View Full Version : an adult hit my kid

05-08-2007, 05:52 AM
some 34 yr old women punched my 15yr old daughter in the face, because someone told her that my daughter called her a slut because she slept with her best friends boyfriend whos 18(she didn't). my daughter called the police and they are dealing with it, but it's really wound me up because i don't belief that you should call the pigs you should sort things out like that yourself, but the problem is shes a women and you can't hit a women and thats left me feeling really wound up.i want to do her some serious damage but my family needs me at home and not back in prison for a few yrs and shes a women, sorry for going on but i just need to vent my anger otherwise i'm going to do something i regret.

Matt the Funk
05-08-2007, 06:02 AM
Wow dude...thats a sick human being...

05-08-2007, 06:19 AM
Yeah..now that the police are involved it is pretty much out of your hands. I hope your daughter is not hurt. Definitely take her to the doctor to get checked out and get the documention needed, You may need it later in a court trial. Get stoned and chill. Your family does need you there. That lady is a stupid ass.

Maui Wowie
05-08-2007, 06:22 AM
Well in some way if she goes to jail for harming a minor, it'd save the time you'd be in jail, and her cellmates probably won't be taking it easy on her.. I hope, they should send her to a male prison, then who's the slut.

05-08-2007, 06:25 AM
That must be really hard for you! That is true injustice.
But Your family is right they need you!
Try physical ex cerise for one thing.
and use that anger and focus that energy Join NORML
and get active Fight the injustice of the Drug war
getting involoved in something, will help.

Peace unto you

mamma puffpuff420
05-08-2007, 06:45 AM
that would b the worst thing 4 some 1 2 do 2 1 of my boy's
nobody but nobody touch's my boy's
come 2 me dont fuck with my kid's
and yes id do the time
she would wish she was never even born
the worst way 2 piss me off
fuck with my family
now just use ur own imagination on what id do 2 any 1
man woman make's no difference

05-08-2007, 06:46 AM
the titled likes pops out at u lol.

but yea thats fucked up. that lady needs a little time in jail or to get her ass whooped

05-08-2007, 07:04 AM
wow, hitting children is like the greatest no-no of them all. Even if a kid is trying to steal from you, you dont hit them. And this is over a girl half her age saying crap about her!? You should have had your wife go teach her a lesson

is your daughter exaggerating things a bit, as many adolecents may, or did she actually get somewhat hurt?

05-08-2007, 07:12 AM
Iâ??m only 19 but if I was a parent and that happened to my child, I would go ballistic. But like you said your family needs you and jail is no fun, I know. Hope the tramp gets what she deserves, and remember even if the law doesnâ??t do it, you cant cheat karma.

User Name Here
05-08-2007, 07:25 AM
I’m only 19 but if I was a parent and that happened to my child, I would go ballistic. But like you said your family needs you and jail is no fun, I know. Hope the tramp gets what she deserves, and remember even if the law doesn’t do it, you cant cheat karma.

off topic sorry. yo decontrol do you listen to crust?

05-08-2007, 07:27 AM
yeah. my name comes from the band and the discharge song:thumbsup: :jointsmile:

05-08-2007, 12:41 PM
is your daughter ok? make sure you press charges. Take pictures of any visible injuries.

Bodom Children Of
05-08-2007, 03:45 PM
I am karma. Vandalism under the cover of night. You can make her fear getting up in the morning without physical contact. Be creative.

05-08-2007, 03:48 PM
at night drive by and spray brake fluid on her car, it will ruin the paint

and if its in socal a girlfreind of mine boxes and likes to "clean up messes"

05-08-2007, 03:55 PM
This is one for the courts.
Let her endure the humiliation of being unable to justify her actions to a judge.

05-08-2007, 04:04 PM
...OR...:rambohead: :rambo: :Tomcat: :chainsaw: :apachecopter: :gunfighter2: :microwave: :buzz_saw: :S4: :blueknife: :clap: :jointsmile:

Bodom Children Of
05-08-2007, 04:07 PM
...OR...:rambohead: :rambo: :Tomcat: :chainsaw: :apachecopter: :gunfighter2: :microwave: :buzz_saw: :S4: :blueknife: :clap: :jointsmile:

Yes...all of those, in that order. Top the day off with a jizzoint, lmao. :jointsmile:

05-08-2007, 04:18 PM
Thats a tough one,,,I also believe we should settle as much as we can without the law getting in and messing things up... Good luck and through out all,,, it is a life experience,,, so teach for the future from it tends to be my train of thought...

smoke it
05-08-2007, 07:13 PM
press charges and take pics of the injuries.

05-08-2007, 09:11 PM
Even if your kid DID say such things, how can someone really be offended by someone they don't even know. If some random person I've never met calls me an asshole, I may chuckle, but I'm not going to go fisticuffs on his ass. Frankly, I wouldn't care. I feel for your daughter, what she (the woman) did to her was very wrong.

05-08-2007, 10:41 PM
find her addres and put a pin through her tv cable it wil stop her picture then cut the pin head off.
posion her plants
use gloves

oh and if u see her in a street throw eggs (joke)

05-08-2007, 10:43 PM
This is a tough one. If it was a guy I'd say beat the shit out of him but since it's a woman I'd say take the legal route. Don't look at it as "calling the pigs". It's not like you want them to protect you, or your having them take care of something you should be doing, or your turning in someone to save yourself. Simply look at it as revenge and teach that bitch a lesson.

05-08-2007, 10:50 PM
quote"This is one for the courts.
Let her endure the humiliation of being unable to justify her actions to a judge."

As weedmaster will agree this is the good old U fucking K we live in and the chances of it getting to court are practically nil even if the woman has a record of violence, and if she did get before a judge she most likely would end up with a small fine or community service.
Best to find a couple of right hard nutcase women and slip them a few quid to go round and give her a right good kicking, speaking from experience my sisters were always on hand to sort any hassle I had from other women.
Whatever solution you take make sure shes hurt bad and she'll not bother your kid again.


"Lang may yer lum reek"

05-09-2007, 06:21 AM
thanks everyone, going to let the police deal with it for now but i'm spreding it around the area hopefully someone will take this matter up for me.she got a car for sale at the moment, she will have to be careful of any potential buyers esp when she has to go for a test drive lol

05-09-2007, 08:32 AM
Sorry to hear that ,
But to be honest w/ you some of these kids we hear sob stories had it coming . Kids today have far to many suposed rights . Shit like that didn't happen back in the day cause kids knew they'd get an ass whoopin .
Im old school and times have changed , but the 1st thing I woulda asked her would be = " did you learn anything ?" Like respect for your elders ? Or how about - keep your mouth shut !
Crispi :jointsmile:

05-09-2007, 11:53 AM
but she didnt say anytink was rumour

i have 2 many rights,
i got probation for 12 months for swearing when i was given a death threat!

05-09-2007, 12:35 PM
press charges and take pics of the injuries.


05-11-2007, 11:56 PM
I would maybe give your child some advice to keep her mouth closed and only speak when she has something nice to say. :) She should be lucky all she got was a hit in the face and not a full on ass whooping.

I'm not saying what that 34-year old did was okay, because it wasn't. She should take a lesson on "sticks and stones may break my bones." The other hand, your duaghter let her mouth go and she learned a hard lesson, so I believe they are both at fault.

The 34 year old does deserve charges though as there was no need for her to hit your daughter. She can only retaliate back if your daughter touched her first.

05-12-2007, 05:25 AM
xcrispi and nochowderforyou, my daughter said nothing she was totally innocent dont make out she was partly to blame, and yes i know all the facts haveing heard 5 witness statements and one of those was from somebody who doesn't like my daughter so i know shes telling me the truth, i posted this for a bit of support not for people to knock my kid.my daughter and son are 2 of the most popular kids in the area and they haven't got so many friends by being mouthy its through their sence of humour and respect they show others.

05-12-2007, 05:42 AM
I feel for you weedmaster! I'm sure if it were my kids I would feel as frustrated as you do. I hope you remember though, revenge is a dish best served cold. Let the courts fuck it up. Teach your daughter that sometimes life is unfair and to try and move on. THEN....start sending the slut dead fish! If she hits kids then she is probably half way around the bend already. Make it your mission in life to push her the rest of the way around without risking jail.

- Slow -

Chronic Chrissy
05-12-2007, 02:46 PM
xcrispi and nochowderforyou, my daughter said nothing she was totally innocent dont make out she was partly to blame, and yes i know all the facts haveing heard 5 witness statements and one of those was from somebody who doesn't like my daughter so i know shes telling me the truth, i posted this for a bit of support not for people to knock my kid.my daughter and son are 2 of the most popular kids in the area and they haven't got so many friends by being mouthy its through their sence of humour and respect they show others.

Kids.lie..Especially.when.everyone.else.is.lying.a bout.the.same.thing..The.way.the.curses.and.bad.wo rds.fly.around.these.days."what.a.slut/skank"is.now.defined.as.having.too.short.of.shorts.and.l ooking.hot.at.the.same.time.but.is.taken.as.it's.a ctual.meaning.especially.because.the.34year.old.is .an.adult..
I.consider.c**t.to.be.the.worst.of.all.swears.but. kids.use.it.all.the.time.now.just.to.be.snarky..
I.feel.like.past.posters.that.there.is.no.respect. for.elders.anymore.and.it.is.directly.related.to.l etting.kids.act.and.talk.like.adults.to.adults..

