.K.K. was burning crosses on "Blacks" lawns so its no wonder why many blacks embraced Christianity.

01-14-2005, 09:45 PM
See thats how they play it.
"It's cool smoke the bud" (they say, but, they don't smoke it)
They say: "yea, it's all good..." (but then you get arrested by three black cops).

01-14-2005, 09:55 PM
"New blood joins this earth
and quickly he's subdued
through constant pained disgrace
the young boy learns the rules."

"with time the child draws in
this wipping boy done wrong
deprived of all his thoughts
the young man struggles on...
a vow unto his own
that never from this day
his will they'll take away..."

01-15-2005, 11:58 AM
:confused: i am very confused delta.... i take it ur caned, cuz ur rambling on a bit :p
its all good :)

01-15-2005, 06:39 PM
wow this is getting good.

01-15-2005, 07:05 PM
yea I ramble don't I.
Stop it delta9!
Stop it delta!
This is not funny delta9!
I don't wanna' play anymore delta!
let me out!

01-15-2005, 07:10 PM
Remember "dead skin mask"?
dance with the dead in my dreams.
I don't wanna' play anymore Mr. Geee!
Let me out!!

01-17-2005, 01:52 AM
Well it's nice that Mike is free to express his opinion. My opinion is that he's a fake Christian that uses religion as an excuse to get high. No Where in the Bible is smoking, or polluting ones body condoned. In the last days there will be many false prophets. This THC ministry is a scam started by a bunch of wanna-bes that wanted an excuse to smoke pot and get away with it. Try being honest with yourself Mike, you like getting high, it is NOT a sacrament any more than a golden calf is a God. I don't preach at people, it's wrong and only drives them away. I like speaking with people in general, if the subject comes up fine but the more you try to force something on another the more likely they will find they do not want to listen. Sis. Kuu
Grace Evangelical College and Seminary

alright, just because mikey does it to get high (which,no offence, is quite obvious because no true christian acts like that) doesnt mean that they all do.

I myself beleive in a goddess, whom i call mary jane, and the flowers of the cannabis plant are an important sacrament, not the act of getting high. This is not some petty excuse to get high with no consequences (its not even really a religion). The main part of the beleifs have to do with cannabis and sexuality. Women are highly respected, and are treated as the worldly goddesses they are.

I beleive that you should force your beleifs on no one. I will teach my children everything i know, and i will hope that they follow a spiritual path like mine, but it will be up to them. i will only be dissappointed if they choose a completely non spiritual lifestyle. but even then i will let them be.

meek mike
01-17-2005, 02:54 AM
which,no offence, is quite obvious because no true christian acts like that

Offense was taken because you haven't even talked with me and don't know me but yet you feel it's ok to talk about my beliefs and my views as if you do.

You have such a low opinion of Christians as I read in the Chistian wack thread but you say "No true christian acts like that." How exactly would you define a real Christian acting?

I personally don't think you know what a Christian is or how they should act. But of course thats my opionon on the two posts that I read from you.

But anyways thanks for giving me something to do. If you don't mind I'd like to point out something you said that was hypocritical. You wrote:

I beleive that you should force your beleifs on no one.

But yet the very next sentence you write is:

I will teach my children everything i know

Wouldn't that be forcing your beliefs on your kids. Thats the way it sounds to me at least. As a Christian father I will not teach my kids my beliefs I will show them by my example. So that way they can have a balance and non biast opinion on my beliefs and the beliefs they will choose to follow. Thats just me thou I choose not to force my beliefs on anyone I do however like to share my beliefs with everyone that is willing to listen.

God Bless and Peace be with you.

Rev. Michael T
Soldier for Christ and Cannabis

01-17-2005, 04:16 AM
Hi mike.

Take your bible and shove it up your mothers ass.

meek mike
01-17-2005, 05:04 AM
Hi Larry

I don't think my arm can reach two states away.

Rev. Michael T
Soldier for Christ

01-17-2005, 06:04 AM
Go Go Gadget arms!

01-17-2005, 06:29 PM
shut up mike....

But anyways thanks for giving me something to do. If you don't mind I'd like to point out something you said that was hypocritical. You wrote:

Originally Posted by opiuser
I beleive that you should force your beleifs on no one.

But yet the very next sentence you write is:

Originally Posted by opiuser
I will teach my children everything i know
.... there is a difference between teaching and forcing..... :mad: