View Full Version : Using Marijuana While Breastfeeding

Chronic Chrissy
04-13-2007, 03:44 PM
I came across this post and wanted to see what othe parents thought about it. I breastfeed currently 9 months now and see us going on a bit past a year, so maybe this isn't a concern to others but it is to us and will be for a bit. So give it a read and tell me where you stand.

"Around here we have 2 types of marijuana users. The gateway drug users who at the same time are doing meth and crack usually anywhere from teens to early adults, but the range does vary.. Theses are drug abusers. These people ruin their lives. The other type are the seasoned user, who takes part on a regular basis to achieve a certain level of medication to live and function in their day to daily life. But that is off topic.

As for it being illegal that's not a fact everywhere. Even in places where it is illegal it is also a prescription drug, such as in the US, and it can be grown and used with government regulation and monitoring. Here in my area of Canada it is also illegal in the same way, the difference is that the law just doesn't care so long as it is not grown and sold for mass profit, it isn't mass prepackaged baggies, and the obvious not sold to children.
Here I grow my own marijuana. You can apply for permits, we also have the largest government operated grow operation in the country. I have had the police to my house for many different reasons atleast 4 times recently and each time no one asked for my permit. Here we can walk down the street with a joint, we don't hide it at all.
I think that the illegal nature of this drug should be left out, any prescription drug taken without a prescription is illegal. If you have some old ointment for a rash that you choose to use 6 months after your last outbreak and your doctor only precribed it for 2 months, if you don't consult your doctor that is use of a controled substance. But then again most moms here are from the US thus are judging on their countries laws and portrayal of a drug the gov't is having a war with, of course the gov't, wants to taint the information by testing mothers who take part in other illegal uses of drugs, unhealthy life choices, and/or abuse legal drugs like alcohol. Another tactic that they use is to not preform the proper tests, or not release information gathered. Then there are all the tests that are "inconclusive", yet still do not release the results or their definition of "inconclusive".
Also there are many studies that are conducted on subjects who SMOKE marijuana and not use a VAPORIZER. I THIINK WE CAN ALL AGREE THAT SMOKING IS BAD AND HAS MANY NEGITIVE EFFECTS. So many tests refer to the use of marijuana but don't have a control group regaurding the method of administration, whether it is smoked, injested, or inhaled with a vaporizer, not to metion there are marijuana ointments which relieve pain topically. Many of the ill effect of marijuana that they conclude in these studies are directly related to the SMOKING of marijuana.

Another thing I must point out is that mothers who do use marijuana are often very reluctant to openly share their experiences because in many cases it is illegal. There are so many Closet Users who hide from the world or even create the illusion that they are very against the use. I can't help but compare it to mothers who have miscarages. You think that no body else has experienced it til it happens to you and you find a support group of so many mothers who you wouldn't expect who have been through and experienced what you have. People keep it to themselves. I never knew so many marijuana using moms there were 'til I became one then the protective walls came down and the hidden act is revealed and you relize that appearences and what people want you to see are different then what is going on.

When looking for acurate information I believe you have to look for studies done independently, or from other countries where marijuana is not attacked as such.

Here on MDC we take examples from other parenting tactics from other cultures, regaurding babywearing, breastfeeding, EC, even having a drink of wine or two with dinner, or drinking on occasion. We point to these other cultures where it is accepted and embraced as a effective and moderatly safe, and say "see this is why it works so great for them, we can apply these tactics here", well there are countries where they partake and use marijuana to treat a variety of ailments on a regular basis, and it is accepted culturally, we should be looking at these societies and making the choice for ourselves, not allowing the government to tell us what they want us to believe to be the truth.

When you break down the situation, as with anything you put in your body while pg or bf, we tend to consult our doctors to guild us. Well in a country where you can be sued in the medical profession the doctors tend to cover their asses, and as with any substacne that they don't fully understand or have accurate information for deem it a risk. Not to metion that any doctor willing to come out and lead this "crusade" has so much risk to they're professional life. Better safe than sorry they say.

We as a mothering community choose to try and use natural and tradtional methods for everything, including what we put in our body, turning to non-medication solution to our health issues when possible. Midwives make suggestions to pg moms to use Marijuana to treat various things such as morning sickness, and to increase appetite.
First I have to point out that THC is fat, oil, or alcohol soluble so it needs to enter the fat cells in order for the THC to be realeased into your body. In the same situation the THC MUST begin to be absorbed when in contact with any of these substances, and in the body at this point begin being broken down.
In the making of Canna Oil or Butter for cooking the oil and fat suck all the THC from the shake or bud, and if done over the proper amount of time once the foliage is strained from the solution it then is striped of it's THC.
So when it enters the body the effects aren't experienced 'til the THC makes contact with the fat and is released, you continue to feel the effect as long as the THC is available to be released and used up, much like vitamins, it then has to be replaced.
Now yes there are minute amounts of THC left in your body which can be picked up during drug testing, drug testing identifies the compounds which makes up THC, that means when they are togather and when risidual compounds after being broken down, this is why drug tests can indicate that you've used marijuana weeks ago. Now I mentioned that THC can travel through your body, well these are the THC compounds that have not come in comtact with fat because if it had it would have been broken down. So really you can only have THC found in your system for a few days after using, but the fragments can still be found for weeks.
Now breastfeeding. Doctors state that THC enters your breastmilk because it is fat soluble and milk stores are made from substances from all areas of stores throughout the body. But inorder to enter the breastmilk it has to travel through fat but once it enters your fat cells it starts breaking down already and by the time it enters your breastmilk, then by the time you feed your child the THC is mostly broken down.
There are studies that prove that you can find out if a mother has used marijuana by testing a breastfed infant. What the neglect to inform anyone of is just how much THC actually makes it to the child and whether it is fragments of the compound that were already broken down in the mothers body. I will say that yes minute amounts may travel through your milk much like alcohol but on a smaller scale.

Another argument I've seen is that it isn't right to be intoxicated while caring for children, because it impairs your ability to care for your child. Lots of things impair your ability to properly care for your child, not just alcohol, but also sleep deprivation, migranes, pain, anxiety, hyperactivity, all of these things can also be relieved using marjuana therapy, but that's not the point. The point is that this is a form a medication not intoxication or recreational use to be abused. Different individuals respond differently to different medications over different periods of time, this is why we have a prescription medication system and doctors. If marijuana is having an intoxicating effect on you then I suggest you not care for children as I would also advise for anyone using any other form of medication with the same effect.

What it comes down to is your personal choice, and in many instanse the choice to self medicate if you are unable to recieve a prescription but it betters your day to day life. It isn't right for everyone, but for some it in not an intoxication but a tool to allow them to get and give the most the most of themselves, and no one should be judged for wanting to share the best you, and sometimes you needs help to function better."

12-08-2007, 10:29 PM
I'm 50,daughter born in '78 and I smoked pot during and while nursing,also went back to work w/in a week,I rode racehorses for a living for 20 or so years pro..Daughter dearest is fine and she hasn't any ill effects from it ever.Pot ,the least of ur problems in proego time.ull b fine honey.

03-07-2008, 12:28 AM
if a woman smokes whilst breastfeeding, the cannabis can still be found in babies urine for upto 3 weeks after! Not a good thing in my opinion. Im sure people say how fine their kids are after smoking, but then you dont know how much their emotional and mental development has been stunted as a result

Opie Yutts
05-28-2008, 06:26 PM
While in the womb, I was hit in the head with a board 3 times daily, and I turned out just fine.

05-28-2008, 08:42 PM
From what I've read, you should avoid the intake of cannabinoids while breast feeding. They can be transmitted to your baby through the milk.. also avoid it while you're pregnant too.

BUT CHECK THIS OUT...............

Breast milk already contains natural cannabinoids!

Babies need to eat(drink) a large amount. Thanks to nature, the "endogenous cannabinoids" (endocannabinoids) in the breast milk will give your little one the munchies which will encourage it's appetite.

from Cannabinoids - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannabinoids)

The endocannabinoid 2-AG has been found in bovine and human maternal milk.

and Breast milk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breast_milk)

Mother's milk has been shown to supply a type of endocannabinoid (the natural neurotransmitters which marijuana simulates), 2-Arachidonoyl glycerol.

Press About Marni Jackson - Pain, the fifth vital sign (http://www.marnijackson.com/journalism/cannabinoids.html)

The same substance in cannabis that can help people with multiple sclerosis deal with musle spasms, or cancer patients cope with nausea, is present in human breast milk too. Endogeneous cannabinoids, as they're known, are part of the body's own painkilling resources -cousins to more familiar ones like endorphins. Receptors for cannabinoids, located in the brain, spine and peripheral nerves, have just been discovered in the past decade.

The endocannabinoid signaling system: a potential target for next-generation therapeutics for alcoholism (http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1975858)

Endocannabinoids are present in peripheral tissues as well as in the brain, and recently they were found to be present in breast milk.

05-31-2008, 01:29 AM
Cannabinoids have been shown to affect axon growth in a developing brain. This does not prove its important for a working brain, but it provides evidence that it can certainly affect the brain in some way. I'm a huge fan of smoking pot and I think its great and I'd almost be ready to say fuck it, but would you let your one year old eat a brownie or a vape (cause I know you wouldn't let him/her smoke it)? There may be endocannabinoids in breast milk, but there's no need to risk adding more.

Then again, the effects are probably very minor...

Opie Yutts
06-02-2008, 10:56 PM
BUT CHECK THIS OUT...............

Breast milk already contains natural cannabinoids!

Sigh... I wish I was a baby again.

06-03-2008, 12:48 AM
Yeah me too. Cannabis in breast milk would be good. Quiet the littlemonster right down.;)

Chronic Chrissy
06-11-2008, 04:33 AM
[quote=partcleguy]but would you let your one year old eat a brownie or a vape (cause I know you wouldn't let him/her smoke it)?
There may be endocannabinoids in breast milk, but there's no need to risk adding more.

If you read my PP you would have learnt that by the time the consumed cannabinoids reach the breast milk they no longer effective, not to metion breast milk can sit around in there for quite a while before it is consumed.

As for your question why add more...
When my daughter was born she was a very efficient breastfeeder and my milk was in fast, but she had no interest. Her weight dropped drastically and and they wanted me to suppliment her with formula. Relutantly they let us go home when I insisted that the only thing that would help her gain weight was nursing. Within 3 days of us being home and me smoking again she wanted to feed more often. We breastfed for a full year, and even then she was a petite girl, but healthy. When we stopped she lost interest in food again. The Dr's didn't understand why she got better for so long, but then relapsed. If she wouldn't been given those "munchies" all predictions would have deemed her failure to thrive. But because she got that boost her first year she was carried through to an age where she out grew it.

She's 2, unbelievably smart, active, and ahead of all her peers, inseady of being a sickly frail baby. Oh and man can she pack in that food now!

06-11-2008, 04:52 AM
tits that get me high??? SIGN ME UP

08-29-2008, 11:54 AM
Well:) I guess what what I'd still like to know if it gona be in the baby's system if she's tested?:smokin:Have a daughter that smokes.We've all started smoking (Cannabis,cigaretts) outside since baby Beth has got home. My daughter wants to start back smoking cannabis.Will it be in the baby too? Or does it not transfer?

texas grass
08-29-2008, 12:48 PM
good little read. You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Chronic Chrissy again.
were about to have a baby pop out in about middle of nov and were goin to breastfeed. the wife smokes most the day(but is also sick all day) and it helps her alot. the baby is always kicking and seems to be way better than last one(lost at 5 months). the wife might be smoking, but we are smoking organic safe buds. she hasnt taken any type of advil/tylanol or any other type of chemicals that linger in the body.
the reason we want to breastfeed is because it is way healthier and more productive for babies.

i am now a slave to making sure my baby is healthier and has a better life and environment to live than i have

08-29-2008, 03:35 PM
Great read!! The wife and I have been arguing for weeks about this with friends and family. I haven't been able to find anything reputable in writing to show them, but my arguement was that I would MUCH rather my wife smoke occasionally if she needs to, (she is having the yucks and mood swings from hell) to help her than to take any pills.
Someone, please, show me in writing were pot is more harmful than tylenol even. Granted smoking isn't the best delivery, but I am talking about vape and edibles. We were told that if she pee's hot, they will not let us get WIC, and may even take the baby. So, she basically doesn't medicate at all, unless she absolutely needs to. I have been helping her with relaxation techniques. Self hypnosis, meditation, that sort.
Does anyone know if MMJ patients are recommended from their docs to stop cannabis whilst pregnant?

the image reaper
08-29-2008, 03:50 PM
I had to stop breast-feeding while smoking MJ, (was accidentally burning her) ;)

beachguy in thongs
08-29-2008, 03:57 PM
The perinatal stage and adolescence are stages of high neuronal plasticity. I would avoid having my seven year-old smoke cannabis, and, also, my girlfriend when she's five months pregnant, until childbirth.

texas grass
08-31-2008, 04:10 PM
hey sns, ive never heard of them drug testing for WIC, my wife is on it and i know countless others on it and have never heard of drug testing. good luck on everything

Chronic Chrissy
08-31-2008, 07:18 PM
Great read!! The wife and I have been arguing for weeks about this with friends and family. I haven't been able to find anything reputable in writing to show them, but my arguement was that I would MUCH rather my wife smoke occasionally if she needs to, (she is having the yucks and mood swings from hell) to help her than to take any pills.
Someone, please, show me in writing were pot is more harmful than tylenol even. Granted smoking isn't the best delivery, but I am talking about vape and edibles. We were told that if she pee's hot, they will not let us get WIC, and may even take the baby. So, she basically doesn't medicate at all, unless she absolutely needs to. I have been helping her with relaxation techniques. Self hypnosis, meditation, that sort.
Does anyone know if MMJ patients are recommended from their docs to stop cannabis whilst pregnant?

my doc and midwife told me not to quit because of stress, they said stress was more harmful than mj

08-31-2008, 10:20 PM
thanks guys!!!

10-04-2008, 10:41 AM
if a woman smokes whilst breastfeeding, the cannabis can still be found in babies urine for upto 3 weeks after! Not a good thing in my opinion. Im sure people say how fine their kids are after smoking, but then you dont know how much their emotional and mental development has been stunted as a result

You are right.

10-04-2008, 12:23 PM
I do not agree with women who are pregnant or breast feeding consuming cannabis .
Even if some claim the risk is minimal why would you take any risks with a child ?
I do not believe it is harmless.
IMO anyone who tokes whilst pregnant or breastfeeding is being completely selfish.

As for the idea that there are two distinct types of users I would have to say that I strongly disagree that cannabis is in any way a "gateway" drug , this is a goverment argument that is used to demonise cannabis. The "type" of users is as varied as thier reasons for using and that's as varied as the human race is.

Chronic Chrissy
10-04-2008, 01:47 PM
I do not agree with women who are pregnant or breast feeding consuming cannabis .
Even if some claim the risk is minimal why would you take any risks with a child ?
I do not believe it is harmless.
IMO anyone who tokes whilst pregnant or breastfeeding is being completely selfish.

As for the idea that there are two distinct types of users I would have to say that I strongly disagree that cannabis is in any way a "gateway" drug , this is a goverment argument that is used to demonise cannabis. The "type" of users is as varied as thier reasons for using and that's as varied as the human race is.

I said "Around HERE" and in the typical user in my area of the country. I personally don't believe that the bud itself is a gateway drug but I do believe that for many recreational users with addiction tendencies cannibis can be trigger, that helps develope and strengthen a addiction. But over-shopping can have the safe "I feel good" blanket too, it's not about the drug it's about people who don't need it to treat ailments being weak to beginwith and suseptible. It puts them right at that fine line where they can either be enjoying, or abusing anything at all for the emotional and physical payback.

Just because they aren't taken seriously doesn't mean anything can be an addiction.

Further more stress is a bigger killer of babies utimately, unborn or alive, than any other thing, especially stress in the one person they are most connected with. I treated anxiety, severe postpartum depression, morning sickness, insomnia, and malnutrition using cannibis during my pregnancy and while breastfeeding. You go through all that and tell me that one herb to treat it all isn't better that all the scrips and unhealthy things the doctors tell you to do.
I was told to eat fastfood, junk, carbs, and tonnes of foods that contain so many unhealthy chemicles and toxins that are only make to fool your body into thinking it is food. I was told to stop walking my dogs so I wouldn't burn so many calories. And I was told that without the scripts My stress would kill me baby when I started bleeding. Marijuana saved me and my daughters life, just like the other herbs I used from the bush and the land.

Oh and if you would like to know there are amazing new studies taking place on the placenta. You see it is designed to push all toxins away from the baby and act like a filter, we all have it. They are finding however that there are some people whose placentas "push" better than others. That is why things like Fetal Alcohol Syndrom occur and also why it seems to run in families. It really is bringing a whole new understanding to what the fetus is actually exposed to. There are some toxins and meds that can flow through it though.

10-31-2008, 01:17 PM
This hasnt been touched on in a short period, but I am curious as to if anyone has found any publications from the Netherlands?
As was stated in the original post, the info available is mainly untrustworthy due to influences from a government who is actively fighting a war against the plant.
I also understand that we as humans have been using this plant for medicinal purposes for over 8000 years. You would think that is there were a connection to harming a child with "tainted" breast milk or during pregnancy it would be common knowledge as eating certain berries is.
If anyone can find anything that is positive or even negitive that has been published in the Netherlands in regard to cannabis consumption during pregnancy and breastfeeding I would most appreciate reading it.

11-01-2008, 12:35 AM
I smoked pot throughout my pregnancy (cut down a lot though), but quit drinking and smoking cigarettes. Although I forgive myself because I was managing a business, in an abusive relationship with a raging alcoholic, and stress was at an all time high, I still regret my choice because it could be responsible for some of my child's difficulties in life. She was born a little early and therefore very small. Although she's 16 now, she had problems learning to read (although she overcame and scores high on English exams now/is an excellent writer), but still has trouble in math, and is bipolar, like me. There is no way to say for sure whether I am to blame or not. If I had it to do all over again, I wouldn't choose to smoke while pregnant, and would definitely not get pregnant by a wife beater lol. :icon506:

I know other moms who have smoked though and had no problems with their kids, so who's to say. At least it's natural. Do what you gotta do ladies but be prepared for feelings of extreme guilt later.

11-30-2008, 03:49 AM
It's off a website..you know the legal buds you get! lol I dont want to do the real thing, so I wanna get alittle off some legal bud! Anyone know if it's ok to do this? PLEASE ANSWER! Thanks!

11-30-2008, 04:39 AM
Unless you know EXACTLY what's in "legal bud", I wouldn't go putting it in your baby's body. Plain & simple. Why risk it?
Better to wait one last month and then get stoned as hell after you've had the baby.
You'll feel better about yourself...
Oh, and it's not cool to threadjack. :rastasmoke: Sorry Chrissy!

Chronic Chrissy
11-30-2008, 02:52 PM
Unless you know EXACTLY what's in "legal bud", I wouldn't go putting it in your baby's body. Plain & simple. Why risk it?
Better to wait one last month and then get stoned as hell after you've had the baby.
You'll feel better about yourself...
Oh, and it's not cool to threadjack. :rastasmoke: Sorry Chrissy!

A month! OMG I would never consider breastfeeding a baby for less than a year and think that two years is the best thing anyparent can do for their children. There are so many studies related to the dangers of formula feeding if you just search them out instead of reading what society force feeds us.

03-13-2009, 04:09 AM
:bump2: :D

03-13-2009, 07:21 AM
A friend of our was pregnant.....you know how normally a woman will get morning sickness for the first month or so ...she threw up during her entire pregnancy...was admitted to the hospital multipul times due to dehydration

The only thing that helped her was weed to hold down food....and she has always breast feed and smoked after delivery

03-13-2009, 01:37 PM
if you cant stop smoking to feed your child then bottle feed him, dont put THC in his body

honestly though most mothers wouldnt consider getting high anywhere near their child, let alone give him some of the drug too. bottle feed him

06-24-2009, 04:36 AM
My wife and I are expecting out first baby ina month or so. she will breastfeed. she dont smoke or drink, but if she did I would'nt like to risk it during pregnancy or during breast feeding.

Chronic Chrissy
11-19-2009, 11:49 PM
Here's a question to ask yourself. How long is THC reactive in your body? And how long does it take for milk to be produced, which by the way comes from mostly fat reserves? By the time your milk is made the THC has already reacted in your body long ago and the reason why the child may test positive is because non-reactive fragments are past on, not reactive THC. I'm not ignorant, just well informed. If I believed my child was in any danger or at a health risk I wouldn't do it. I use herbs to treat everything while pregnant and breastfeeding, and marijuana is just another herb safer than the prescriptions I would be on. I mean come on I eat my own placenta to ward off post partum depression.

What would you rather stomach? a joint, or a chunk of raw placenta smoothy? Point made.

11-19-2009, 11:56 PM
Women and people in general can choose to raise their child anyway theu want....but be prepared for some disgusted looks while breastfeeding a walking and talking 2 year old child. But hey....this is America....

11-19-2009, 11:58 PM
and arent you ready for a full night sleep? We switched to Infamile AR premixed formula at 6 months and it was the BEST thing we did.....boy slept better than he EVER did with breastmilk.....and is bigger now than some 2 year olds...not fat wise...just a big kid....im beamin:D

10-31-2010, 06:59 AM
I do not agree with women who are pregnant or breast feeding consuming cannabis .
Even if some claim the risk is minimal why would you take any risks with a child ?
I do not believe it is harmless.
IMO anyone who tokes whilst pregnant or breastfeeding is being completely selfish.

As for the idea that there are two distinct types of users I would have to say that I strongly disagree that cannabis is in any way a "gateway" drug , this is a goverment argument that is used to demonise cannabis. The "type" of users is as varied as thier reasons for using and that's as varied as the human race is.

For you to say that anyone who tokes whilst pregnant or breastfeeding is being completely selfish is pretty narrow minded thing to say. FYI in my situation I was so sick that with in the first 4 weeks i lost over 30 lbs and was hospitalized 2 times for dehydration. If it wasnt for smoking I would not have been able to hold any food down or have an appetite. As a matter of fact I was told many years ago that i would not be able to carry a baby because of several health problems and if it wasnt for me smoking marijuana I would have lost my child.

10-31-2010, 02:18 PM
An interesting read, thanks Granny Storm Crow, got herb?...:stoned:

Jun-27-2010 02:00
Cannabis Reduces Infant Mortality
Storm Crow for Salem-News.com
Surprising connections between "Failure-to-Thrive" and Cannabinoids.

Image from a story about the Use Of Non-Psychoactive Cannabinoids In The Treatment Of Neurodegenerative Diseases from Science Daily

(NORTHERN CALIFORNIA) - Years ago, a friend of mine, a good Christian lady, had a child with "failure to thrive". She had CPS all over her, looking for even the tiniest trace of child neglect. They found none. The child was well cared for, but she just didn't seem that interested in eating. Her bottles often went half finished.

I believe that those bottles of formula, given from birth, were major part of the problem. Our bodies make chemicals called "endocannabinoids" that are closely related to THC and cannabidiol (CBD). Endocannabinoids control many bodily functions and are excreted into breast milk. When lactating female rabbits were injected with CBD, a non-psychoactive, plant-derived cannabinoid, there was "a significant accumulation of the drug in milk." [1]

Endocannabinoids are also detected in human and cow's milk, with the highest levels occurring the day after giving birth. This healthy dose of naturally-occurring endocannabinoids stimulates the suckling reflex in newborn mammals, including humans[2].

When newborn mice are given a chemical to block the effect between endocannabinoids and their CB receptors, the mice simply don't know how to eat. Yet, if the blocking agent is mixed with an equivalent amount of THC, the mice eat and grow normally[3].

CB receptors work kind of like an ignition switch. First, you need the right kind of "key" (the right-shaped cannabinoid) to go into the "keyhole" (the receptor) to turn on the "engine's" action (suckling, stopping pain or inflammation, or maybe killing a cancer cell). Phytocannabinoids (cannabinoids from plants, like THC) can mimic the effects of your endocannabinoids - they can turn on the same "ignition switches" as your body's own cannabinoids. The blocking agents (antagonists) are like sticking a broken key stub in the keyhole. You can't get a real key in, and the engine can't turn on.

Scientists have bred mice that do not have CB receptors. They are poor, sickly things, prone to all sorts of ailments. Some scientists believe that there are people like those mice, having fewer than normal, or dysfunctional, CB receptors. And infants born with this condition have growth failure resulting from an inability to ingest food, just like those newborn mice[4].)

If "failure to thrive" infants were being breast-fed, they would get at least some of their mother's normal endocannabinoids from her milk. If she were using cannabis, logically, her breast milk would contain not only her own endocannabinoids, but also the phytocannabinoids, THC and CBD. In CB receptor-deficient children, an extra dose of phytocannabinoids could make the difference between "failure to thrive" and a healthy child! However, since receptor deficiency is inheritable, the mother may be deficient, too, and unable to give her child sufficient amounts of endocannabinoids in her milk.

But all this is just conjecture on my part. Just me, grouping together various studies to make a theory about "failure to thrive" babies. Medical science surely isn't going to say that having Mom smoking a little pot in the evening is going to help her baby do better, is it?

Well, tonight, I found a study that seems to say just that! It's a sad little thing - an abstract of a study on the death of babies - yet vital facts can be learned from those soulless statistical studies. This one gave the infant death rates per 1,000 live births, and the drugs, if any, that the mother used during pregnancy.

A total of 2,964 babies were drug-tested at birth to see if they were positive for drugs - cocaine, opioids or cannabis were studied. 44% of the infants tested positive for all varieties of drugs, including the 3 being studied. During the first two years of their lives, 44 babies from the original group died. Since statistics are a drag to slog through, I'll cut right to the chase - the deaths per thousand live births - the numbers tell the story.

"No drugs at birth" deaths....... 15.7 deaths per 1000 live births

"Cocaine positive" deaths.......17.7 deaths per 1000 live births

"Opiate positive" deaths.......18.4 deaths per 1000 live births

"Cannabis positive" deaths.... 8.9 deaths per 1000 live births [5]

The cocaine and opiate babies have a higher death rate than the "No drugs" babies - that was to be expected. But look at the "cannabis" babies! Having extra cannabinoids in their bodies at birth (and likely later, from 2nd-hand exposure, or breast milk) seems to have some sort of a protective effect. The "cannabis" infants have a mortality rate almost half of what the "No drugs" infants have!

Cannabis has a remarkable safety record - it has never caused a single death by overdose, so it is safer than the Tylenol that we give to our children. Some cannabinoids, like CBD, can't get you high no matter how much you take, but are still quite effective medically. Perhaps it is time that someone considers doing a study of pediatric, non-psychoactive cannabinoid use to treat "failure to thrive" infants!

The studies below, and more, will appear in the new version of my list of medical cannabis studies and articles. It will be available around the beginning of August. For now, you can get a free copy of my current list (250 pages of MMJ links like those below), by emailing me at: [email protected].

[1] Mammary excretion of cannabidiol in rabbits after intravenous administration - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/

[2] Born with the munchies - newscientist.com/

[3] Critical role of the endogenous cannabinoid system in mouse pup suckling and growth - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/

[4] The endocannabinoid-CB receptor system: Importance for development and in pediatric disease - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/

[5] Mortality Within the First 2 Years in Infants Exposed to Cocaine, Opiate, or Cannabinoid During Gestation - pediatrics.aappublications.org

Cannabis Reduces Infant Mortality - Salem-News.Com (http://www.salem-news.com/articles/june272010/marijuana-infants-sc.php)

11-05-2010, 12:26 AM
I agree a even a pot smoking mom has better milk than any formula....

"Human milk expressed by mothers who have been lactating for >1 year has significantly increased fat and energy contents, compared with milk expressed by women who have been lactating for shorter periods. During prolonged lactation, the fat energy contribution of breast milk to the infant diet might be significant."
-- Mandel 2005

"Breast milk continues to provide substantial amounts of key nutrients well beyond the first year of life, especially protein, fat, and most vitamins."
-- Dewey 2001

In the second year (12-23 months), 448 mL of breastmilk provides:
29% of energy requirements
43% of protein requirements
36% of calcium requirements
75% of vitamin A requirements
76% of folate requirements
94% of vitamin B12 requirements
60% of vitamin C requirements
-- Dewey 2001

Nursing toddlers between the ages of 16 and 30 months have been found to have fewer illnesses and illnesses of shorter duration than their non-nursing peers (Gulick 1986).

"Antibodies are abundant in human milk throughout lactation" (Nutrition During Lactation 1991; p. 134). In fact, some of the immune factors in breastmilk increase in concentration during the second year and also during the weaning process. (Goldman 1983, Goldman & Goldblum 1983, Institute of Medicine 1991).

Per the World Health Organization, "a modest increase in breastfeeding rates could prevent up to 10% of all deaths of children under five: Breastfeeding plays an essential and sometimes underestimated role in the treatment and prevention of childhood illness."

Extensive research on the relationship between cognitive achievement (IQ scores, grades in school) and breastfeeding has shown the greatest gains for those children breastfed the longest.

A US Surgeon General has stated that it is a lucky baby who continues to nurse until age two. (Novello 1990)

The World Health Organization emphasizes the importance of nursing up to two years of age or beyond (WHO 1993, WHO 2002).

Extended nursing delays the return of fertility in some women by suppressing ovulation (References).

Breastfeeding reduces the risk of breast cancer For the Mother. Studies have found a significant inverse association between duration of lactation and breast cancer risk.

Breastfeeding reduces the risk of ovarian cancer for the mom(References).

Breastfeeding reduces the risk of uterine cancer for the mother(References).

Breastfeeding reduces the risk of endometrial cancer for the mother(References).

Calories (per ounce) / Fat (per ounce)
human milk 22 (average)â?*/ 1.2 (average)â?*
infant formula 20 / 1.06
cow milk (whole) 19 / 1.00

Refrences (http://www.kellymom.com/bf/bfextended/ebf-refs.html)
KellyMom (http://www.kellymom.com/bf/bfextended/ebf-benefits.html)
LLLI (http://www.llli.org/FAQ/bflength.html)

11-16-2010, 02:00 PM
Women and people in general can choose to raise their child anyway theu want....but be prepared for some disgusted looks while breastfeeding a walking and talking 2 year old child. But hey....this is America....
Well, if we lived in a society where people actually knew what was what, instead of just reacting to things, there's a chance you would be the one getting disgusted looks for switching to formula when your baby was only 6 months old.
But, like you pointed out, this is amerika.

11-16-2010, 03:23 PM
breatfeeding a walking and talking child is pretty hilarious and funny......talk about a parent not letting go.......they SHOULD be stared at everywhere they go if they are doing it in public, my boy is 2 and doesn't have a binky or use a bottle anymore. Ya know.....cause he is TWO and can drink out of a regular cup now.

Breastfeeding a walking and talking child......that mental picture in soooooo funny. Poor kid.

For all these studies there is another one that contradicts it. Breastfeed your kid till he is 10 if you want.....but you should expect the muffled whispers and outright mocking you will recieve. And if your breatfeeding a 2 year old AND smoking weed......you could be charged with a crime and have your children taken from you.