I.believe.your.daughter.probably.said.it.in.a.casu al.manner.but.someone.took.it.as.a.peice.of.gossip .and.ran.with.it..

That.being.said.your.daughter.and.her.friends.shou ld.be.taught.a.lesson.about.language.swearing.and. respect.even.if.she.didn't.say.it.this.is.still.a. good.teaching.oppertunity..This"adult"should.be.investigated.by.the.athorities.and.charg ed.not.by.you..At.this.point.you.also.have.to.teac h.you.children.the.respnsible.civil.way.to.deal.wi th.this.situation.with.the.authorities.because.Dad dy.won't.always.be.there.to.deal.with.it.and.that. is.what.police.are.for..

When.I.was.18.I.wouldn't.lay.my.hands.on.a.disresp ectful.17.yearold.but.I.have.no.problem.chewing.ou t.any.disrespectful.child.or.their.parents.if.they .are.allowing.the.behavior.to.take.place..

Then.again.I'll.chase.down.school.kids.who.I.catch .littering.or.damaging.playgrounds.to.let.the.know .as.a.part.of.society.I.will.not.stand.for.them.to .disrespect.the.community.in.which.I.live.and.have .no.problem.calling.the.cops.if.I.see.a.fight.goin g.on..

Lastly.what.is.your.15.year.old.daughter.or.her.fr iends.having.anything.to.do.with.a.34.year.old.adu lt????????

05-12-2007, 03:02 PM
I didn't make the post to knock your child because that's not what I was doing, but it is not respectful to call someone names. Both were at fault, you can't deny that.

When I swore, in my days I would get a spanking and my mouth washed out with soap. Kids have it too easy these days, way to easy.

Jack the Tripper
05-12-2007, 05:39 PM
The only thing you can really do is let the authorities deal with it... but make sure they DO deal with it. Since your daughter is a minor, it's completely reasonable for you to contact them and make sure they're following up.

Also, maybe get enrolled in some father-daughter kickboxing or judo lessons... this'll give you a chance to work off some steam and teach your daughter to defend herself. Peace friend

05-12-2007, 05:51 PM
hey weedmaster, if the situation is what you think it is then yeah i see your anger, and i would have a hard time controlling myself too.

wow, hitting children is like the greatest no-no of them all. Even if a kid is trying to steal from you, you dont hit them.

But that is just wrong!!

The worst thing about UK is kids and how ''i dont give a shit'' they are.

I remember a while ago, a kid (maybe 13-12) smashed our caravan window, the whole yard pointed him out to my dad, my dad walked up to him, started having a go at him and the kid blatentley said

'' i dont care you cant touch me! ''

now giving kids this sort of immunity is whats wrong with uk, all that HOODY panic thats going on, its cos thye dont give a shit, they know that in most cases an exchange fo wrods and maybe a complaint to their parents is the worst thats going to happen, and i mean this may be enough fi the parents gave a crap, but in most cases their kid is right in the parents eyes.

In my country on the other hand, no one will take the kids word, (i mean as long as extreme injuries arent inflicted) so all kids stay in line, even when i was younger and came back to my coutnry, i wanted to do some of the stuff i was doing over here, and everyone was like scared, they where like

'' you will get your head kicked in if you do that''

and i am talking about stuff like knock down gigner (the fun game where you knock on a door and run away, every kid done it to get these HUGGE adrenieline rushes only possible these days with bunjee jumping andd such)

Seriously if i ever see kids doing someting like this (obviously over 10 yrs old) i will not hesitate to give me shit and if they get mouthy to me i will give em a smack over the head to help em stay out of trouble...

05-26-2007, 07:49 PM
Violence is the most ridiculous way to handle any situation. But, If your daughter isn't hurt let it be and see what the gov. does but if she is an eye for an eye...

06-01-2007, 05:47 AM
nearly 4 weeks now and the police haven't even interviewed her yet, i told them they are f***ing useless and not to bother. the women has however been interviewed by a couple of female friends the other day and i don't think she will be so quick to give it the big one to a minor again.justice has been served and the case is now closed.

Hardcore Newbie
06-06-2007, 03:12 AM
I can't stand older people hitting kids, if I see that shit I'd immediately start beating the shit out of the older person, as long as the kid wasn't hitting first. Sometimes I get too ballsy for my own good, it's just that this shit makes my blood boil over.

06-09-2007, 07:20 PM
wat happened in the end?

06-11-2007, 05:35 AM
can't say use your imagination.

06-11-2007, 05:52 AM
how angry id be...rrrrrrrrrr

06-18-2007, 09:10 PM
get someone else to beat that fucken ass!!If anyone hit my daughter and I knew I myself couldnt do anything i would get someone who would...FUCK THAT!

