View Full Version : mad CRAZY scare today

05-03-2007, 12:45 AM
so today, 3 of us (let's call the other two john and nate) all hung out at john's house and had a nice sesh with about a 1/4 of some northern lights. we had just cashed our third bowl, all loudly proclaiming how stoned/ripped/trashed we were, when i look out the open window and see a FUCKING COP CAR stopped on the street right beside john's driveway. so i tell the other two to quiet down, and once we get all the paraphenalia(sp?) out of sight of the window, the cop drives away. so we all decide to go over to john's dad's house because his mom had just gotten home and his dad doesn't care if we smoke. i forgot my shit at his mom's place, so while they're walking over to his dad's casa, i go back upstairs and collect my belongings. then, as i take my first step out of the door, what do i see but that VERY FUCKING SAME COP CAR parked right across the street. i keep walking, and see it speed off down the road. the whole time i was walking, i swear to god i could hear that car following me. i made it to the house okay, but from now on, we're DEFINATELY going to be more careful about our sessions.

hope all that made sense.

fuckin gone :stoned:

go toke up
05-03-2007, 02:29 AM
you are one paranoid dude lol

05-03-2007, 02:33 AM
/\/\ aint that the truth

Little Boy
05-03-2007, 02:39 AM
they're after u!...is it a nice neighborhood? or do u deal out of the house?

05-04-2007, 09:23 PM
I think your just paranoid but still that is pretty sketchy

05-05-2007, 08:53 PM
cops pull that shit here to one night me and my homeboy were just walkin to another friends house to get a sack as were walking up to the doorstep a cop pulls up across the street and just posts there for a minute then right before we went in he turned his spotlight on us so we just knocked on the door like nothing happened as soon as we get in the house we look the cops still there with its spotlight on the house so we hide the bongs and everthing he just stayed there for like 5 mins it wasnt a dealers house or anything it was just a homeboy hookin it up but that was some crazy shit to me

05-06-2007, 04:53 AM
yeah, i probably should have explained that all the cops in this town know exactly what our whole group of friends does on the weekends (a bunch of us have gotten in a little trouble here or there lately)

and it's NEVER normal in this town for a cop to just stop like that in front of somebody's house.