07-17-2007, 06:21 PM
That's RAGEous, woman or not, would have bombed her house, then I'd let my kid know how pissed I was at both of them, and how important it is to respect, or disrespect silently, anyone bigger than you that could punch you in the face.

07-27-2007, 01:34 AM
I would love to kick that bitches ass !!! Find out where she is lmfao !!! Who would hit a 15 yr old ??? LOSER !!!

O. G. ganja smoker
07-27-2007, 02:01 AM
i use that rule i say to myself id never hit a girl but she broke that rule first shes an adult and she hit a kid that to me would make myself cross that invisible line that i layed for myself. im Ashamed but i know myself 100%. What i would do is fine out where she lived knock on her door and as soon as she or her boyfriend answered id knock them out and then go through her house to see if anyone else were there if there was i'd also beat there ass like if it was a drum! i wouldent want any of my female friends getting involed because thats personal shit and i like to handle that shit personally. id break there legs one by one enjoying the poping noises

07-27-2007, 03:53 PM
some 34 yr old women punched my 15yr old daughter in the face, because someone told her that my daughter called her a slut because she slept with her best friends boyfriend whos 18(she didn't). my daughter called the police and they are dealing with it, but it's really wound me up because i don't belief that you should call the pigs you should sort things out like that yourself, but the problem is shes a women and you can't hit a women and thats left me feeling really wound up.i want to do her some serious damage but my family needs me at home and not back in prison for a few yrs and shes a women, sorry for going on but i just need to vent my anger otherwise i'm going to do something i regret.

Thats rough man... If somebody hit my child, Im sorry but I cant see myself allowing that person to live for more than the couple of seconds it took for me to reach them. Thats assuming I was there to witness it. Yeah Im pretty sure I would kill them. I dont have kids yet, but when I do... you fuck with my child, you WILL die. And if its a quick, gruesome death.. feel lucky that I simply reacted out of instinct. Because if it were premeditated.. believe that the torture would last for months and the body would never be discovered. Sorry I know that might seem psychotically crazy, but FUCK that shit. Im VERY protective over the people I love. And who would I love more than my kids but my future wife?

11-28-2007, 07:36 PM
I would freaking peel off her skin and feed it to her dog, then stick electrodes into here eyeballs and warm them up just a tad then stop, and repeat it until she goes blind. Then I would stick porcupine quills in her but, restrain her hands behind her back, and tether her to a pole, wait for the wounds to get infected, then cut out the quills with a butter knife, pack the wounds with salt, set her hair on fire, piss on it to put out the flames... Oh wait a minute, she only punched a kid. I guess I would send a tough woman to bash her jaw. What is up with bombing her house and torturing her for weeks? Maybe that's how the conflict in the Middle East continues and doesn't stop... I do wish the police would actually lock her up for a few days. But they've got to keep the dangerous ones like Cannabis Gran behind bars right? Chronic_Chrissy: that post is really hard to read. Is your space bar broken? I see spaces in there.

11-28-2007, 08:01 PM
Do what i do, i have alot of chick friends and some are really down to fight. So get them to fight that stupid ass bitch. It works for me all the time.

11-29-2007, 04:38 AM
I would chop off all the persons fingers and then stuff them in his/her mouth

04-11-2008, 06:15 PM
when i was in 6th grade, my brother and i were tossing a ball and we played till dark and the ball rolled over into the neihbor's yard.
so we got a flash light and went looking for the ball, the dude came out and told us he was gonna whip our ass cause we were shinning it in his window,we werent, we laughed at him, yeah we were punks, and went told our dad he came out pissed off
and it escalated into the dude telling my dad he would go get his gun,wrong thing to say to my dad.
the guy said he had a 357 revolver and he was going to get it and shoot him ,my dad told him before he could draw back the hammer he would put 5 .22 shell's in him.and he was deadly serious. he told the dude to go get his gun and meet back outside. my dad went and got his rifle a .22 automatic, luckily the guy didnt come back out of his house cause i know my dad would have shot him.
my dad can hit a squirrel at 100 yards with that gun i have seen him do it. the dude would have been dead.
the way to deal with that lady is next time you see her call her a cunt and let her take a swing at you, she wont,but if she does
now you are defending yourself and can pummel her ass.
if you touch my kid you better hope the police get to you before i do cause im gonna make you try to hit me, then im going to town on your ass.you dont touch a kid even if they are mouthy.
you walk away your the adult in the situation. that lady really is a cunt.

texas grass
05-07-2008, 02:09 PM
im with xcrispi, 9.5 times out of 10 kids dont have respect for elders or anyone at that matter. im not saying your daughter did anything or all kids are disrespectful. but in all the cases i have seen young kids these days they are 10x more disrespectful than my generation